"Look at it, look at it, it's like this after only going out for a few days..."

Cancan's father patted his wife's hand to comfort him, "Okay, okay, what's the difference between you and your daughter? It's not that you don't understand her character. It's just that she came back unscathed. That's the most important thing, isn't it?" ?”

"Biao sister-in-law, you heard it just now. Lin Yu helped her hide it because she was threatened, and provided her with a place to live. That's why Cancan didn't feel wronged. Lin Yu was the one I grew up with. Friend, I know what kind of person he is, he is definitely not what you imagined, this time's behavior is indeed ill-considered, just like what my cousin said, fortunately, Cancan came back safely, I see this..."

Shen Zhiyi couldn't stand it anymore.

This matter was not Lin Yu's fault in the first place, so how could he put all the responsibility on him.

Cousin winked at cousin-in-law, "I think what Zhizhi said is right, Cancan is probably tired after wandering outside for a few days, you hurry up and arrange some food for her!"

Shen Zhiyi is He Jingyao's wife, that is, the eldest grandson's daughter-in-law. She has a certain status in the He family. Now that she has come forward, they have to give this face if they don't. There may be times when the husband and wife will be useful in the future.

This matter is over, Shen Zhiyi takes Lin Yu away.

"Lin Yu..."

Hearing the sound, Lin Yu turned her head and looked at He Cancan for a few seconds, one eye was full of unbearable and sad, the other was flat and evasive.

In the end, they didn't say anything.

"Cancan, you broke such a big deal this time, and your parents won't hold you accountable anymore. Be good, and I'll send you abroad this Friday!"

He Cancan yelled at his mother, "Whenever something happens to you, you will only send me out of the country, send me out of the country, am I a pet or something? Do you know why I hide from you? Because you never Listen to my heart, never understand me, when you encounter problems, you will only solve them in the way you think is right, never ask me what I think, I hate you!"

As she spoke, she ran upstairs crying.

Cousin and sister-in-law looked at each other in a daze...


"Not to mention anything else, I really like that girl He Cancan. She did something I wanted to do but didn't dare to do since I was a child. She was rebellious and cute with a bit of willfulness. She's so handsome, okay?" Song Jiaojiao asked Throwing grapes in his mouth, without delay in talking, Barabara went on and on.

She patted Lin Yu on the shoulder, "Yu, I didn't expect you to be quite charming, and even that He Cancan was tamed. If you ask me, you should just obey. Being the son-in-law of the He family is the dream of all men in Hangzhou. Don't be a fool!"

Lin Yu wiped her hand away irritably, feeling so panicked that he didn't want to say a word.

"Okay, Jiaojiao, let him be quiet!" Shen Zhiyi winked at her.

The two came out together and took them with them.

"What's going on? An old man, don't let people make fun of you, show him Tsundere!" The three of them grew up together, and they were used to talking casually, and Song Jiaojiao didn't shy away from it.

Shen Zhiyi sighed, "I'll tell you later, it's alright, just take care of it first, I'll go back to Marriott!"

Song Jiaojiao felt bored, and Lin Yu fell asleep, so she sat on the bench in the corridor and played games.

Not to mention, the taste of leisure is really uncomfortable. I feel like a useless person, who has nothing to do except eat and drink all day long.

After thinking about it, she put away her phone and went to make a call. Recently, she felt a dull pain in her stomach. Could it be that she had some serious illness?

So, it's better to check it out.

After briefly talking about my situation there, the doctor gave me a B-ultrasound sheet.

After only one minute, Song Jiaojiao put down her clothes, "Doctor, what is the pain in the lower abdomen?"

"Normal, the implantation of the embryo at the beginning of pregnancy will cause some slight pain, and it will be fine in a few days, don't worry!"

"Oh, ok, thank you doctor!" Song Jiaojiao walked away with her bag in her hand, and the next second, one of her legs froze.

"You, what are you talking about? Pregnant?"

"That's right, according to the B-ultrasound, you've only been pregnant for more than a month, so pay more attention, as it's easy to miscarry in the early stages..."

What the doctor said later, Song Jiaojiao didn't listen to a single word, she kept repeating in her mind, pregnant, pregnant!
"Doctor, take a closer look. Is there any possibility of a mistake? How could I be pregnant? It's not very likely!"

The doctor pushed the black-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose, looked her up and down, "Have you been to your aunt this month?"


"Have you had sex recently?"


Facing the doctor's soul torture, Song Jiaojiao was dumbfounded and looked down at the B-ultrasound sheet.

Is she really pregnant?
Star Entertainment.

"Then this matter is settled like this, and the plan will be sent to me later!"

"Alright Mr. Fang, let's go back first, and look forward to a happy cooperation!"

Fang Huaizhou had just met an important client and signaled the secretary to send him downstairs.

He tugged on his tie tiredly, and was going to go back to catch up on sleep. For this project, he didn't sleep all night last night, which would be a bit overwhelming.

As soon as she turned around, she saw Song Jiaojiao approaching in such a way that her high heels almost smashed a hole in the floor.

"Fang Huaizhou!" She gritted her teeth.

Fang Huaizhou was so nervous that he went over to help her, "Song Jiaojiao, how many times have I told you that you are not allowed to wear high heels in the future, let alone walk so fast, in case..."

"If there is something wrong with the fetus in your stomach, you will settle the score with me, won't you?"

Fang Huaizhou was stunned, "You...how did you know?"

Song Jiaojiao picked up her satchel and slammed it on him, "Bastard, how dare you lie to me!"

Fearing that the surrounding employees would see a bad end, Fang Huaizhou pushed and dragged her into the conference room, and pressed her troublesome hands upside down against the wall, "Listen to me, I don't want to lie Yours, but I'm afraid you won't agree to keep this child, so I can only hide it like this!"

Song Jiaojiao smiled bluntly, "You guessed it right, I just don't agree to keep this child, and I want to abort him now!"

"Stop, Song Jiaojiao, did you hear what I said?" How could Fang Huaizhou just watch her go to remove the child, catch up to her in two or three steps, and hug her from behind, for fear of touching the child, he tried his best to use his arms Concentrate on the top, and accidentally bump into...

"Fang Huaizhou, you even attacked pregnant women, are you perverted?"

"I'm sorry, you insist on moving around, that's all I can do!" Fang Huaizhou made a condition to her, "You promise me not to move around or leave after you let go, and I will let you go!"

Song Jiaojiao nodded obediently, "Okay, deal!"

As a result, Fang Huaizhou let go of his hand one second before, and she bit her hard on the shoulder with the last kick.

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