"Ah! Song Jiaojiao, you..."

"This is the price you paid for lying to me!" Before he could react, Song Jiaojiao ran away.

When Fang Huaizhou chased after him, the elevator had already closed.

He kicked the elevator door, and it hurt so much that he hugged his feet and jumped in circles.

"Mr. Fang, are you okay? Do you need help?" A passing employee asked.

Fang Huaizhou stood up in seconds, pretending to be natural, "It's nothing, just a little dirty on the shoes just now, you go to your work!"

Feet really hurt!

Song Jiaojiao is impulsive and doesn't go through her brain when doing things. No, she drove the car directly to the obstetrics and gynecology department of the hospital.

"Doctor, I'm going to have an abortion, immediately, immediately!"

The doctor's answer was, "Excuse me ma'am, we need the signature of the family members to do the abortion here, I'm afraid you can't do it now!"

Song Jiaojiao: "I can give you a price!"

"I can't even add money!"

I went to another hospital, and the doctor gave the same answer.

Song Jiaojiao's parents are both in the countryside, so this matter can't be brought up at home, right?What's more, with those bad mouths in the village, why don't you tell her that she's crazy?Can she still be a human being in the future?

The unanimous statement of several doctors is that none of them can perform an abortion on her, so she doesn't believe in this evil, and she can't do it even with money?

In a fit of anger, she found a private clinic and threw a pile of money at the cashier, "Give me a personal abortion, the kind that can be done now!"

She didn't want to let this lump of meat stay in her stomach for a minute.

The boss was so happy that he went to perform the operation on Song Jiaojiao himself. After a series of inspections and disinfections, the operation was about to begin.

With a loud bang, the door of the operating room was kicked open.

"Let's see who dares to touch her stomach!" Fang Huaizhou broke in and grabbed the doctor's collar, and threw him out of the door forcefully, "Practicing medicine without a license, you guys are so brave!"

The doctor's face was pale at the time, and he was too frightened to fart, and several nurses ran out screaming.

"Fang Huaizhou, who told you to meddle in your own business, get out!" Song Jiaojiao pointed at the door, angrily as if she was pregnant with something good.

After finally finding a place that was willing to operate on her, Fang Huaizhou messed it up, can you not be angry?

Fang Huaizhou was even angrier than her, and kicked the cart containing medical equipment far away, "Song Jiaojiao, the child in your belly is not yours alone, why do you decide his life or death, you asked my opinion Do you know that this is murder?"

"Heh! The child is in my womb, of course it's up to me to make the decision. I have already made a decision. I can't keep him. Don't meddle in it!"

"No, I don't agree!" Fang Huaizhou's tone was strong, "If you continue to make trouble like this, believe it or not, I will make all the hospitals and clinics in the city refuse to accept you?"

Song Jiaojiao reacted for a few seconds, and then laughed speechlessly, "Let me just say, why don't they operate on me, I dare say you are making trouble here, Fang Huaizhou, why are you so hurt, let me tell you, this I don’t want a child, even if you can see me today, you won’t be able to see me in the future, if you don’t believe me, let’s try!”

There was no love between her and Fang Huaizhou, and the pregnancy was purely a one-night stand, so it was such a coincidence, but it happened just once, so why did she get involved in such a thing.

Her own family situation is already unsatisfactory enough, and she doesn't want to wait for her child to speak out without a happy family.

Fang Huaizhou still wanted to confront her head-on, but thinking of this woman's bad temper, he decided to change his strategy.

He took a deep breath and tried his best to be patient, "Song Jiaojiao, let's talk about it? What's the matter? He is also a little life, do you really have the heart to deprive him of the right to come to this world? Look, other people's mothers are If you love your child very much, when you have a child, you will have new expectations and concerns, which is a very happy thing. Moreover, abortion will cause great trauma to a woman's body. Why bother!"

Song Jiaojiao calmed down after taking a sip of water, "So, what exactly do you want to say?"

"Give birth to the child, and I will raise it!" Fang Huaizhou said solemnly.

Sensing the strangeness in Song Jiaojiao's eyes, he added, "Don't worry, you don't need to pay alimony. Instead, I will give you a living allowance for hard work. You can visit your child if you want. Just raise it, if you don’t want to raise me, in short, you will still be as free and unrestrained as before, and your career will not be affected in any way, how about it?"

Depend on!Is it possible to earn so much by having a baby?This completely overturned Song Jiaojiao's perception of women giving birth.

What happened to her sudden heartbeat?

Finding that she was finally shaken, Fang Huaizhou heaved a sigh of relief, and continued to be persuasive, "Well, if you want to have an abortion, you don't rush at this moment, and if you think about it carefully, you won't regret it in the future, what do you think?"

Song Jiaojiao bit her lip and remained silent for a few seconds, pretending to be reluctant, "Then I'll think about it for the sake of your sincerity, but don't get your hopes up too much!"

Fang Huaizhou smiled.

Next, it depends on how he coaxes Song Jiaojiao to give birth to him willingly.

He mansion.

"Miss Biao, you should go back. If your parents know that you have come to us, they will be angry again!"

"I also take care of my anger, what are you afraid of?"

He Cancan came to look for Shen Zhiyi, but was stopped by the servants. No one knew Miss Cousin's delicate and savage personality, so they didn't dare to offend her, but they didn't dare to let her in. She entered the door, talking and talking, it wasn't because of the trouble last time.

"What's going on?" Shen Zhiyi came back at this time.

The servant greeted him and reported, "Madam, you are back, Miss Biao..."

"Little aunt!" He Cancan ran over and shouted sweetly.

As soon as Shen Zhiyi saw her, she knew that something was going to happen, and immediately had a headache, "He Cancan, why did you come out again, do you still want us to send you back? You should go back by yourself and choose one!"

"Little aunt, you misunderstood, this time I asked my mother for leave, just one hour!"

Shen Zhiyi looked up at the sky and felt that the sun was rising from the west, "Are you still here for an hour?"

"Yeah! Little aunt, good aunt, can I ask you one thing, just one thing, it's easy to do!" He Cancan shook her arm, begging and coquettish.

Shen Zhiyi intuitively told herself that this matter must not be simple.

"Don't ask me, I can't help you!"

"Ah? I haven't even said what it is?"

"You don't want to go abroad, do you? What your parents have decided can't be changed. Besides, it seems that it's not a bad thing for you to go abroad. They are doing it for your own good. Just be obedient once. How many children want to go abroad are not as economical as your family Woolen cloth!"

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