Chapter 60

"Are you hungry?" The man kissed her hair. It was dinner time, and she had been exercising so much just now. She must be hungry.

"En." Lin Mu softly responded.

"What ingredients are there at home?" Xu Yanchen pinched her ears and asked.

The girl shrank in his arms and talked about the ingredients at home.It's not easy to order takeaway during the typhoon.There are ingredients at home, Xu Yanchen is going to make it himself.

He lifted the girl up and let her lie where he was lying.There was still his body temperature on the sofa, the girl squinted her eyes comfortably, he lowered his head and kissed the corner of her lips, got dressed and went to the kitchen.

Lin Mu was indeed hungry. After some actions just now, her body was tired and her consciousness was in a daze.But there was the sound of water in the kitchen, she knew Xu Yanchen was there, she couldn't sleep, after putting Xu Yanchen's shirt on her body, she went to the kitchen with limp legs.

Xu Yanchen changed into home clothes, with broad shoulders and long legs, standing at the kitchen counter with his head bowed and packing the ingredients in his hands.The soft lighting in the kitchen covered him with a layer of tenderness.When she came over, he raised his eyes and looked over.His knuckle fingers curled up, he turned on the faucet and rinsed his hands, after a quiet look at her, he asked in a deep voice, "Can't wait?"

His voice was very pleasant, deep and magnetic, with some hoarseness afterwards. Even from such a distance, Lin Mu felt that he was speaking in her ear.Lin Mu blushed and her heart beat, she laughed and said, "I want to chat with you for a while."

After hearing her words, Xu Yanchen's expression paused slightly, the corners of his lips curled up, he nodded and said, "Okay."

When Xu Yanchen told her that Guan Fei could handle the matter in Miancheng, she knew that he didn't need to come back this time, but he did.She didn't think that he came back for her, he was with her now, and the reason for coming back didn't matter.As long as he is by her side, she feels happy and sweet.

Lin Mu sat down in the kitchen, and she chatted with Xu Yanchen.The two chat on WeChat and call every day, but there are still endless topics to talk about after meeting.In fact, the topics are all irrelevant things in life and work, and they are not very profound.

Xu Yanchen was going to make dinner, and when Lin Mu spoke, he listened quietly and gently, when she laughed, he also laughed, and when she talked about troubles, he gave her encouragement and advice.

After being separated for a while, Lin Mu forgot how happy and warm it was to be able to see him, touch him, and chat with him face to face.

Thinking of this, Lin Mu looked at Xu Yanchen and asked, "When are you going back to New Zealand?"

The man glanced at her sideways, and replied, "I will go to Miancheng tomorrow. After dealing with the affairs of Miancheng, I will go to New Zealand from Miancheng the afternoon after tomorrow."

The two meet today, tomorrow he will leave, and the day after tomorrow he will go abroad again.He came back this time because he has a job, and everything must be based on work.But counting, the two of them spent less than half a day together.

"Can I go to Miancheng together?" The girl thought for a while, then looked up at him and asked.Fearing that he would not agree, she said, "I don't have a job on weekends, and it won't affect your work if I go there."

She was wearing only his shirt, and sat on a high stool in the kitchen.The hands are supported on the inside of the legs, the legs under the shirt are slightly opened, bent back, slender and white.What happened just now made her hair a little messy. Under the black hair, her eyes were bright and clear, and her small ears were pink.

Xu Yanchen's eyes were deep, and he asked in a deep voice, "Want to be with me?"

There is nothing to hesitate, but Lin Mu was a little embarrassed, she nodded and said, "Well, I thought about it."

With a soft sound, Xu Yanchen's heart moved slightly, it was rare for her to express her reluctance for him so bluntly.Some subtle changes she made to him can make his heart beat.

Lin Mu felt that he was used to going on business trips with Xu Yanchen. Last time he followed in New Zealand, and this time he followed in Miancheng. Xu Yanchen has a job, so how could he have time to cultivate a relationship with her.

After she finished speaking, Xu Yanchen fell silent. She belatedly felt that she was a little clingy, and just when she was about to say that she should not follow, Xu Yanchen said something.

"You were going to come with me."

The man looked at her with a smile, his brows were full of tenderness, when she looked over, he said, "Tomorrow night we are going to Ouyang Yu's concert."

When Lin Mu was still immersed in the joy of being able to accompany Xu Yanchen to Miancheng, he was hit by another surprise.As a fan of Ouyang Yu, she knew that Ouyang Yu was going to hold a concert.But because she had no money and no one to accompany her, she didn't want to go at first.

"Really?" Lin Mu got off the bar stool excitedly, and walked to Xu Yanchen to confirm.

"Yes." Xu Yanchen responded, "He gave me all the tickets, and I'm in Miancheng."

The girl's eyes widened slightly, she suppressed her excitement, laughed, and called out "husband."

"En." Xu Yanchen responded.

"Husband." The girl called again.

"En." Xu Yanchen responded with a light smile.

"Husband" the girl finally called out, she hugged him happily, kissed him, and said softly and sweetly, "When you are very happy, my husband has to call out three times."

Xu Yanchen hugged her and laughed softly.

The next day, Lin Mu followed Xu Yanchen to Miancheng.Xu Yanchen has to work during the day, and Lin Mu has been waiting for him at the hotel where he stayed.When he finished his work in the evening, Lin Mu was taken to have dinner, and then the two went to the gymnasium where Ouyang Yu's concert was held.

Ouyang Yu made his debut as a singer, but after the record company's downturn, he changed careers and became an actor.This concert is his ten-year debut concert. When the news was released, old and new fans began to squat around to grab tickets. It was very popular.

Xu Yanchen finished work late, and when Lin Mu and him arrived at the concert site, the concert was about to start.Xu Yanchen didn't have time to say hello to Ouyang Yu, so he took Lin Mu directly to the seat and sat down.

The ticket that Ouyang Yu gave to Xu Yanchen was in the front row, where he could clearly see every move of the singers at the concert.Looking back, it was the fans who pulled up banners, held up light signs, and waved all kinds of light sticks, like a sky full of stars.

After sitting down with Xu Yanchen, Lin Mu also happily took out the things she prepared today. She didn't buy a light board, but bought a fluorescent stick, which will change color when you wave it, which is very beautiful.

She bought a lot of sticks, and when Ouyang Yu sings later, she will hold up the light stick and wave it, giving the most powerful support to idols. Not only her support, but her husband will also support her along with her

"I'll give you one." Lin Mu said.

Xu Yanchen sat in his seat, unlike the fans around him, he sat quietly, with a noble and elegant demeanor, as gentle as jade.When he sat down just now, a girl beside him secretly took a picture of him.

(End of this chapter)

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