Chapter 25

When it came to the topic of staying on the TV station, Lin Mu responded with a smile on the surface, but in fact he didn't know it.

Li Lihua noticed it quickly and asked, "I have difficulties at work."

Li Lihua is a teacher, and there is nothing to hide from the teacher about what happened during the internship, and maybe she can give her some advice.After thinking about it, she told Li Lihua about Zhang Jing.

As soon as she finished speaking, Li Lihua frowned.

Such things are very common in the workplace, but there is no evidence, so it is not easy to report.And Li Lihua has been teaching in the school, has little experience, and lacks experience in dealing with such things.

Li Lihua thought for a moment, and made a suggestion to Lin Mu, "You can ask someone about this matter, he might know how to deal with it."

"Who?" Lin Mu asked quickly.

"Your husband." Li Lihua said with a smile.

Even though the school was on holiday on New Year's Day, Liang Xinxin's cram school did not stop.As soon as she came out of the classroom, she saw Xu Yanchen standing in front of the car waiting for her.

She ran over happily, her long hair beating lively, and when she got to the car, she called out "Brother" from the corner of her eyes.

With a low laugh, Xu Yanchen raised his hand to rub her head, and said, "Let's go."

The relationship between brother and sister has always been good, Liang Xinxin especially liked to cling to Xu Yanchen when she was young.But as he got older, Xu Yanchen got busy with his studies and work, and the chances of the two meeting each other gradually decreased.Just like this, Liang Xinxin will be happier after seeing her brother.

After not seeing Xu Yanchen for many days, Liang Xinxin talked to him about what happened recently and her troubles.

After Liang Xinxin finished speaking with a sad face, she said to Xu Yanchen, "Brother, after I finish my final exam in the middle of this month, let's go ride a horse."

Xu Yanchen doted on her very much, and he always responded to her requests.But today, after the man parked the car in the parking space, he flatly refused.

"I want to take your sister-in-law out."

Being rejected for the first time, Liang Xinxin was stunned for a moment.After she was stunned, she got out of the car angrily, and said while running, "I'm going to tell my mother that if you have a wife, you won't love your sister anymore."

With that said, Liang Xinxin trotted onto the elevator.

When they got to the door, Liang Xinxin called out to her mother, and Li Lihua responded gently in the kitchen.She hurried over, leaned on the door frame of the kitchen, and said angrily, "I want to sue my brother."

After Liang Xinxin entered the door, she saw Lin Mu sitting there with a dumpling wrapper in her hand and rubbed some flour on her face.It seemed that he believed her words, and was nervously looking at Xu Yanchen behind her.

"What's the matter?" Li Lihua asked with a smile as the brother and sister "quarreled" as they rolled out the dumpling wrappers slowly.

Looking at Lin Mu, Liang Xinxin suddenly got stuck, her lips curled up, she hummed and smiled, and said to Lin Mu mysteriously, "Secret."

After the girl finished speaking, she left the kitchen as nimbly as a rabbit.Xu Yanchen behind her only smiled faintly, Lin Mu watched him come in, and asked, "Are you all right?"

Xu Yanchen wiped off the flour on her face with a tissue, and said with a light smile, "It's okay."

Liang Xinxin was indeed fine. During dinner at night, she had already talked and laughed happily with Xu Yanchen.Growing up in love, the girl always looks carefree, laughing when she is happy, and frowning and angry when she is unhappy.No pretense, frank, sincere and lovely.

New Year's Eve was happily spent at Li Lihua's house, and it was already nine o'clock in the evening when Lin Mu and Xu Yanchen returned home.Lin Mu was still a little uncomfortable after returning to calm from the bustle.The two took off their coats and hung them on the hanger. Xu Yanchen asked Lin Mu, "Do you want a drink?"

Xu Yanchen is wearing a brown coat and a black turtleneck sweater today. He founded YC by himself, and now he is gradually taking over Xu's.He has been in the workplace for many years, so that even if he wears casual clothes, he has a compelling sense of elite in his temperament.

Lin Mu remembered Li Lihua's suggestion, she nodded and said, "Yeah."

Xu Yanchen went to the restaurant, and Lin Mu also went in with him.Seeing her coming in, Xu Yanchen looked sideways, smiled quietly, poured a cup of hot water and handed it over.

The temperature of the hot water was transmitted through the ceramic cup. Lin Mu held the cup, hesitating how to speak.After Xu Yanchen poured water for himself, he leaned against the marble stone platform in the dining room and asked, "What's the matter?"

He took the initiative to ask, Lin Mu's eyes moved, and he nodded quickly and said, "Yes, it's something about the TV station."

She rarely talked about her work with him, Xu Yanchen was slightly surprised, and smiled and said, "Let's listen."

Lin Mu told Xu Yanchen about the matter, and the man listened carefully the whole time, as if he was used to such unspoken rules, his expression did not change at all.After Lin Mu finished speaking, he asked, "Do you want me to analyze it from your point of view, or from that girl's point of view?"

This is her business, Lin Mu said; "From my point of view."

"There is a one-third chance that you can stay." Xu Yanchen said.

"Huh?" Lin Mu didn't understand.

Putting down the cup, Xu Yanchen said, "In this competition, the girl is more passive to the leadership of her body, and her every move is restrained by the leader. In the next semester, if she does not continue to attract the leader, she will not be able to attract the leader." Starting from the self-interest of the TV station, the leader will naturally choose you with stronger strength."

In other words, Zhang Jing committed herself to Liao Guoqing, but in the end she was probably abandoned after being used up by Liao Guoqing.

Lin Mu shuddered a little, and his mood was complicated for a while.

"Then what happened to her two-thirds?" Lin Mu asked.

"One third is that the leader is still interested in her after the semester is over." Xu Yanchen briefly analyzed, "The other third is that the leader is not interested in her, but she took advantage of his weakness and threatened to kill him."

After being dissected in this way, Lin Mu forgot to ask him how to deal with it.She was in this matter, but she never thought deeply about it in an orderly manner.While thinking broadly, Lin Mu looked up at Xu Yanchen with complicated eyes.

Xu Yanchen glanced back at her, smiled softly, and asked, "What's wrong?"

Lin Mu came back to her senses, she lowered her head and drank the water, and said with a smile, "It's nothing, I just suddenly remembered that you are also the leader."

"I don't need to do such a thing." The man smiled softly, he took the water glass in her hand and put it aside.Looking down at her, he said in a deep voice, "And with me here, you don't need it either."

Lin Mu performed well in hosting the New Year's Eve live broadcast. At the summary meeting, Liao Guoqing praised her.When praising Lin Mu, all colleagues smiled encouragingly, Zhang Jing sat in the corner and looked at Liao Guoqing with complicated eyes.

After embarking on this path, Zhang Jing was not as relaxed as she imagined.Liao Guoqing is well versed in the way of trading power and sex, and has the initiative. Liao Guoqing can decide whether she will stay or not.

(End of this chapter)

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