Chapter 14

Xu Yanchen went to work, it seems that there is nothing serious.But Lin Mu is not very well, the cold won't heal for a while, and his head is still groggy.She ate something casually, finished her cold medicine, and then went to work in full clothes.

The high fever didn't subside, and Lin Mu was groggy all morning.In the afternoon, she played with her mentor, and she was very energetic, but she still looked sluggish.

The instructor didn't come in the morning, and she was also concentrating on recording the program just now. After finishing packing the materials, she realized that something was wrong with Lin Mu.The girl's cheeks were flushed, she was breathing deeply, and she was coughing lightly.She looked at Lin Mu and asked, "Uncomfortable?"

"Well, I have a fever. I've taken the medicine. It's nothing serious." Lin Mu braced himself and replied with a smile.

Recently, there was a particularly severe flu. The instructor looked at Lin Mu like this and said, "There is nothing to do after today's recording. Let's go home and rest after get off work."

The mentor has always been a very strict person, and Lin Mu was flattered by the occasional concern.It's already four o'clock in the afternoon, and it's really time for her to get a drip.She thanked her with a warm breath, and was about to leave.

After Lin Mu left the TV station, he was going to take the subway to the hospital for IV drip.It was only after four o'clock in the afternoon, and the sun was hanging obliquely in the sky. The winter sun was a bit cold and warm, making her squint her eyes.

Lin Mu hasn't been exposed to such sunshine for a long time. After entering the junior year, Lin Mu began to take part-time jobs frequently, planning for his future graduation and gaining a foothold in society, so he seldom exposed to such sunshine again.Recalling that when I was in school, although I was dependent on others, I focused on studying and was carefree.Unlike now to make a living, you have to settle down and run around all day.

The winter wind was blowing wet and cold, and Lin Mu's throat was a little sore when he breathed through the mask.She coughed and heard the phone ring.

Lin Mu took a look at his phone, took off his mask, and replied "Hello."

On the other end of the phone, a very nice male voice came over and asked, "What's wrong with your voice?"

"I have a cold." Lin Mu said simply, and asked, "What's the matter?"

The boy said, "Do you have time now? Come to the Japanese grocery store next to the school. I have something to ask you about the school Christmas party."

The call was made by Shen Yun. He and Lin Mu are classmates at the same level and major but in different classes.Shen Yun and Chen Yi are fellow villagers, and they have known each other since high school, so they are relatively familiar with Lin Mu.

Shen Yun is a famous figure in the school, he usually presides over the school's big and small activities, and has won many awards.

He participated in competitions and activities all day long, and he gave most of the part-time jobs introduced to him by his teacher after junior year to Lin Mu.Although he did this for Chen Yi's face, Lin Mu was still very grateful to him.So Shen Yun asked her to help, and she would agree if there was nothing important.

The restaurant was fully heated, and Lin Mu felt more comfortable. She took a sip of barley tea and asked Shen Yun, "What can I do for the Christmas party?"

Shen Yun has a nice voice and good looks. He wears glasses and looks bookish.Listening to Lin Mu's question, Shen Yun replied, "That's right. It turns out that the host of the Christmas party has appointed me and a school girl. But she is going to the TV station for training in a few days, so I want to ask if you have time to come to the rescue? "

The Christmas party is on Saturday night, and Lin Mu has a part-time job, so he can just ask for leave.Shen Yun has helped her so many times, and he would not refuse to help her if he mentioned such a favor, Lin Mu nodded and said, "OK."

Hearing her promise, Shen Yun laughed again, and said, "Then you can leave later, I have invited some people in charge of the party to come over today, let's fix the time for the rehearsal."

This is no problem, Lin Mu agreed.While waiting, she got up and went to the bathroom.I have a sore throat today and drank a lot of water.

While going to the bathroom, Lin Mu received a call from Xu Yanchen.There was a crisp click on the other end of the phone, accompanied by Xu Yanchen's deep voice, "Is today better?"

Xu Yanchen asked about her physical condition, and Lin Mu was slightly hoarse when he heard his voice, but he was worried about him first.But Xu Yanchen's physique was obviously stronger than hers, so he didn't feel any discomfort.Xu Yanchen asked where she was now, and Lin Mu said that he was in the grocery store in front of the school and wanted to discuss things with his classmates.After the discussion, she will go to the drip, so she will be back home a little later.Xu Yanchen responded, someone called him over there, Lin Mu was afraid of disturbing his work, so he hung up the phone before he could reply.

After coming out of the bathroom, Lin Mu returned to the place where she and Shen Yun were sitting just now.Originally there was only Shen Yun's place, but now there are a few more people, both men and women, all of whom look good.These people are the person in charge of the Christmas party, they all belong to the art troupe of college students, and they are all her juniors and sisters.After Lin Mu passed by, Shen Yun introduced her with a smile, and everyone greeted her in a friendly manner.After several people discussed for more than ten minutes, they heard the girl next to her wave her hand towards the door and said, "Su Yuan, here."

Lin Mu followed the girl's gaze and saw a boy wearing a parka with dyed blond hair.He raised his eyes to look at the crowd, and when he saw Lin Mu, he laughed, showing two small canine teeth, full of youthful vigor.

"Sister, don't you remember me? We met in the bar."

The cold made my brain a little hard to use, Lin Mu thought for a while, and then remembered.He bought her a drink at the bar, but she didn't drink it, and then Xu Yanchen stuffed her with a glass of juice.

"Su Yuan rarely takes the initiative to talk to girls." A fat boy next to him said, his eyes were full of ridicule.

He was more tactful, but the girl next to him glanced at Lin Mu, and said bluntly: "Su Yuan likes senior sister, right? He keeps staring at senior sister like a little pug."

Su Yuan didn't dislike being called a little pug, but his eyes lit up, and he said with a smile, "Yes, I really like it, but it's a pity that senior sister is already married."

As soon as he finished speaking, several people on the table said in unison: "What?"

It was originally about discussing the Christmas party, but somehow the wind turned to Su Yuan and her.Lin Mu's head was heavy, but when she was looked at like this, she nodded and said, "Yes, I'm married."

Several people were amazed again, and Su Yuan's smile was not as bright as before.On the other hand, Shen Yun, after listening to Lin Mu's words, said with a smile, "Just make it up. You have been studying and working part-time for four years in college, and you have never even been in love. Who are you marrying?"

When there are too many people, the air is blocked.Unexpectedly, Chen Yi did not tell Shen Yun about her marriage.Lin Mu started to catch a cold and felt dizzy. She didn't even have the strength to argue. Now she just wanted to get an IV.

"Lin Mu." A low voice passed through the discussions of several people and reached Lin Mu's ears.
(End of this chapter)

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