Chapter 26

Less than half a month after New Year's Day, the school is approaching the end of the term.

On Saturday night, Lin Mu and Chen Yi met at a Korean restaurant in the food street. Lin Mu poured a cup of barley tea and handed it to Chen Yi. She took it with a smile and waved her hand in front of Lin Mu.

The girl has a small left hand, with a ring on her ring finger.Lin Mu raised her eyes, before she could ask, Chen Yi smiled and confessed, "I'm with Shen Yun."

Lin Mu raised his brows slightly, and said with a smile, "I guess it's him too."

Chen Yi has had a crush on Shen Yun since high school, and chased him to City A, but Shen Yun was so outstanding, he was a man of the hour in high school, conquering thousands of girls in the school with his personality and charm.When he arrived at the university, he was even more in the limelight.

To Chen Yi, Shen Yun was like a shining star that day, she could always see it, but she couldn't touch it all the time.She and Shen Yun had been brothers for many years, but they never expected that they would be together when they were about to graduate.

After laughing with Chen Yi, Lin Mu poked the cup with a straw and asked, "Are you going to Miancheng?"

Withdrawing her hand, Chen Yi shrugged her shoulders and said, "No."

"What about Shen Yun?"

"He doesn't come to City A either." Chen Yi put down the cup, and her smile gradually faded.She knew Lin Mu's worry, she looked at Lin Mu, and told her what she was thinking.

"I liked him for seven years. After graduation, he was in Cotton City, and I was in City A. This time we separated, and I will not see him in the future. But for me now, my partner is not as important as my career. The two of us Get along first, long-distance relationships will be a big deal after graduation, and there will always be a choice at that time."

The two were able to be best friends for four years in college because of their similar personalities.Like Lin Mu, Chen Yi is also very clear. She knows that a lover must love herself first, so she will not do such an immature thing as giving up her career for her lover.And she also knew that the relationship between her and Shen Yun would deepen or fade over time, and she was also prepared to make a choice in the future.

Chen Yi spoke thoroughly, but Lin Mu didn't say anything more.Her seven-year relationship with Shen Yun was reciprocated in the last year, and Lin Mu could see how happy Chen Yi was.

In fact, Lin Mu is optimistic about the future of Chen Yi and Shen Yun, because the future between her and Shen Yun will not be worse than hers.They are at least in love, but she and Xu Yanchen are not in love, and their marriage may break down at any time due to the termination of the business cooperation between Xu's Group and Lin's Group.

Of course, before they broke up, she still liked being with Xu Yanchen.Enjoy the present moment, be happy with your life, Lin Mu has been doing this for more than 20 years.

After parting with Chen Yi, Lin Mu thought about something and walked towards the subway entrance.As the winter vacation approached, the university town became quite deserted. The cold wind blew and rolled up the fallen leaves. There were not many people at the subway station entrance.

The university town during the winter vacation is deserted and empty than during the summer vacation.Because of the Spring Festival during the winter vacation, there are very few students working during the holidays. Most of the students go back early to prepare for the Spring Festival.

During the winter vacation in previous years, Lin Mu would travel to various shopping malls to host sales promotions.I won't go back to have a New Year's Eve dinner until New Year's Eve.

He didn't like her appearing at the New Year's Eve dinner table, but Yang Lianjiao had to let her go back for the sake of her good stepmother image.People are always like this, in order to save face, they have to do something against their will.

Thinking of this, Lin Mu suddenly remembered that she is already married this year, so she doesn't need to go to Lin's house for New Year's Eve dinner.So where did she spend the Spring Festival this year?

I can stay at Li Lihua's house on New Year's Day, but I will go back to Xu's house during the Spring Festival.

Xu Yanchen's father was away all year round, and the Xu family only had old Mrs. Xu there.Mrs. Xu didn't like her very much, and he didn't go to her wedding with Xu Yanchen.

She really doesn't welcome people wherever she goes.

Anyway, Xu Yanchen is definitely going to go back to Xu's house to spend the Spring Festival with the old lady. As for whether she will go or not, it will be up to Xu Yanchen to make arrangements then.It's okay if she doesn't go, just order a takeaway at home and go.

Regardless of the meaning of the festival, the Spring Festival is just a normal day.

However, Lin Mu secretly poked a little regret in his heart. If it was a normal family, the elders would give a big red envelope for the new wife in the first year of marriage.

I don't know if Xu Yanchen will replenish her.

Just as he was thinking about it, Lin Mu's cell phone rang. He took it out to look at the caller ID. Lin Mu rolled his eyes and answered the call.

The call was from Xu Yanchen, and he asked her if she still had a part-time job tonight.Today is Saturday, and she was supposed to work part-time, but the boss has something to go back to her hometown these days, so she also gave her a few days off.

After hearing Lin Mu finish speaking, Xu Yanchen on the other end of the phone smiled lightly and said, "I'm in Beiyuan now, do you want to come over here? You can ski here."

Beiyuan is located in the North District of City A. There is a Beiyuan business club there. The club is very high-end, and the people who go there are either rich or expensive.

Since it is a high-end club, there are naturally various entertainment services. Beiyuan Business Club has tea houses, restaurants, hot springs, and the largest ski resorts in several nearby cities, which are well-known.

Last time it was horse riding, this time it was skiing. Xu Yanchen is usually gentle and gentle, but he really likes this kind of exciting sport.

"With Xinxin?" Lin Mu asked.

"Just the two of us." Xu Yanchen replied.

The road was full of traffic, and Lin Mu's eyes moved slightly.As far as the two of them are concerned, is it a date?This is the couple's first date.

Since Xu Yanchen mentioned it, Lin Mu naturally couldn't refuse, she readily agreed, Xu Yanchen asked her where she was and wanted to send a car to pick her up.

"Are you going to ski tonight?" Lin Mu has never skied before, but this is not a very safe sport. It should not be very easy to ski at night.

"Skiing tomorrow." After Xu Yanchen finished speaking lightly, he was silent for a moment, and said with a low smile, "As for tonight, we can do other things first."

"What are you doing?" Lin Mu blurted out.On the other end of the phone, the man just chuckled.

The man's laughter was deep and pleasant, in the long dark night, it seemed to be rubbing gently beside her ear.Lin Mu's consciousness turned back, thinking about Xu Yanchen's last words, she blinked her eyelashes, her face gradually became hotter and hotter.

In the long night, what can a husband and wife do.

Xu Yanchen was only gentle on the surface, but in fact he was not like that at all in private.Thinking of this, Lin Mu reminded, "Then we have to go skiing tomorrow, so we should be more restrained tonight."

"What?" Xu Yanchen seemed puzzled, and after a pause for a while, he chuckled.

Hanging up the phone amidst the man's laughter, Lin Mu's ears felt hot. She probably didn't misunderstand what he meant.

Lin Mu waited at the subway entrance for a while, and a black Mercedes-Benz stopped beside her.Xu Yanchen's assistant came down from the car and opened the door. Zhuang Zhou said politely, "Madam, get in the car."

Lin Mu thanked him and followed Zhuang Zhou into the car.

It was only six o'clock in the afternoon when Zhuang Zhou picked her up, and it was already past seven o'clock when she arrived at Beiyuan.

(End of this chapter)

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