He Cancan followed closely behind Shen Zhiyi's ass, wherever Shen Zhiyi went, she followed.

"Shen Zhiyi, after all, you are also my little aunt, don't you know how to help me? Don't you have a very good relationship with Lin Yu? Even if it's for Lin Yu, you should help? I won't let you do anything else. Yes, just to say a few words for me in front of my parents, why are you so stingy, isn't it too embarrassing?"

Shen Zhiyi didn't raise his head, "He Cancan, this is the price you paid for your actions. Everyone should be like this, let alone Lin Yu. You almost killed him, do you know? Since your thoughts are so immature, Then go to the outside world and exercise yourself!"

Seeing that Shen Zhiyi was also ruthless and unfeeling, He Cancan's emotions broke down, and he suddenly growled, "You think this is for my own good, but have you really considered my feelings? You are just trying to satisfy your own desires and realize your own life Value is all, and I am the tool in it, I hate you!"

After shouting, He Cancan turned around and ran out.

Shen Zhi stood there determinedly, recalling what she said just now, isn't that what she once said to Qiu Wanqing?

This is the case for a wealthy family. Every step a child takes is carefully paved by the parents, and the end of the road is the future that the parents look forward to. They will feel superior, proud and gratified for this.

However, all this did not touch others, only touched myself.

Not surprisingly, Song Jiaojiao came to the door.

After hearing her story, Shen Zhiyi pretended to be surprised, "Really? Fang Huaizhou dared to hide your pregnancy, it's too much!"

If this woman finds out that she is also involved in this deception, she can't make a fuss and scold her for valuing sex over friends, so it's better to just pretend that she doesn't know anything.

Song Jiaojiao hugged her head irritably, "Zhizhi, what should I do? The conditions given by that bastard Fang Huaizhou are too tempting. Not only will there be no loss after giving birth to a child, but you can also make a lot of money. You Say, where can I find such a good deal?"

"That's right, don't wait for him to react, it will be too late for you to slap your thigh, and you have to suffer the miscarriage yourself, what are you trying to do!" Shen Zhiyi added fuel and vinegar, trying to persuade.

Naturally, her starting point was to consider Song Jiaojiao's body, and she could see that Fang Huaizhou really liked Song Jiaojiao, so she tried every means to keep the child in her belly.

Song Jiaojiao is a big and thick person, it is not easy to meet someone who really likes her, if this is fate, it is better to fulfill them.

Hearing what Shen Zhiyi said, she felt enlightened, and sat up from the sofa all of a sudden, "It seems so, what should I do? Should I promise him?"

Shen Zhiyi patted her leg, "You still make up your own mind about this kind of thing, it's about lifelong happiness!"

Song Jiaojiao was even more entangled now, what should I do, what should I do?
It was unexpected for the cousin to see Shen Zhiyi again.

She enthusiastically invited people to sit down and let the servants watch tea.

"Zhizhi, we don't want to pursue that Lin Yu anymore for your sake, don't worry!"

Shen Zhiyi nodded, "Thank you cousin, but I didn't come here for this!"

After a pause, she said again, "I want to talk to my cousin about Cancan!"

"Cancan? What's the matter with her? Could it be that she got into trouble again? I knew that I couldn't let her out for a minute. What about her? Old Lin..."

As soon as He Cancan was mentioned, the cousin became excited reflexively, and told the housekeeper to go out to find someone.

Shen Zhiyi hurriedly yelled, "Biao sister-in-law misunderstood, Cancan is very good and did not cause trouble!"

The cousin let out a sigh of relief, straightened her chest, "That's good, that's good!"

"Biao sister-in-law, in fact, you don't have to, Cancan is also very good. After all, she is just a child, and it is normal to love to play. Whose youth has not yet rebelled, she is chic, unruly, lively, Willfulness, this is the growth process of a normal child, as parents, you should be happy for your child!"

"If it's honestly like a piece of wood, what's the difference between it and a mindless robot? If that's the case, cousins ​​and sisters-in-law, I'm afraid you should worry again?"

Shen Zhiyi talked and laughed like a homely chatterer, and the cousin understood her meaning somewhat, "Zhizhi, you don't know, it's not easy for your cousin and I to have this child, I have to do four test tubes to get it Successful, lying on the bed for ten months of pregnancy, unable to get off the ground, and kept getting birth control injections, it can be said that I have suffered a lot. I was 35 when I gave birth to Cancan. We do not know how much we love her. This child is Spoiled by us, never stepped into the society, don't know the dangers of the society, you said that if something happened to her, your cousin and I... Hey! Don't talk, don't talk!"

Through the chat, Shen Zhiyi also understood why her cousin and sister-in-law were so strict with He Cancan. As an outsider, she could understand.

"Then, is my cousin really willing to send Cancan abroad?"

The cousin wiped the corners of her eyes, "Who is willing to, she has never left me for half a step since she was a child, but what can I do!"

Shen Zhiyi smiled, "In that case, why not leave her in the country, I don't know if I should say something or not!"

"It's all from my own family. If you have anything to say, it's okay to say it!"

"Sister-in-law, in my opinion, it's not that Cancan lacks discipline or is rebellious, but that you lack communication. In fact, I have been in touch with her for so long, and I found that she is a very enlightened, intelligent and kind girl. I think, as long as you talk slowly, she will understand you, but the premise is that everyone must understand and tolerate each other, and don't treat her like a child who doesn't understand anything, has no thoughts and emotions!"

The cousin fell into a moment of silence when she heard the words.

Shen Zhiyi stood up, "That's the end of the story, I hope my cousin can think about it carefully, and don't hurt the relationship between you! Don't send it away!"

He Cancan, who was eavesdropping outside the door, quickly hid, and only showed up after Shen Zhiyi left.

At this moment, she felt warm in her heart. It turned out that Shen Zhiyi was willing to help her, and those words almost touched her heart.

It would be great if her mother thought so too.

"Is Cancan back? You come in!"

No, I was discovered by my mother!Seeing that he couldn't hide, He Cancan stepped in very awkwardly.

She just came back and heard the servant said that Shen Zhi's intentions were in it, so she was curious and eavesdropped at the door. Based on her understanding of her mother, she would never listen.

Forget it, she didn't report any hope anyway.


"Where have you been?" The cousin waved her hand, motioning for her to sit down.

In the past, when he questioned these words, he was full of accusations and anger, but now it sounds a lot gentler.

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