"It's none of your business, Ah Yan, give it to you quickly, you take it, isn't it just for this day? Our father and son have swallowed our anger in the He family for so many years, don't you want to take back everything that belongs to you?" ? Think about the woman you love, now that A Yao has snatched it away, don’t you want to take revenge? Now is the best chance, quickly, give it to me, A Yan!”

He Zhenxuan knew his son's temper, once he pushed him, he would get nothing, so he began to be persuasive and patient.

As long as he got this document, he could completely destroy He Jingyao.

It is just around the corner to occupy the high ground in He's Group.

He Qingyan sighed in great pain, "Father, I can't believe that after so many years, your heart is still as cruel as ever!"

"What do you mean? Ah Yan, stop for me, give me the things, someone, stop him for me!"

He Zhenxuan became anxious, and with an order, his subordinates blocked He Qingyan's way.

He Qingyan looked back at his father, with deep contempt flashing in his eyes, "The so-called tiger does not eat its own child, does father still want to treat me the same way he treated my mother? If you have the ability, you will kill me! Otherwise, don't try to stop me!"

Word by word, word by word.

No matter how tense the quarrel between He Qingyan and his father was, he always maintained the respect that father and son should have.

However, now he is like a wild horse that has run free, no longer under He Zhenxuan's control.

He Zhenxuan was stunned for a moment unexpectedly, and was horrified by his son's angry eyes.

He will always remember that the last time he saw himself like this was the day his mother left.

In a daze, He Qingyan had already squeezed away the bodyguards and left angrily.

"Second Master, are you alright?" Seeing that He Zhenxuan was about to fall, he supported him with his hands.

He Zhenxuan clutched his chest, his face turned pale, "Quick, bring me my Heart-Rescue Pill!"

He mansion.

After Shen Zhiyi came back, she looked around the living room, "Where's Mr.?"

Wang Ma sighed, "Sir, after he came back from the old house, he locked himself in the study room for an entire afternoon. I'm afraid that the matter of the He family will hit him hard. Madam, what you need most at this time, sir is yours. Comforted!"

Shen Zhiyi closed her eyes, "Wang Ma, please make a bowl of calming tea!"

"Hey, I'm going right now!"

After giving the order, she went to the kitchen, dug out some pork belly from the refrigerator, and prepared to make a bowl of wontons.

After a series of operations, although it took a long time, at least I did something.

Bang bang bang!

In the study room, the man stood leaning against the corner of the table and facing the window. As he swung the goblet lightly, the dark liquid glowed with an enchanting luster, like the night outside the window, seductive and cold.

"Wang Ma, go and rest, don't be busy!"

"I wonder if Mr. He is hungry? Do you want to try the handmade wontons?"

Hearing the sound, He Jingyao turned around abruptly, looked at Shen Zhiyi, and then at the bowl of wontons, his solemn expression calmed down a lot.

"You did it?"

"Of course! I've learned it a long time ago. It's the first show today. Do you want to give an evaluation, Mr. He?" Shen Zhiyi raised her chin arrogantly.

The atmosphere suddenly relaxed.

Hearing what she said, He Jingyao immediately had an idea, and tasted one to save face.

Shen Zhiyi stared at him, secretly nervous.

It wasn't until he saw his frown gradually opened that he breathed a sigh of relief, "How is it? Let Mr. He rate it!"

He Jingyao nodded approvingly, "Eight points!"

Shen Zhiyi became happy, "It's so tall!"

"Five points for sincerity!"

Shen Zhiyi: "..."

Happy early!Three points of taste, why are you still eating so much?

She wanted to snatch it back, but the man ate up the bowl of wontons in two or three bites, and at the end, he wiped his mouth full of wine and food.

Dogs, eat my things, and don't say hello to me!Shen Zhiyi bit her lip and stared at him.

"It tastes good, Mrs. He has worked hard!"

Not bad, but also know something nice to say!Shen Zhiyi suddenly had a very important matter, "Well, are you okay these two days?"

He Jingyao was taken aback for a moment, and said why the little girl is so considerate today, is it because of this?

A cunning flashed in his eyes.

"Grandpa scolded me severely, and almost made me hand over the position of He's president. The person who stole the cooperation project has not been found yet, so how can I be reconciled?" He shook his head and sighed again, Pretending to be broken.

Shen Zhiyi rolled her throat, her eyes were distressed, she had never seen He Jingyao like this.

This man has always been invincible and omnipotent. Even if the sky falls, nothing can be done about him. Now he is overwhelmed by He's affairs, how can he not make people feel distressed?
"It's no big deal. Who doesn't have a few setbacks in life? You've done better than many people!" Shen Zhiyi didn't know how to comfort him.

He Jingyao didn't speak, and turned his back to her, looking extremely lonely from his back. At the same time, he quietly observed Shen Zhiyi's reaction with the corner of his forehead.

If I knew it would be easy to impress her, I wouldn't have done so many useless things before.

Since she feels distressed, let her feel distressed more violently.

"He Jingyao, don't be like this, you still have me, Dashu and Xiaobao, we will always support you, what is a temporary failure? Didn't you say it yourself? Even if the sky falls, you will still be there , now, we still have to bear it, we will spend it with you!"

He Jingyao looked down at the hands that were holding him tightly. They were white and bony, and forced the corners of his mouth down, "Are you really willing to stay with me? Forever?"

Shen Zhiyi nodded seriously, "Forever, never leave!"

He Jingyao hugged her.

In the dim light and shadow, the two shadows were intertwined, and the atmosphere suddenly turned into an ambiguous one.

Shen Zhiyi hugged him back almost without hesitation. At this time, what old hatred is still important, so let's comfort him first.

And at this moment, she suddenly felt a heat on her lips, and then, a magnified handsome face appeared in her eyes.

"He Jingyao, you... um..."

He Jingyao didn't give her a chance to speak, and blocked her mouth tightly.

Immediately afterwards, Shen Zhiyi's brain seemed to be short-circuited, and the whole world began to spin in a vast expanse of whiteness, causing her to lose herself...

Song Jiaojiao's life is a bit tangled these days.

Is she going to have a baby or not?

What if Fang Huaizhou refuses to admit it when he is born?
What if her career is over when she is born?
Song Jiaojiao is so annoyed to death, the most difficult choice in life has landed on her head now, can't she have her cake and eat it too?
She looked down at her flat belly, so she could get up, and a new life was actually being born inside.

I don't know if he will be a boy or a girl, or what he will look like.

Just as I was thinking wildly, someone knocked on the door.

Song Jiaojiao opened the door and frowned, "Why is it you?"

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