He Qingyan closed his eyes, still smiling, but his eyes were cold, "What? Are you afraid that my brother will be jealous?"

"It has nothing to do with him!"

"I hope so too, but since you married him, you stopped answering my calls and messages, Zhizhi, did I put pressure on you?"

During her hospitalization, He Qingyan had called her several times and sent several messages. At that time, He Jingyao kept his mobile phone. With his personality, how could he allow his wife to answer calls from his rival?It was hung up directly, and it was considered merciful not to be blacklisted.

Shen Zhiyi knew about this, and he didn't disagree with He Jingyao at the time, thinking that since he was Mrs. He back, he should keep a distance from He Qingyan.

Shen Zhiyi took a deep breath and explained calmly, "Master Qingyan, you are single, I am married, and I have two children. Even if it doesn't matter to me when we meet, it will affect you, so I think we still have two children." It's not that we don't want to meet again!"

He Qingyan's eyes gradually turned cold, and his tone became aggressive, "So, it's because of my brother, right?"

"Master Qingyan..."

"Is it right?" He was very obsessed with this question, the smile disappeared completely on his face, and he seemed to be a different person in an instant, making people feel strange.

Shen Zhiyi looked at him firmly, and her tone was not as polite as usual, "Yes, I am married now, young master Qingyan, you have to understand the meaning of marriage, if you associate with me like this, it will make people Pointing at the back, don't you mind at all?"

When He Qingyan heard this, he turned his head up and laughed, with bitterness in his smile and astringency in his bitterness, "Zhizhi, I don't understand, what did marrying my brother bring to you? He is so domineering and possessive. You are not allowed to do this, you are not allowed to do that, do you think this kind of life is really what you want?"

"You shouldn't be bound by such a life, my brother doesn't understand you at all, and he doesn't deserve your love, Zhizhi, if you want, come with me, I will definitely not be like my brother For you, circle you!"

"Stop!" Shen Zhiyi raised her voice, then walked over, picked up a cup of tea from the tea table, and poured it on He Qingyan's face.

He Qingyan closed his eyes subconsciously, his hair and face were covered with soaked tea leaves and water stains, he raised his hand to wipe it, raised his eyelids and stared at Shen Zhiyi in disbelief.


"Shut up, I'm your cousin, young master Qingyan, you heard clearly, don't treat me so indiscriminately in the future, and say those ugly words, I will not be polite!" She dusted off the water stains on her body , "It's almost time, please come back, Master Qingyan, please walk slowly!"

No matter how kind He Qingyan was to her before, he couldn't bear it here.

Crossing boundaries again and again is disrespect.

Before getting married, he can do whatever he wants, but after getting married, he should know what he should do and what he should not do, and what he is saying now is dragging her to hell with him.

Now that she is married to He Jingyao, she should keep her duty, but I am sorry for her family and children, this is her bottom line.

He Qingyan stood up quietly, his eyes were red, and his dark blue face looked a little scary.

At this moment, Shen Zhiyi felt that she didn't know this man anymore, and she even felt that he would do something surprising in the next second.

"Zhizhi, you treat me..."

"Ever since you and Shen Yichun did that kind of thing to me, I've been very disappointed in you. I tell you, young master, there are some things I don't want to reveal. I'm trying to save face for you. Take care!"

He Qingyan's face turned pale, and his figure swayed accordingly.

She knows, she knows everything.

When He Jingyao came back, he brought a lot of street food.

Small octopus balls, oden cooking, and chestnut pancakes all make Shen Zhi's mouth water.

She has a special liking for this kind of street food, and she used to frequent it frequently, but because she is busy with Marriott recently, she seldom goes there. Unexpectedly, He Jingyao bought them all back.

How on earth does this guy know she likes this.

Niangsan surrounded the table, finishing all of these in one go.

"Father, it's delicious. Can I still buy it tomorrow?" Da Shu was still full of thoughts, and his little mouth was greasy.

He Jingyao stroked his little head, "These are not healthy, these few days you eat well, behave well, dad will buy it for you!"

The little one jumped for joy.

Wang Ma greeted the two little ones to go upstairs to sleep after grooming, Shen Zhiyi sat downstairs and watched TV, and He Jingyao was brushing the tablet beside him.

After a while, a servant came over and put a bowl still emitting white smoke in front of Shen Zhiyi, "Madam, drink it while it's hot!"

Shen Zhiyi frowned, "What is this?"

"This is for nourishing the body. My husband found a folk prescription from an old Chinese doctor. I heard it is very effective!"

Shen Zhiyi fixed her eyes on the man beside her, asking him to explain.

He Jingyao put the tablet aside and stirred it for her with a spoon, "Firstly, it can make the wound on your neck heal faster, and secondly... grandma said that only when the body is healthy can you have a baby!"


Whenever Shen Zhiyi has something in his mouth, spray him all over the face.

"Birth? Have a baby?"

"That's right, grandma said, more children are more blessings, and now I'll leave this important task to you!" He Jingyao picked up a spoonful and brought it to her lips.

Shen Zhiyi pushed away, "Are you sure it was grandma who said it, not your idea?"

He Jingyao shrugged, "We men just need to be released, and it doesn't matter at all whether they are planted or not!"

It seems to make sense, but it doesn't make sense!Shen Zhiyi couldn't listen at all, "I'm sorry, I'm afraid I can't take on this important task, so find someone else!"

She got up to leave, but He Jingyao grabbed his arm, "What do you mean? You want me to find someone else?"

"There is only marriage in the agreement, but there is no such thing as having children. Besides, we already have Dashu and Xiaobao, so I don't have that much energy to raise another child!"

"Then it's an accidental pregnancy!"

"Let's talk about it when there is an accident!" After finishing speaking, Shen Zhiyi looked at him suddenly, "I tell you, don't be scheming, let me find out, and I will move out from here. I am a human being, and you didn't plan it object!"

He Jingyao smiled charmingly, "How come? I'm just doing things according to grandma's orders. If you don't want it, you don't want it, but you have to drink the medicine. With so many eyes watching, what will you do if grandma asks?"

What he said seemed to make sense, and Shen Zhiyi couldn't refute it.

Without saying a word, Shen Zhiyi bit the bullet and drank the whole bowl.

He Jingyao looked at the back of her head and smiled evilly.

It's up to you whether you get pregnant or not by then.

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