Chapter 254

"Dr. Wen's patient has been in for two hours."

"Almost. But I checked the arrangement yesterday. Dr. Wen originally didn't arrange a diagnosis and treatment this afternoon. "

"Make an exception for beautiful women?"


Seeing that Lin Chu took a mouthful of pearls and oversucked his head, he choked it down his throat.

"Cough, cough, cough!" Lin Chujian started coughing wildly while holding a cup of milk tea, and the nurses next to her quickly came out with tissues to wipe her hands.

"Ah, Miss Lin, are you okay?"

"Drink slowly."

Lin Chujian choked a bit just now, and coughed several times before she stopped. Her face was also flushed from the cough. She held up a cup of milk tea, looked at the little nurse who said "make an exception for beauties", and asked.

"What beauty?"

When the little nurse heard Lin Chujian's question, she looked blankly at the colleagues on both sides, and said, "She is a beautiful woman with a good figure, a good temperament, and a sense of grace."

"I saw it too." After the little nurse finished speaking, another little nurse said, "It's really very good-looking, with light makeup and low ponytail. It's simple, but it looks good."

"Wow~" The other little nurses were surprised again and again, "It's an exception and a beautiful woman. Do you think this female patient has anything to do with Dr. Wen?"

One of the little nurses said this. As soon as she finished speaking, Lin Chujian looked at her with piercing eyes.

But the little nurse's statement was not supported by other little nurses. The other little nurse said: "How is it possible? If they really have something to do with each other, that female patient would not come to Dr. Wen, because she wants to avoid suspicion."

After the little nurse finished speaking, Lin Chujian nodded repeatedly.

"Not necessarily. If they are really in love, Dr. Wen will end the doctor-patient relationship with her now. After the female patient recovers, they can still be together. "

Lin Chujian: "..."

"Which doctor will Dr. Wen introduce this female patient to?" A little nurse asked.

After she finished asking, the little nurse beside her said, "Professor Sun, isn't Miss Lin like this at that time?"

After a little nurse finished speaking, a group of little nurses looked over.

Lin Chujian holding milk tea: "..."

After the little nurse finished speaking, she immediately realized that what she said was wrong, she laughed quickly, and apologized to Lin Chujian: "Sorry, Miss Lin, I didn't mean that Dr. Wen has anything to do with you, I just Tell me what is the relationship between Dr. Wen and that female patient. Then there is a precedent like yours, so I listed it. "

After the little nurse finished speaking, she felt that her explanation just now seemed to be a bit wrong, but if she explained it from this angle, it really could only be explained in this way.In order to prevent more explanations from becoming more confusing, the little nurse met Lin Chu.

"Actually, we're just guessing. Dr. Wen and the female patient. Maybe that lady isn't Dr. Wen's patient, maybe she's Dr. Wen's girlfriend. "

Lin Chujian: "..."
After chatting with the little nurse for a while, Lin Chujian became more and more heartbroken. Fortunately, the little nurses had to go to work, and Lin Chujian also left the nurse's desk.

After leaving the nurse's desk, Lin Chujian took a cup of milk tea, walked three steps, one step five steps, and walked like this, and arrived at the door of Wen Huaijin's consultation room.

Lin Chujian stood directly opposite the door of the consulting room, looked at the closed door of the consulting room, and took a sip of milk tea.

The milk tea is courageous, she seemed to have the courage, looked around to make sure no one was looking, Lin Chujian walked to Wen Huaijin's door lightly, and put her ear to Wen Huaijin's door.

Lin Chujian: "..."

Lin Chujian felt that he was so shameless that he actually eavesdropped on the conversation between the mental patient and the psychiatrist in the hospital.Thinking of this, Lin Chujian quickly stood up straight and put his ears away.

But after taking it away, the little nurse's words came back into her mind.

Maybe she is Dr. Wen's girlfriend?
Lin Chujian quickly put his ears back on the door.

However, even if she put her ear on the door, she couldn't feel anything except the coldness of the door.She bent over and adjusted the angle of her ears, so she was bound to hear something from it.

While she was moving back and forth like this.

"See you at the beginning of Lin."

Sun Huanian called her.

Lin Chujian was startled when he heard Sun Huanian's voice, and quickly evacuated from Wen Huaijin's consultation room.After evacuating, she looked back, and Sun Huanian was standing in front of her consultation room door looking at her.

Lin Chujian: "..."

It was already four o'clock, and Sun Huanian came to call Lin Chujian into the consultation room for treatment.Usually when the consultation is over, Lin Chujian will knock on the door and come in by himself.But today she waited for 2 minutes and no one was there, so she came out to check.As a result, he caught sight of Lin Chujian who was eavesdropping at Wen Huaijin's door.

Now after she called Lin Chujian, Lin Chujian stood there, holding a cup of milk tea, like a child who did something wrong.Seeing her like this, Sun Huanian couldn't help laughing, and waved at her.

"Come here, the diagnosis and treatment are about to begin."

When Sun Huanian said this, Lin Chujian seemed to have been relieved, and she ran towards Sun Huanian's consultation room with milk tea.Before entering the consultation room, he even threw away the finished milk tea.
Lin Chujian followed Sun Huanian into the consultation room.In the consultation room, Sun Huanian was already sitting behind the desk. She smiled at Lin Chujian, who was rosy from running, and said, "I said, why didn't you come in? You were drinking milk tea there."

Sun Huanian saw her bad behavior just now, but she didn't talk about her, but changed another topic.Hearing what Sun Huanian said, Lin Chujian's heart relaxed slightly. She pointed to the direction of the nurse's desk and said, "The little nurse invited me to drink."

"Really, you are so familiar now, I heard that you even gave them autographed photos, right?" Sun Huanian said.

After hearing this, Lin Chujian shook his head and said, "It doesn't count. I threw it in the trash can and they picked it up by themselves."

No matter what kind of hospital it is, doctors and nurses are not allowed to accept things from patients, even a photo.Lin Chujian said this because he was afraid that Sun Huanian would blame the little nurse.

Sun Huanian naturally understood what she was thinking.She laughed and said, "Really? Where did you throw it? I'll pick it up next time."

Hearing what Sun Huanian said, Lin Chu looked at Sun Huanian, hesitated for a moment, and asked tentatively, "Professor Sun, which star do you like?"

Sun Huanian laughed.

Sun Huanian suddenly laughed, and Lin Chujian naturally knew that she was laughing at her, but she laughed like this, which meant that Sun Huanian would not restrain her behavior with the little nurse.

Seeing her smile, Lin Chujian also laughed, and pulled away the chair in front of the desk and sat down obediently.

After a simple prelude, the diagnosis and treatment of the two will begin.

(End of this chapter)

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