Chapter 37

After finally finishing hosting, Lin Mu received a call from Chen Yi when Lin Mu was wrapping up his down jacket.

Chen Yi asked at the other end, "Is the bar host coming?"

Upon hearing this, Lin Mu said, "Forget it."

In the morning, I just assured Xu Yanchen that it was a legitimate commercial building.

Chen Yi said, "Double the reward for the holidays, two thousand."

Lin Mu "..."

Lin Mu hesitated all afternoon, and finally called Xu Yanchen.Xu Yanchen seemed to be in a meeting, and Lin Mu told him that he was going to host at the bar tonight.

When she said this, she felt a little shameless, after all, she just made a promise in the morning.After meeting at the bar last time, Xu Yanchen said that he is not a strict husband, and that he should not interfere with her freedom and let her ensure her own safety.But Lin Mu felt that he still had to be a little conscious of being a wife, and it would be better to report to her husband.

"Is it possible? If not, I won't go." Lin Mu asked.

She waited quietly, and she could still hear some content of the meeting on the other end of the phone. After a while, Xu Yanchen said, "Go if you want, but be careful."

After getting the permission, Lin Mu heaved a sigh of relief, and after repeated assurances, he happily hung up the phone.

After hanging up the phone, Lin Mu went to find Chen Yi.When she arrived at the backstage, Chen Yi was on the phone, but it seemed that no one answered the phone, and she looked a little unhappy.When she looked up and saw Lin Mu, she smiled and asked, "Why are you here?"

"I have to tell my husband." Lin Mu went over to put the things down, and seeing Chen Yi's face turned pale, she asked, "Are you menstruating?"

Chen Yi suffered from dysmenorrhea, and she had the experience of lying in the dormitory for two days in pain.

"It's okay, I took painkillers." Lin Mu wanted to ask again, but Chen Yi pointed to the dressing table and said, "You should touch up your makeup first."

Seeing that although her complexion was bad, she didn't look like she had a stomachache, so Lin Mu felt relieved and began to touch up her makeup.The hostess of the commercial building have more elegant makeup, while the makeup of the bar is thicker.Chen Yi put away her phone, and chatted with her while watching her makeup, "Your husband restricts your personal freedom."

"No." Lin Mu explained, "Husband and wife should respect each other."

Chen Yi raised her eyes and looked at Lin Mu. She felt that Lin Mu was more beautiful than before, especially after marriage.It used to be like a lily, but now the petals are covered with powder, like a rose.

"The relationship between the two of you is getting better and better." Chen Yi sighed, with some unclear emotions in her tone, she asked, "Will you two continue to live?"

Lin Mu hurriedly touched up her makeup. After hearing Chen Yi's words, she paused slightly with her eyeliner hand, and said, "I'm not sure, but Xu Yanchen said that as long as he doesn't want to get divorced. Who knows, maybe I will divorce later. It's over."

After speaking, the two laughed.

At the beginning of the host, Lin Mu was still booed a lot, and the loud electronic reverberation music in the bar made her brain hurt.But for the 2000 yuan, she endured it.

No one invited Lin Mu to drink today. She was in the background all the time. Halfway through the host, she received a call from Xu Yanchen.

Lin Mu found a quieter place and answered the phone. Her side was very noisy, while Xu Yanchen's side was very quiet.


"Are you finished?" Xu Yanchen asked.

"Ah?" Lin Mu didn't hear what Xu Yanchen said just after playing the electric bass high-pitched.

Xu Yanchen also heard it. He stood by the window, looked downstairs in the banquet hall, and said in a deep voice, "When will it end, I will pick you up."

Lin Mu heard this sentence, and after hearing it, she froze for a moment, and said, "I can go home by myself."

The man said, "I'm afraid I'm not safe."

Xu Yanchen's voice is very nice, compared to the loud music in the bar, his voice is like the distant sound of a guqin, deep and full of flavor.

There was something strange in her heart, and then she felt warm again, and she laughed.

On the other end of the phone, the girl said the time and place, when someone called her, she hung up the phone in a hurry and cut off the noise in her ears.

At 09:30, the host of the bar ended, and Lin Mu stepped off the stage in a hurry.When she stepped down, she received a call from Xu Yanchen, who had already arrived.She hung up the phone and went back to the backstage. While packing her things, she said to Chen Yi, "I'm leaving."

However, Chen Yi didn't have time to talk to her, she was on the phone.

"Why are you only answering the phone now? I've been calling since seven o'clock, and I already imagined that you slept with someone else for three hours." Chen Yi said dissatisfied.

"You can't stop answering the phone at work, why are you angry at me? Who doesn't work, is it so difficult to answer the phone?"

Lin Mu stopped and glanced at Chen Yi.Chen Yi waved at her, telling her to go first, and turned around to continue arguing with the person on the phone.

Judging from this posture, the call is for Shen Yun.After Chen Yi and Shen Yun fell in love, they spent very little time together in a long-distance relationship. This year's Spring Festival, the two stayed at home for only two days.Today Chen Yi came to City A, and Shen Yun returned to Miancheng.

Both of them like each other very much, but a long-distance relationship will also cause many problems and conflicts. Although the people in love are sweet, it is not easy.

Chen Yi asked her to leave, but Lin Mu didn't wait any longer, she hurried out to find Xu Yanchen.

Xu Yanchen had a drink at the dinner party, and the car was driven by the driver, and it parked in the underground garage of the bar.After Lin Mu found the car, he ran over quickly.

Opening the car door and getting up, Xu Yanchen was resting his eyes with his eyes closed. He raised his head slightly, his side face was cut by light and darkness, as if wearing a mask, mysterious and charming.

After Lin Mu got into the car, he smelled a faint smell of wine.As soon as she closed the car door carefully, Xu Yanchen opened his eyes.The dark eyes are in the shadows, like a bottomless pool of water.

Seeing him wake up, Lin Mu laughed and said, "You came so early."

The girl looked at him with bright eyes, her nose was a little red from the cold, like a well-behaved reindeer.

Xu Yanchen looked at her sideways and smiled faintly.

"Well, I'm afraid the cutie will be waiting in a hurry."

He seemed to be drunk, and his voice was a little hoarse from the alcohol.

Lin Mu remembered what he said when he went to pick her up at the dinner on New Year's Day.She said that when she was drunk at that time, but he remembered it quite well.

Lin Mu smiled embarrassedly, blushed slightly, and said, "No hurry, no hurry, cutie, no hurry."

Xu Yanchen looked at her quietly, and after a while, he turned his head back.After closing his eyes, he smiled faintly.

Xu Yanchen was very quiet all the way, he seemed to have fallen asleep, closing his eyes to rest his mind.After returning home, he went into the bathroom to take a shower. Lin Mu thought for a while before calling Chen Yi.

On the other end of the phone, Chen Yi seemed to have just cried. Lin Mu asked her if it was okay, and she said she was fine.Then, he babbled to her about how hard it is to be in a long-distance relationship.

After she and Shen Yun were together, they rarely saw each other.

At the beginning, the two of them were sweet and sweet, and they felt very happy when they made a phone call and sent a video every day.But after a long time, the work does not overlap, the life is not together, and when we want to meet, we have to use the screen.She didn't know how busy Shen Yun was, and Shen Yun didn't know how miserable she was, and many conflicts accumulated and broke out.

(End of this chapter)

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