Chapter 36

Thinking of this, the displeasure in Lin Zhen's eyes disappeared. He actually smiled, nodded and said, "It is true that I was also at fault. I apologize to Mu Mu, and I will try my best to make up for it in the future."

Lin Zhen had no shame on his face, and Lin Mu felt a little hypocritical, but seeing Lin Ying next to him looked ugly, she felt a little happy, and it was worth it.

When she was feeling happy, Xu Yanchen suddenly said something that made the Lin family explode.

"Then let's make up for it from now on. Miss Lin and Mu Mu are both your daughters. You just promised to buy a sports car for Miss Lin. Should you also buy one for Mu Mu?"

As soon as Xu Yanchen's voice fell, Lin Ying immediately exploded. She was robbed of her fiancé by Lin Mu, and she will be treated fairly by the Lin family in the future, which means that the Lin family's money will be shared equally with Lin Mu in the future.

She didn't dare to shout at Xu Yanchen, turned her head to look at Lin Mu and said, "Lin Mu, don't be delusional, none of the Lin family's money belongs to you, and if you messed with our family today, didn't you rely on Mr. Xu, without him, I'll see how you behave"

Being criticized by Lin Ying, Lin Mu also felt a little guilty. She glanced at Xu Yanchen carefully, and the man was smiling at her.Lin Mu seemed to be encouraged, she looked up at Lin Ying, and corrected, "Xiaoying, what you said is wrong. He is my husband, and I am his wife. The matters between the husband and wife cannot be relied on by anyone." Anyone can only be regarded as helping each other."

"Yes." Xu Yanchen nodded with a smile, agreeing.

The husband and wife sang together and dealt with her alone. Lin Ying was angry and jealous. She never thought that Lin Mu could be so eloquent, and he was so angry that he couldn't refute for a while.

Yang Lianjiao, who had just sent the nanny away, came back and understood what had happened in the blink of an eye.Compared with her daughter, the mother is more stable, but she is obviously not as calm as she was at the beginning.She can be polite to Lin Mu, but it is absolutely impossible for the Lin family to buy her a car.

She looked at Xu Yanchen and explained, "Mr. Xu, we bought a car for Xiaoying because the orchestra is far away from home, and it's not safe for her to go home after practicing very late every night. Besides, you asked me to buy a car for Mumu, Does she have a driver's license?"

Xu Yanchen gave a light oh, and turned to look at Lin Mu.With suppressed excitement in her eyes, the girl raised her eyes to look at Yang Lianjiao, and said softly, "Aunt Lianjiao, I can pass the exam."

As soon as Lin Mu finished speaking, Xu Yanchen beside him raised his hand and gently stroked her hair. He and the head of the family, Lin Zhen, laughed and said, "Mu Mu has always been motivated, and she will soon get a driver's license."

This tone is like a teacher who praises a student to his parents during a home visit.

After the incident in the living room, the mother and daughter of the Lin family had no intention of eating, but Lin Mu ate the most delicious dinner she had ever had in the Lin family.

For Lin Zhen and Xu Yanchen, this incident was an episode.Lin Zhen agreed to buy a car for Lin Mu, and Lin Mu also offered tea and thanked him.However, she knew that today she should be most grateful to Xu Yanchen.

After tonight, she really got to know Xu Yanchen.On the surface, he is gentle and gentle, but in reality, he sees the tricks and breaks the tricks, step by step. He has already planned to get her a car today since he fired the nanny.All the members of the Lin family seemed to be chess pieces in his hands. He finished the game calmly and finally won.

Such a man is admirable and frightening. Lin Mu admires his ability, but is afraid that he will also abandon her from the chessboard in the end.However, these are all unfounded worries, and she is still very happy during the period of making chess pieces.

After eating, Xu Yanchen and Lin Mu were ready to leave.After he got in the car and started the car, he saw Lin Mu staring at the brightly lit Lin's house outside the car window in a daze.

He smiled and asked, "What are you thinking?"

When the girl turned her head, her eyes sparkled, and she said honestly, "I don't know when they will buy a house for Lin Ying."

The girl was as happy as a little wild cat that ate a fish, even if she was greedy, she was cute and greedy.Xu Yanchen's heart seemed to be softened by a cat's paw, he smiled softly, and drove away.

In fact, Lin Mu prefers more houses in his heart. With a house, he has a sense of belonging and security.But it's good to have a car, the big deal is to wait until she buys the car and then sell it, and take the money to pay the down payment on the house.

Thinking of this, Lin Mu felt that he had to study the driver's license more carefully, lest the Lin family regret it after a long delay.

I don't know how long I did it last night. Lin Mu slept soundly. In the morning, her phone rang twice before she opened her eyes.When he opened his eyes, he saw Xu Yanchen standing by the bedroom window and putting on a shirt.

He should have taken a bath, his hair is short and refreshing, and his facial features are three-dimensional and deep.He was tall and tall, standing in the sunlight by the window, his white shirt was covered with a layer of soft light.He raised his arms, revealing his smooth wrists, and his slender fingers were slowly buttoning the cuffs.The man looked sideways out of the window, his eyes were deep, his thin lips were slightly pursed, and he had a sense of dignity and elegance.

Reminiscent of his appearance in bed last night, a word came to Lin Mu's mind: gentle scum.

Noticing that she woke up on the bed, the man lowered his eyes and looked over, the deep eyes that had just been thinking disappeared, replaced by his inherent gentleness.He buttoned his cuffs, took the tie next to him and smiled at Lin Mu, "You can sleep for a while."

While speaking, the man tied the dark blue tie with his knuckle fingers, and put on the suit jacket at the same time.For a moment, the soft sunshine was restrained by the sharp suit, and at the same time, it showed some maturity and stability to turn the tide.

In the past few days of rest, Xu Yanchen has been dressed casually, with a coat and turtleneck sweater, gentle and polite.Now that he changed his clothes, Lin Mu was stunned for a moment.

She regained her senses, got up from the bed, and said to Xu Yanchen, "I have work today."

"Work in a TV station?" Xu Yanchen asked.

"No, I took casual jobs." After Lin Mu finished speaking, she added, "It's a commercial building, not a bar."

After speaking, her voice gradually became weaker, and she just smiled at him.

The last time we met at the bar, he gave her a card when he came back.There is not much money in the card, and 10,000+ is enough for daily expenses.However, her life style remains unchanged. She usually works as an intern at a TV station, works part-time on weekends, and occasionally takes on casual jobs. She has been working hard to make money and get rich through hard work.

Seeing her smile, Xu Yanchen nodded in response, "Okay."

Lin Mu got up and rushed the subway to the commercial building. She has two hosts today, both of which are opening ceremonies.She is capable and has a good image. After she gradually got more part-time jobs, more casual jobs came to her, so many that she had the right to choose.

Today, these two are the two commercial buildings she chose with relatively good remuneration.

It is early February, and the temperature is gradually warming up, but the wind is still cold.Lin Mu was wearing a cheongsam dress, and his smile was stiffened by the wind.

(End of this chapter)

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