Chapter 255

Lin Chujian now has no secrets from Sun Huanian. With the increase in the number of consultations about her mother and Liang Jun, she gradually opened up and told her everything.

The root and fuse of her psychological problems have been solved, and they actually have nothing to talk about.Of course, Lin Chujian thought there was nothing to talk about.But every time she came to the consultation room, Sun Huanian would always take her and tell her a lot.

Sun Huanian's diagnosis and treatment style is like this, she can always detect problems from what you say, and then continue to chat with you about this problem.

But after these several consultations, Sun Huanian didn't seem to notice any problems with her.The two sat in the consulting room chatting like this.

Talk about work, life, family, whatever.

"What have you been up to lately?" Sun Huanian asked Lin Chujian.

Lin Chujian thought about what he had done recently, and said: "It's just work, and there are always shooting tasks. Then in the past two days, I'm buying some home appliances and daily necessities for my mother."

Speaking of Lin Chu's mother, Sun Huanian laughed and asked, "Is your mother moving here?"

Last month, Lin Chujian had a conversation with his mother.My mother also agreed to come over, but the time to deal with some work was delayed.

Lin Chujian had told Sun Huanian about these things, and she knew it too.

"Not yet." Lin Chujian smiled after Sun Huanian finished speaking, "But it's coming soon, my mother said that she will come after the midterm exam."

When Lin Chujian said that his mother was coming soon, his eyes were full of expectant smiles.They may not live together, but as long as they are in a city, it is very good to see them often.

The most important thing is that the two are now a pure mother-daughter relationship, and it is getting better and better.From Lin Chujian's expression when he mentioned his mother, Sun Huanian could feel the change in Lin Liping's treatment of Lin Chujian.

There is no need to teach a mother to love her daughter, it is instinct.As long as the hatred entangled in her heart is removed, she will only have love for Lin Chujian.Surrounded by maternal love, Lin Chujian is also healing and getting better.

Sun Huanian looked at Lin Chujian with a smile and nodded: "That's pretty good."

After asking about family affairs, Sun Huanian asked, "What about work? Is the filming going well?"

"It's okay. Anyway, it's those jobs. Although the schedule is full, it's not tiring." After Lin Chujian finished speaking, she remembered the phone call Liu Jun had made to her. She smiled and said, "An entertainment company contacted my agent today. Man, I was asked to independently direct a film under the company's banner, but I refused. I haven't recovered yet, and I'm afraid that when the pressure is too great, I will have another attack while filming, and it will be over."

When Lin Chujian was talking, his expression was relaxed and casual.Sun Huanian looked at her and asked, "Just because of this?"

Lin Chujian turned his smiling eyes to Sun Huanian.

Liu Jun called her today, and she analyzed two reasons for Liu Jun not accepting the movie.One is because she has no experience in caring for feathers, and the other is because she is not recovering from her illness and is afraid that her reputation will be affected by an attack.

In fact, here at Lin Chujian, there is a third and most important one.

She looked at Sun Huanian, thought for a while, and said, "What's more, I'm finally getting better now. I'm worried that the high-intensity work will affect my recovery, and at the same time, it will drag me down and make me worse and worse. .It’s not worth the candle.”

After Lin Chujian finished speaking, Sun Huanian looked at her.

"You really want to get well?"

After Sun Huanian asked, Lin Chu saw that her eyes were raised, and she laughed, "Of course."

"What do you want to do after you recover?" Sun Huanian asked.

After being asked by Sun Huanian, Lin Chujian looked at her and hesitated for a moment.

"Does this have to be said?" Lin Chujian asked.

Sun Huanian smiled: "You don't have to say it."

Lin Chujian smiled and said, "Then leave me a secret."

In the consulting room, the two laughed together.
An hour could easily pass in such lighthearted conversation.After the diagnosis and treatment, Lin Chujian also stood up from her seat, and she said something to Sun Huanian.

"Professor Sun, I'm leaving then."

Sun Huanian and her nodded with a smile.

After saying goodbye, Lin Chujian went to the door to open it.She held the door of the consulting room with her hand. As soon as the door was opened, the wind from outside came in, and Sun Huanian's voice came from behind against the wind.

"You don't have to come over next week."

Hearing Sun Huanian's words, Lin Chujian, who was standing at the door, turned her head, and her eyes met Sun Huanian, who was still smiling at her while sitting behind the desk.

"Congratulations, Lin Chujian, you have recovered."

Lin Chujian recovered.

For Lin Chujian, this was really a long process.During this process, time seemed to be stretched infinitely, and every second she spent was heavy and slow.

From the onset of the illness two years ago to the time when she got to know Wen Huaijin, Lin Chujian felt that she was a transparent person, and her color was gradually disappearing in this world.

Fortunately, before disappearing completely, Wen Huaijin gave her a hand.

But even if she was pulled, she would still be half dead.In this half-dead situation, Sun Huanian appeared, and she guided her patiently and meticulously, guiding her out of the smog and seeing the way forward.As she walked forward, Wen Huaijin held her hand and stayed by her side.

After such a painful recovery, Lin Chujian thought that he would cry hoarsely after he recovered, and would find a corner where there was no one to cry silently. After all, he would cry for the painful past.

However, Lin Chujian did not.That's what she thought when she was sick. If she still does that, then she must not be well.But she is fine now.

Lin Chujian was stunned for two seconds after hearing Sun Huanian say that she had recovered. Then, she turned around and bowed solemnly to Sun Huanian.

When Lin Chujian leaned over, Sun Huanian also stood up from his seat. Seeing her bow and straighten up again, Sun Huanian laughed.

"What are you doing?"

Lin Chujian's cheeks became very rosy due to the bloodshot from the bow, and she looked at Sun Huanian with bright eyes.

"Thank you, Professor Sun, I have really troubled you during this time."

Lin Chujian's recovery from mental illness is inseparable from Sun Huanian's patient guidance and careful help.

Hearing what Lin Chujian said, Sun Huanian laughed and said, "There's nothing to be thankful for. This is what I should do, and you also worked very hard yourself."

Although Lin Chujian is deeply suffering from mental illness, she also has a tenacious will, and her desire to recover is very strong, which is one of the important reasons why she can recover completely.

After being praised by Sun Huanian, Lin Chujian was still a little embarrassed. She raised her hand and scratched her hair, looked at Sun Huanian, hesitated, and said.

"Can I hug you?"

(End of this chapter)

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