Chapter 15

Lin Mu looked up at the door of the restaurant next to him, and several chatterers also looked up at the same time. When they saw the man standing at the door, they all fell silent at the same time.

Most of the customers in the restaurant in front of the school are students, and it is rare to see such an elegant and mature man.He is tall and tall, wearing a decent suit, with a gentle and introverted demeanor, and a handsome appearance. Just after he called Lin Mu, he attracted the attention of everyone in the restaurant.

When Lin Mu saw Xu Yanchen, she was puzzled for a moment, then got up from her seat, she and Shen Yun said, "Sorry, my husband is here, I'm leaving first."

Before Shen Yun could speak, Lin Mu had already walked to the door of the restaurant.The place she was sitting just now was near the door, she didn't know when Xu Yanchen came over, and she didn't know if he heard their chat just now.

"Why are you here?" Lin Mu looked up at him.

Xu Yanchen looked away from the table she had just left, looked down at her, and raised his hand to touch her forehead.The man's palm was dry and cool, and when it touched her forehead, Lin Mu's ears burned.

She was still having a fever, Xu Yanchen frowned slightly, took the scarf from her hand, tied it on her, and said, "I'll take you to get an IV."

When we came out of the restaurant, it was already dark.The small vendors on the food street had already set up their stalls, and students in twos and threes gathered there, and the oily smoke drifted away with the lights.

The winter night was very cold, Xu Yanchen had just tied a scarf for her, Lin Mu now only left a pair of eyes exposed.She watched Xu Yanchen's tall back passing through the food street. Under the black coat, the man's demeanor was stern and refined, which was incompatible with the noisy fireworks.

Xu Yanchen drove over by himself. The car was parked at the intersection. The luxurious body attracted attention. Lin Mu followed Xu Yanchen into the car, and the complicated gaze that came over for a while made Lin Mu feel like a female student who was being taken care of. .

The car started, and the road near the school was full of students, and many couples walked hand in hand, romantic and warm.

Compared with the atmosphere of the couple outside, the atmosphere of the couple inside the car was a bit cold and alienated.The heating in the car made Lin Mu sleepy, she leaned on the seat, thinking that Xu Yanchen must have heard what Shen Yun said just now.

Lin Mu didn't expect that Xu Yanchen would come to pick her up for an IV drip. She thought that it was her husband's responsibility to take care of her just like the night before yesterday.As a husband, Xu Yanchen has always been conscientious. Lin Mu feels that even a lover who has been in love for four years in college may not end up better than her current result.In college, she saw so much love like this, and she didn't feel regretful at all.

The car drove to Wanda. At this time, students after class were pouring into it. In addition to going to eat, there were also some part-time jobs.Most of the students don't have much money, but their parents provide living expenses, so they don't have to worry about food and clothing. They occasionally earn some extra money by working part-time, and they can save money to buy some big-ticket items.Carefree, don't worry about life, don't worry about the future.

A red light came on at the intersection, and the car stopped slowly. Xu Yanchen looked at the stream of students not far away, and asked, "Have you been working part-time at the university?"

The temperature of his body rose again, and Lin Mu felt a little dizzy from the fever.Hearing Xu Yanchen's words, her eyes opened and blinked like stars in the night sky.

"Not really." Lin Mu's voice was a little hoarse, she thought about it, and said: "I'm not that miserable, and occasionally I have some other entertainment."

"What do you like to do?" Xu Yanchen asked.

"Make coffee?" After finishing speaking, she suddenly thought that this was also a part-time job, she paused in her thoughts, and said, "And watch movies, I like Ouyang Yu's movies."

The movie she invited him to watch last time was Ouyang Yu's. Xu Yanchen glanced sideways at her and asked, "You like Ouyang Yu?"

"Yes." When talking about idols, Lin Mu's tone became more cheerful, and he was more energetic than before.She opened her eyes slightly, and said, "I've liked him since high school, he has a..."

""East Palace"" Xu Yanchen said.

Unexpectedly, Xu Yanchen knew, Lin Mu laughed and said, "Well, have you seen it?"

After chatting for a while, the atmosphere of the two people in the car has eased a little.When the green light came on, Xu Yanchen held the steering wheel while turning left and said, "Well, I like it too."

The topic seemed to end here, and the car fell into silence again.There was heating in the car and it was very comfortable. Lin Mu almost fell asleep, but finally cheered up.Xu Yanchen heard what Shen Yun said, so he might have seen Su Yuan as well.Although she and Xu Yanchen had no relationship, she was his wife, and no man would like his wife to be involved with other people.

"The boy I met at the bar last time, I just found out today that it was my junior. We were talking about the Christmas party, so we met together." After Lin Mu finished speaking, he braced himself and said, "He should be He meant that to me, but I clearly rejected it. I said that I am married and my husband is handsome and rich, and he treats me very well."

Xu Yanchen listened quietly without answering, but when she said the last sentence, he glanced sideways at her, chuckled lightly, and said, "How about it?"

"Okay." Lin Mu replied, she couldn't bear it any more, her eyes were closed: "I have never been taken care of overnight when I was sick, and no one has accompanied me on the IV..."

After speaking, Lin Mu was a little tired, and fell asleep in a daze.

The car slowly stopped in front of the zebra crossing, Xu Yanchen glanced sideways at the girl on the co-pilot.The girl's voice became lower and lower, and her face was blushing because of the high fever.The street lamps illuminated the street trees, and the mottled shadows of the trees slid across her fair face.

She has an outstanding appearance, the professional ability to practice in a TV station, and the family background of the eldest daughter of the chairman of the Lin Group, but her life is not easy.

Xu Yanchen's work has gradually become idle recently, and when he has time, he will accompany Lin Mu to get an IV.After hanging up for another two days, Lin Mu recovered from the cold.The doctor told her to take a good rest, and she agreed, but turned around and devoted herself to the rehearsal of the TV station's New Year's Eve party and the school's Christmas party.

Lin Mu, who got busy, sometimes came back later than Xu Yanchen.

Su Yuan performed hip-hop at the Christmas party. At first, Lin Mu thought about rejecting the host in order to avoid suspicion.But when going to the rehearsal, Su Yuan just smiled shyly at her with his little canine teeth bared, and didn't do anything to embarrass her.If she really turned down this event to avoid him, it would be a bit hypocritical.

In fact, he is a very good boy, and his reputation in school is no less than that of Shen Yun, but he is only a sophomore this year. When he entered the school, Lin Mu had already started working part-time, and he knew very little about the influential figures in the school.

Su Yuan is handsome and good at dancing. During the rehearsal, many girls came to see him. On the night of the party, some even held up a sign for him.As soon as Su Yuan came on stage, the school auditorium was almost burst by the girls' screams.

Today's college students are terrible, and they are like chasing stars.

(End of this chapter)

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