"Ah Hong? Why are you? Where's Miss?" Cancan's mother looked surprised.

The little maid bit her lip and dared not speak.

Cancan's mother stared anxiously, "What do I ask you, Miss?"

"Small, miss forced me to pretend she was sleeping, jumped out the window and ran out!"

Cancan's mother froze...


After Shen Zhiyi left, Lin Yu stayed alone in the ward, tossing and turning, unable to fall asleep.

Because he only suffered some injuries on his face, he didn't call a nurse. In addition, he called his family and lied that he was on a business trip, and it would not be too late to go back after the bruises on his face faded.

"I've said it all, I'm not that expensive, so I don't need medicine!" Lin Yu said impatiently when he heard the movement behind him while lying on his side.

At this moment, he just wanted to be alone.

"Lin Yu!"

Lin Yu paused, turned around in the next second, saw the person in front of him, and frowned slightly, "Why are you?"

He Cancan got into trouble and lost his usual domineering arrogance. He lowered his head like a good girl and picked his fingers, "Are you feeling better? I'll come and see you!"

Lin Yu snorted through his nostrils, and said angrily, "Thank you for coming to see me, now that you've finished watching, can you go!"

"I'm sorry, I didn't know that things would turn out like this. Also, I didn't think you would come to save me. Anyway, thank you!"

"Thank you, I'm sorry, I didn't save it because of you, if it were anyone, I would do it!"

"Then I want to thank you too, whether you accept it or not!" He Cancan just wanted to blurt out a promise, but he didn't want to scare him, so he just thought about it, "By the way, did Zhou Yang's family bother you? You Don't worry, I'll go find my uncle right now, there is nothing my uncle can't do, I'll let him clean up Zhou Yang and avenge you!"

"Don't, don't!" Lin Yu hurriedly stopped, "I beg you, grandma, just calm down, if you didn't cause trouble, how could I have become like this? Don't you want to learn a lot of wisdom? Is it? Can you grow a snack, please?"

Perhaps it was because Lin Yu spoke too seriously, He Cancan pursed his mouth and remained silent, as if he was about to cry at any time.

Lin Yu hated seeing girls like this the most, and his heart softened immediately, "Anyway, you just need to restrain yourself in the future, there are so many perverts in society, and you will be the one who will suffer at that time!"

"I know, I know, I know you still care about me!" He Cancan happily hugged Lin Yu's arm, and tilted his head on his shoulder.

Lin Yu's face was accidentally touched, and he gasped in pain, "He Cancan, do you want to commit murder?"

"Hee hee! I'm sorry, I will definitely remember next time, I must remember!"

Lin Yu's eyes widened, "Is there a next time?"

He Cancan reacted and covered his mouth.

Lin Yu shook his head speechlessly, this girl is so stupid and innocent, making people want to cry and laugh at the same time, there is really nothing to do with her.

How could there be such a girl?

There was a sound of footsteps outside the corridor, and He Cancan was so frightened that he quickly hid inside the bed.

"He Cancan, what are you doing?"

"Hush!" He Cancan winked at him.

If someone sent by her parents came to arrest her, it would be over.

She didn't want to be caught back and locked in the room again.

Doctors and nurses came, and they left after routine examinations.

"He Cancan, come out for me!"

There was faint anger in Lin Yu's voice.

In the next second, He Cancan came out obediently and smiled at him with a guilty conscience.

This smile is not simple at first glance.

"Tell me the truth, what's going on? What are you hiding from?"


"Don't tell me you ran away from home!"

He Cancan's eyes widened, and he gave a thumbs up, "Lin Yu, you are so good, you can even be a detective!"

"Come on, I'll call your uncle right now and ask him to take you back!"

"No, don't tell my uncle, or you won't be able to see me next week!" He Cancan was frightened and rushed to grab Lin Yu's phone.

Lin Yu froze and looked up at her, "What did you say?"

He Cancan bit her lip, and said simply, "My parents insisted that I caused the trouble, locked me up and didn't let me go out, and they will send me abroad next week. What's the use of those foreigners? I won't even die. Besides, what will you do if I leave? I like you so much. If you talk about a girlfriend after a few years, wouldn't it be a big loss for me? No, definitely not! "

Lin Yu: "..."

This girl really dares to say and do anything.

"Lin Yu, don't tell anyone you've seen me, okay?" He Cancan rubbed his hands and begged, looking pitiful.

Even so, it failed to impress Lin Yu's steely heart, "No, your family must be very worried that you can't find you, you have to know that every decision they make is for your own good, you are in the blessing If you don’t know how to be blessed, how many people may not even have food and clothing, do you understand?”

The old cadre's preaching was of no use to the little girl, but made her even more cheeky.

"Lin Yu, if you dare to report to my uncle and the others, I'll say... I'll say that you instigated me to do this, and put the blame on you. We'll see how you explain it then!"

"You..." Lin Yu was laughed angrily, and had nothing to say, "He Cancan, why don't you feel a little shy? Tell me, what exactly do you want?"

He Cancan put his hands behind his back, but he was extremely proud, "I'll go to my classmate's place to make do with it these few nights, and I will find time to visit you during the day, anyway, you are not allowed to reveal a single word!"

"Are you sure that your family can't find you?"

"Leave me alone, I have my own way, well, I'm afraid my uncle will come to you for culture, I will slip away first!" He Cancan hurriedly left after speaking, and before he left, he was still reluctant to return He glanced at Lin Yu.

Sure enough, she left just a second ago, and He Jingyao called a second later.

"Is there something wrong with Mr. He?" Lin Yu adjusted his tone in time.

"Did Cancan go to the hospital to look for you?"

Lin Yu glanced at the direction of the door of the ward, and said in a natural tone, "I haven't seen it, I don't know!"

He Jingyao over there supported his forehead, "She escaped from home, and her parents were very worried. If you have seen her, you'd better not hide it!"

"If you say you haven't seen it, you haven't seen it. Mr. He should ask someone else!"

After pinching the phone, Lin Yu heaved a sigh of relief.

This He Cancan will really cause him trouble, so he will help her just this time, and he also wants to see how long this girl can last.

He mansion.

Shen Zhiyi lingered at the door of the study for a long time with coffee in hand.

She would go to He Jingyao for help in such matters, and that guy would definitely laugh at her.

Shen Zhiyi turned her head and left, but stopped suddenly after not taking a few steps.

If he left like this, what would Lin Yu do?
She couldn't ignore Lin Yu just because of her own face.

Isn't it just a matter of one sentence, whether to say it or not is her business, and whether to agree or not is his business. If you say it, there may be a chance, but if you don't say it, there is absolutely no chance. It's not like she hasn't been teased.

Thinking of this, she bit the bullet and turned back.

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