Chapter 570 Being a Servant

Shen Zhiyi knelt down and slowly lifted a strand of broken hair for her, "Shen Yichun, you are to blame for everything. If you break the law, you will be sanctioned. Think about it in front of the police!"

"No! Bitch, let me go, I'm going to kill you..."

As Shen Zhiyi gradually left, Shen Yichun's cursing voice also became smaller and finally disappeared.

No one's patience is unlimited. She gave Shen Yichun a chance, but it was just like this that made her push forward and do so many outrageous things.

If it wasn't for Shen Zhiyi's luck, she might have been ruined by Shen Yichun long ago.

There will be no more opportunities, and she should get the punishment she deserves. Perhaps, only staying in the police station is her final salvation.

Shen Zhiyi also wondered why Liu Xiang was nowhere to be seen after Shen Yichun's accident. Who knew she would visit the door the next day.

Liu Xiang carried gifts in large and small packages, and nodded and bowed when he spoke, without any of the haughty demeanor of the mistress of the Shen family before.

"Zhizhi, I haven't seen you for a long time, and I don't know what you and Dashu Xiaobao like, so I just bought some here. Auntie's financial conditions are not very good recently, so don't be disgusted!"

Xiaobao came over, opened one of the gifts playfully, and immediately made a disgusted expression, "What, why is it a doll, I hate this the most!"

"Ah? You don't like dolls, so what does Little Treasure like? Grandma go buy them?"

Xiao Bao immediately retorted, "Hey, you are not my grandma, my grandma has already flown into the sky and turned into a star, okay?"

"Also, I like Bell's children's headphones, can you buy them for me?"

Isn't the opportunity here?Liu Xiang rubbed his hands excitedly, "Of course, it's just a pair of earphones, how much is it, and... can I buy it for you?"

"The one with low configuration will cost 100 million at least, why don't we go now?"

Liu Xiang's face immediately changed color, and he hesitated to fart anymore.

"Ms. Liu, take the gift back. My house is small and I can't fit it!" Shen Zhi thought that she had almost lost face, so he said.

"This..." Liu Xiang pretended to be embarrassed, and then patted his forehead, "It's all my fault, I came here blindly without knowing your preferences, Zhizhi, don't mind! That... Zhizhi, you are here recently How are you doing? Auntie is worried. She said she would come to visit you, but she has no time. If you can help me, just tell me that Auntie will go through fire and water!"

Shen Zhiyi signaled to the servant to take Xiaobao and Dashu out to play, and then she picked up the tea and drank leisurely.

Liu Xiang stared eagerly, and could only babble. After talking so much, she was almost dying of thirst. This damn girl didn't know how to pour her a glass of water, it was really rude.

Shen Zhiyi put down the teacup and fiddled with her nails, "If Ms. Liu came here because of Shen Yichun's affairs, I advise you to come back, it's not good to hurt your peace!"

"No, no, no, I'm not doing it for Yichun!" Liu Xiang waved his hands quickly, lest he couldn't explain clearly, "That damned girl did so many bad things, she even killed her relatives, and sent Shujie to the police station with her own hands. She also lied to all my savings, for a person like her, death is not a pity, Zhizhi, I will not stop what you do to her, but support you!"

Shen Zhiyi leaned back, hugged her shoulders, and tilted her head to watch the show, no, to be more precise, watching a dog bite a dog.

Shen Yichun and Liu Xiang are mother and daughter, but they ended up like this in the end. It's really interesting and interesting.

"Then Ms. Liu is here this time..."

"Let me just say, my weaving family is the smartest and most forthright. That's how it is. I've been getting worse every day recently, but I can't stay idle at home. Thinking that you are now the mistress of the He mansion, I just think about it." Come to rely on you, don't worry, I will never eat and live for nothing, I can help you look after the children, do housework, Zhizhi, although we are not related by blood, but anyway, I watched you grow up, you should You can't even agree to this request!"

When Liu Xiang came here, he had already thought about his speech skills, and after a set of rhetoric, he guaranteed that Shen Zhiyi would not even refuse.

Now it seems sure enough.

Shen Zhiyi laughed after hearing this, this Liu Xiang is really cunning, he can think of such things.

Why not eat and drink for nothing?

It's not obvious that she just came to her mansion to eat and drink for free, who wouldn't say high-sounding words?

However, she didn't deal with it that way.

"Ah! I remembered when you said that!" Shen Zhiyi knocked on his forehead pretending to be surprised, "We seem to be short of a servant in the He Mansion recently. I wonder if Ms. Liu is interested?"

"A servant, this..." Liu Xiang's eyes rolled faster than anyone else, after much deliberation, she decided to go to the He mansion first, and everything else would be easy to handle.

When the time comes, she will do nothing, just because she is Shen Zhiyi's stepmother, who can say anything?
As long as he comes in, Shen Zhiyi will not be able to drive him away even if he wants to.

Just do it!

"Okay, I'll be the servant!"

Just like that, Liu Xiang hummed a little tune in satisfaction and left.

Shen Zhiyi called Wang Ma over, "Wang Ma, I have a task for you!"

"What task, ma'am, just say it!"

"No accident, Shen Yichun's mother, that is, Liu Xiang, will come to the house to be a servant in the past two days, and then you will do this..."

The next day, He Mansion.

As soon as Shen Zhiyi brought the two little ones into the door, she saw Wang Ma standing beside the sofa with her hands tied, her face cramped and unnatural.

"Ah! Madame, are you back? Master Qingyan is here!"

When she stepped aside, Shen Zhiyi saw that there was still a person sitting on the sofa, He Qingyan.

He Qingyan gave people the impression that he was stern and silent, gentle and elegant, but for some reason, sitting here now, he gave people a sense of oppression that was hard to take lightly.

"Little cousin!"

"Qingyan uncle!"

The little guys were more enthusiastic than Shen Zhiyi, trotting forward one by one.

He Qingyan brought a gift to each of them.

The two little guys looked at Shen Zhiyi asking for advice, and they didn't accept until Shen Zhiyi nodded.

He Qingyan half-jokingly said with a bit of injury, "You used to be very casual with me, but after only a few days, you've become unfamiliar, huh?"

Dashu sticks out his tongue, Xiaobao gives a shy smile.

"Dashu, Xiaobao, you go upstairs to play first!" Shen Zhiyi sent them away, and then handed the bag to the servant.

He Qingyan looked at her every move softly, the corners of his mouth were slightly curved, as before, he only saw her in his eyes.

"Not bad, very Mrs. He's demeanor!"

Shen Zhiyi frowned, and didn't like to hear his eccentric talk, "Dashu and Xiaobao have a lot of toys, you don't need to bring them with you in the future, be careful not to spoil them!"

(End of this chapter)

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