As she left, the smile on the man's face gradually disappeared.

He didn't say anything, he just didn't want to bring negative emotions to his family, he just wanted to give the three of them a warm and happy haven.

Early in the morning, Shen Zhiyi didn't go to Marriott, but to meet someone.

When He Qingyan saw her standing next to the car when he went downstairs, he was slightly taken aback for a moment, thinking he was hallucinating, but when he was sure that the person standing in front of him was Shen Zhiyi, it seemed that a dark life force shot into a hole. Sunshine, his dead life suddenly became alive.

"Zhizhi, why are you here, are you here to find me?"

As soon as her hand touched Shen Zhiyi, she ruthlessly avoided it.

He Qingyan clearly saw disgust and indifference in her eyes, which she had never seen before.

Like a knife, it cut through his heart silently, and it started to bleed.

"Did you take the confidential document that He's Group lost?"

Shen Zhiyi didn't lay the groundwork and asked directly.

To He Qingyan's ears, it was so heartless and ironic.

Everyone can come to question him, but Shen Zhiyi can't. He quickly adjusted himself and asked with a smile, "Zhizhi, what are you talking about, I don't understand!"

Shen Zhiyi turned her face to the side, and there was no trace of emotion in her voice, "Master Qingyan, no matter what others think, I have always believed in your character. Of course, when everyone is impulsive, they will always make mistakes temporarily. But I never thought that you would use this incident as a bargaining chip to provoke your elder brother, is this really good?"

He Qingyan stared at the woman he loved deeply with hurt eyes, his internal organs felt as if he had been hit hard, and every nerve was pulled out in pain.

"So, you also think it's my fault that the file is missing?"

Shen Zhiyi turned her head to look at her, her tone was still indifferent, "I don't want to, but all the evidence points to you, what can you make me think?"

He Qing hesitated to speak, his heart was bleeding little by little.

He suddenly lowered his head and smiled, "You're right, as long as you take away that document, it's tantamount to ruining my brother's career, maybe one day I'll be able to successfully replace him!"

"Growing up so big, I was oppressed by his halo everywhere. Everyone only saw him and couldn't see me. I seemed to live under his shadow forever. I was thinking before, if one day I Pulling him down from his high position, will he be unable to withstand such a blow, now that it has been realized, it seems that my brother is not as invincible as I imagined!"

"Master Qingyan!" Shen Zhiyi interrupted him solemnly, "As the He family, how can you disregard the interests of the He Group because of personal grievances? How much influence has the group brought? Master Qingyan, you are going too far, I really..."


He Qingyan closed his eyes heavily, and opened them again. His eyes were full of scars after being ground by gravel, "Zhizhi, in your heart, is I really this kind of person? Don't you... don't you trust me at all?" ?"

Shen Zhiyi met his colorless eyes, and her heart trembled, but she quickly adjusted herself, "I'm sorry, Master Qingyan, you only believe in evidence! If you really did it, Then please return the file to He Shi, and publicly apologize to He Shi, otherwise, I may choose to call the police!"

After a pause, she continued, "Besides, He Jingyao is my legal husband, and I will not allow anyone to hurt He Shi, hurt him!"

Pulling the bag strap on her shoulder, Shen Zhiyi turned around and was about to leave.


In the evening wind, the hem of He Qingyan's clothes was blown up, and he almost called out to her with a trembling voice, "So, you love my brother from the beginning to the end, right?"

Shen Zhiyi didn't answer this question and left.

This silent silence had already given He Qingyan an answer, he shook his body for a while, and then couldn't stop laughing out loud.

It's self-deprecating, disappointing, hurt, and sad.

The ray of light in my life seemed to disappear all of a sudden, the world became dark again, and everything was back to the way it was before...


As soon as He Qingyan came in, the bodyguard immediately stood up straight.

The man nodded and walked straight in.

The servant pulled out the chair for him and set out the tableware.

After He Zhenxuan and his subordinates finished explaining the matter, they dismissed everyone with a wave.

"How long has it been since we father and son had dinner together? I almost thought that you have forgotten me as a father!"

He Qingyan picked up the tableware, and began to eat politely, "Recently, I've been busy with work, please forgive me, Father!"

He said so, but in his tone he complained about his father.

If his father hadn't forced him to join the He family, maybe he wouldn't have come to this point.

He hated his father, but could do nothing about it.

He Zhenxuan was in a good mood today, he didn't care about his son's heartless words, and even put vegetables on his son's plate for the first time, "Dad understands you, these days have been hard!"

"What do you mean?"

"I thought you would be emotional, but now it seems that I wish you, Ah Yan, where did you put the document? Give it to me quickly, if Ah Yao finds out on you, something will happen sooner or later!"

He Zhenxuan was looking forward to the stars and the moon, and he was looking forward to this moment.

He was depressed and how he coaxed his son to get the document, but he didn't expect his son to give him an unexpected surprise.

He didn't know how happy he was to see He's Group screw up the transnational cooperation because of the lost documents, and to see He Jingyao being reprimanded by the old man for this matter.

The poor management of He Jingyao's company has brought huge losses to the He family. Everyone is watching this matter, even if the old man wants to turn a blind eye to it, he can't.

He Qingyan squeezed the napkin and wiped his hands clean, "Father, did you ask the wrong person, I don't know where that document is going!"

He Zhenxuan's smile froze on his face, "What did you say? You don't know? Are you kidding me? You took the document. If it's not on you, tell me who's on it? Ah Yan, Dad knew that he had gone too far before. I'm forcing you, but dad is also doing it for your own good, don't worry, as long as you give me the documents, dad will promise you that he will never force you again!"

"Really? Can you really do it?" He Qingyan raised the corners of his lips with an intriguing smile.

As he got up, the chair rubbed against the ground and made a slight sound, "I've finished eating, thank you father for your hospitality, I'll come see you again later!"

"Stop!" He Zhenxuan growled. "I asked you where the file is? Give it to me!"

He Qingyan turned his head and met his father's obsessed and greedy eyes. He smiled, "Are you trying to use it to humiliate the He family? Or do you want to claim credit in front of Grandpa?"

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