"Ma'am, are you here to see Mr.?"

Shen Zhiyi was debating whether to open the door and go in, when Wang Ma's voice sounded from behind.

Come on, now she has no way out.

"Mister is inside, I'll knock on the door for you!" Wang Ma smiled and knocked on the door, "Sir, is your wife looking for you?"

After putting the things on the table, she retreated wisely.

Shen Zhiyi was a little embarrassed standing in front of the desk. For a while, she didn't know how to say the opening remarks she had planned.

"Is there something wrong?" He Jingyao lowered his head to deal with the work on his notebook.

Recently, he has come back very early, and he will take the unfinished business of the day home to solve.

Shen Zhiyi unnaturally pulled the hair next to his ear, "Well, I told you last time, I didn't get along with the Zhou family..."

"Hmm! I know that, so what?" He Jingyao didn't raise his head.

Shen Zhiyi quietly squeezed her palms, "I heard that you have had contacts with the Zhou family, I think, I think..."

"Thinking about what?"

This person, knowingly asks the question!Forget it, since the matter has come to this point, you have to say whatever you want, Shen Zhiyi raised her chin, "I think if you can come forward, things might be much easier to handle!"

He Jingyao finally had a reaction. He turned off the computer, took off the silver eyes on the bridge of his nose, and leaned back with his brows pinched, "But why should I help Lin Yu? What good does it do me?"

Shen Zhiyi choked.

That's right, saving Lin Yu won't do him any good, so why should she let him do it?
Shen Zhiyi took a deep breath, "Lin Yu is my good friend, even if I ask you for help, is that okay?"

He Jingyao clasped his hands together and propped his chin, with an inscrutable smile, "Yes, yes, but I'm a businessman, and I don't always think about things that don't benefit me. Mrs. He understands, right?"

Shen Zhiyi had expected that he would say that, but he didn't expect him to say it so grandly.

She suppressed her emotions, and smiled calmly. Under the light, her lips painted with red bean paste lipstick looked extremely seductive, making someone want to move.

"Mr. He, we are husband and wife. It is written on a marriage certificate. Is it inappropriate for you to bargain with me like this?"

The man spread his hands, and his relatives did not recognize him, "The same is true between relatives!"

Shen Zhiyi clenched her back teeth, it really is a dog.

But there is no way, now is the time when he is needed, neither scolding nor hitting, but coaxing and clinging.

This breath made Shen Zhiyi very uncomfortable.

"What do you mean, Mr. Iga?"

Rather see what he wants to do.

He Jingyao scratched his temples with curved fingers, feeling a sense of satisfaction that a villain had achieved his goal, "It's not appropriate to say here!"

"Where does it fit?"

The master bedroom door closed.

"Mr. He can talk about the conditions now, as long as you are not too..."

Before Shen Zhiyi finished speaking, his eyes suddenly went dark.

"Why are the lights turned off, He Jingyao...ah, you..."

The waist was tightly bound by a pair of arms, and the man's chest was pushed up from behind immediately, and then, kisses all over the sky fell on Shen Zhiyi's neck and shoulders.

Her body froze, and she suddenly woke up.

be cheated!
This dog thing actually...

"He Jingyao, you are despicable and shameless, how could you..."

The man behind him had a smirk on his face, "You delivered it yourself, how can you blame me for coming?"

"But you didn't say that's the case!" Shen Zhiyi blushed with embarrassment.

He only heard the man blow into his ear, and said very ambiguously, "Even if I don't ask for it, we will still have the same bed. Mrs. He, you obviously made money from this deal!"

Then, Shen Zhiyi was thrown onto the big bed.

She made a lot of shit, and it was obvious that this man was the biggest winner. She was too stupid to be set up by this bastard to jump into it!

There is one thing to say, although the dog thing is a bit mean and shameless, it is extremely efficient.

However, on the second day, the Zhou family withdrew their investigation of Lin Yu.

Shen Zhiyi was grateful, but at the same time had reason to suspect that this matter had been properly arranged by He Jingyao, and he even waited for her to take the initiative to beg him.


Lin Yu called her and was very touched on the phone, thanking her again and again.

Being rescued by someone you like shows that the other party still cares about him, even if you can't be a couple, it is enough for Lin Yu.

But who knew, Shen Zhiyi sent him back to hell directly with the next sentence, "It's all thanks to He Jingyao, I really didn't do anything!"

Lin Yu's smile froze for a moment.

If it was He Jingyao, forget it, he would never thank him for the hatred of seizing love.

Shen Zhiyi is more diligent in going to Marriott recently. He Jingyao has her own career, so she also has to have her own job. Women, you can't be housewives at home. Without the support of your career, you will look dull. Will be discounted accordingly.

Besides, in case of divorce in the future, she won't have no capital to support herself and her children after leaving the house, at least she will still have a wonderful life without anyone.

"Sister Zhiyi!" Xiaomei knocked on the door and came in.

After Shen Zhiyi answered an important call, she responded, "Don't you still have to take care of your grandpa on weekends? So don't go on a business trip for the next two days. I'll let Zhang Lan go!"

She knows a thing or two about the situation in Xiaomei's family. There is a grandfather who is seriously ill in bed and needs to live on sky-high medicines, and a father who is addicted to gambling.

For Xiaomei, Shen Zhiyi even opened the back door. When Xiaomei came to apply for the job, she had no relevant work experience and no education. She did not meet Marriott's servant standards. The employee, Shen Zhiyi, knew about her situation and knew that she was working several jobs at the same time in order to make money, so she let her stay at Marriott because of her soft heart.

Xiaomei did not let him down after joining the job. With her own efforts, she was promoted to lobby manager step by step. This is her hard work.

"Thank you, Sister Zhiyi, but I didn't come to you for this matter!" Seeing Shen Zhiyi's kindness to her, Xiaomei was so guilty that she didn't know how to speak.

"Oh? What's that?"

Xiaomei took a deep breath, and quickly handed her the written resignation letter, "Thank you Zhiyi for your cultivation and trust for so long. Due to personal reasons, I can no longer work at Marriott. Of course, I will wait here Find a new lobby manager before leaving, I hope Sister Zhiyi approves!"

Shen Zhiyi glanced at her resignation report, but didn't take it, and asked her with a smile, "What's the matter, Xiaomei? Is there something at home? If there is something, go and do it first. I will give you a few days off!"

"No, sister Zhiyi, oh..." Xiaomei bit her lips, almost crying with guilt, "I, my relatives in my hometown introduced me to a good job. Although the salary is not as good as that of Marriott, it is quite easy. Yes, I have worked in Marriott for four years, and I am indeed a little tired, sister Zhiyi, I want to try a different environment!"

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