Chapter 13

"Don't be nervous, I can tie it well." The nurse smiled, looked up at Lin Mu and said, "Your hand was pierced for you by another nurse last night. It didn't go in after several times. Before Mr. Xu left this morning Specifically, I need to find an experienced nurse to give you the needle."

Lin Mu was taken aback after hearing this. She looked at the nurse and asked, "He just left this morning?"

"That's right." The nurse smiled, and the needle in her hand was successfully pricked once. She said, "Mr. Xu guarded you here all night yesterday, and you left this morning after your condition stabilized."

Looking down at the needle in his hand, Lin Mu thought of Xu Yanchen, and his heart moved slightly.

Lin Mu has been sick since he was a child, and has never been accompanied by him.Because there was no one around, she was very sick and tired, otherwise she was afraid that if she was negligent, she would die.Now being told that he was guarded last night, Lin Mu actually felt a faint warmth in his heart.

Under the same roof, the two will take care of each other more or less.What's more, Li Lihua also called to mention her, and she must have mentioned Xu Yanchen.

The relationship between her and Xu Yanchen is not so strange now. Thinking of this, Lin Mu felt that something was wrong.Who said that there is no pure friendship between men and women, she and Xu Yanchen will be together soon.

Lin Mu felt very sorry for being taken care of overnight.Xu Yanchen is usually so busy with work, and he can't ignore her when she is sick.Saying sorry is a little out of place, but I still have to say thank you.

After finishing the drip in the morning, the doctor prescribed medicine for Lin Mu, reminding her to pay attention to diet and rest, and to continue to come to the hospital for infusion after get off work tomorrow.Lin Mu responded to the doctor's instructions one by one. After being informed that he could be discharged from the hospital, Lin Mu took a taxi back home.

Although her fever subsided a little, her body was still weak.After returning home, Lin Mu climbed into bed.Before falling asleep, she turned over, took the phone over, and called Xu Yanchen to report that she had been discharged from the hospital.

The phone was connected quickly, and the man said "Hello" in a low and pleasant voice, Lin Mu felt a little dizzy, and felt that Xu Yanchen's voice came from a dream.

"It's me. I've already finished my drip and was discharged from the hospital. The doctor gave me medicine and told me to go back to the IV tomorrow. I'm much better now." Lin Muweng finished speaking in a low voice, and finally said: "Thank you for sending me off yesterday. Come to the hospital."

Xu Yanchen listened to her quietly, turned the page of the document in his hand, and replied blandly that you're welcome.

Hearing the sound of pages turning, Lin Mu knew he was busy and didn't dare to disturb him.She hung up the phone, dizzy even worse, put down the phone, turned over and fell asleep.

At six o'clock in the afternoon, after the contract was successfully signed, the Lin Group prepared a dinner party, and the group went to celebrate.

Before leaving, Xu Yanchen and his assistant arranged: "You can contact Xiao Xiao, and let Mr. Shao accompany them when they arrive."

After listening, the assistant understood what he meant, and asked, "Aren't you going?"

Xu Yanchen pursed his lips slightly, looked out the window at the sky gradually covered in black shadows, and said: "I can't go, I have something to go back."

Xu Yanchen apologized in the past and said that he couldn't attend the dinner together tonight because of something at home.The main person in charge is a woman who is serious and strict in her work.When he said he was going home to take care of his sick wife, she smiled and patted him on the shoulder to express her appreciation and understanding.

After the handover was clear, Xu Yanchen got in the car and went home.

Lin Mu slept until after six o'clock, nestled in the quilt, she broke out in a layer of sweat.There were no lights on at home, it was dark.Raising his hand to touch his forehead, it started to burn again.Her mind was dizzy and she still wanted to sleep, but she knew that if she continued to sleep, she might have to be sent to the hospital again tonight.Thinking of this, he quickly got up from the bed and prepared to eat something to take the antipyretic medicine.

After going to the kitchen, Lin Mu opened the refrigerator, took milk and cereal, and prepared to fool the two casually.While pouring milk, there was a sound of opening the door, she looked at the door, and Xu Yanchen walked in.

The milk in his hand spilled a little, Lin Mu blinked in a daze, and said, "You came back so early today."

There were iced milk and cereal on the kitchen counter, and she stood there with her body propped up, a little precariously.Xu Yanchen glanced down, and after a reply, he got up and went over.Raising his hand to touch her forehead, it became hot again.Xu Yanchen withdrew his hand and took the milk away from her hand, and said, "You go to rest first, I'll make some porridge, and I'll call you when it's done."

After hearing Xu Yanchen's words, Lin Mu felt that in his current situation, it would be hypocritical to be polite to him.After thanking her, she went to wait on the sofa in the living room.

The porridge was cooked quickly and tasted good. Lin Mu drank a small bowl in small sips.After finishing the porridge, she took antipyretics and crawled back to bed to lie down.While eating just now, Xu Yanchen received another work call.He is really busy, but busy in a meaningful way, unlike her, who is busy all day and still doesn't make much money.

Recently, Xu Yanchen not only has to deal with his own company but also the Xu Group. It has been really tiring for two weeks.After he hung up the phone, he went to the bathroom to take a shower and then went to bed.

As soon as Xu Yanchen went to bed, Lin Mu moved his body.She slept all afternoon, but woke up after taking antipyretics.The movements were still a little clumsy, Lin Mu turned over and prepared to get up.Xu Yanchen originally had his eyes closed, but he opened them after hearing the movement, his black eyes looked at her quietly, and asked, "What's wrong?"

Before he got up, Lin Mu looked at Xu Yanchen with a nasal voice and said, "I'll go to the guest room to sleep, don't infect you anymore, it's hard to be sick."

Xu Yanchen looked at her and said, "No, I'm in good shape."

She looked at Xu Yanchen in front of her, and said in a low voice: "It's not a matter of physique, it's a matter of distance. If you get close, you'll be easily infected..."

The antipyretics took effect, she was more lively than before, and her eyes were extraordinarily clear.She looked at him and spoke seriously, but before she finished speaking, Xu Yanchen bowed his head and kissed him.

The lips touched, the girl's eyes moved, and she was silent for a moment.Xu Yanchen left, looked down at her, and asked, "Is it close enough?"

There was still a man's cool and soft touch on his lips, Lin Mu's jaw moved slightly, his thoughts were stuck, and his mind was in a mess.

"Enough." Lin Mu's heartbeat was disordered, and his face was burning hot.After she finished speaking, she turned around.After a while, she turned around again and said to him, "It's really contagious."

The man's black eyes were very deep, like a bottomless pool of water.He looked down at her, the corners of his lips curled up slightly, his eyebrows and eyes were gentle.

"Well. The body is starting to heat up."

Lin Mu was afraid that Xu Yanchen would really be infected, so he was so worried that he couldn't sleep.But then the cold medicine took effect, and I fell asleep in a daze. When I woke up, there was no one around me.

(End of this chapter)

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