Chapter 61

In addition to the light sticks, the girl also wore a hairpin with Ouyang Yu's q-version stickers printed on her head. Today she tied her hair with a ball, and the hairpin was clipped on her hair, like two cat ears.Seeing that Lin Mu was very happy, Xu Yanchen smiled and took over the light sticks, one in each hand.Finally, Lin Mu glanced at him, hesitated, and asked, "Do you want to wear a hairpin?"

Xu Yanchen looked at her with a faint smile, Lin Mu came back to his senses, chuckled, and said, "I'll just talk casually."

After finishing speaking, the concert started, Ouyang Yu came on stage, Lin Mu regained his senses, and shouted along with the fans.

The concert scene is a very emotional place. It was the first time Lin Mu came to the concert scene, and he was deeply immersed in Ouyang Yu's charm.Her idol, it's okay to be good at acting, she can sing and dance so well, and she also loves fans.

The front row not only allows the audience to see the singer, but the singer can also easily see the audience.When Ouyang Yu first came to the stage, he saw Lin Mu and Xu Yanchen sitting under the stage.Lin Mu waved the fluorescent stick, Xu Yanchen looked at her, and moved with her.The man was handsome and introverted, and when he looked back, Ouyang Yu saw a trace of helpless pampering in his eyes.

Halfway through the concert, during the interaction between idols and fans, Ouyang Yu had just finished singing when he took the microphone and said, "I have a friend over here."

There was cheers on the field, Lin Mu was stunned for a moment, before she had time to put down her waving hands, the flashlight on the stage projected over.

She and Xu Yanchen were photographed on the big screen in the middle of the concert, Lin Mu blushed, and she glanced at Xu Yanchen next to her helplessly.Xu Yanchen said softly to her, "It's okay."

Ouyang Yu looked at Xu Yanchen, who was holding the microphone, teasing with a relaxed expression, "I called you to come over, didn't you say you don't have time for a business trip abroad?"

Someone behind me shouted, "Ayu, you are so handsome, why is your friend so handsome too!"

Ouyang Yu laughed and asked, "Then am I handsome or he?"

"You are handsome" the answer on the court was quite consistent.

Hearing the answer, Xu Yanchen smiled faintly. His smile was so charming on the main screen that the field fell silent for a while.The staff next to him handed over the microphone, Xu Yanchen took it and answered Ouyang Yu's question.

"My wife likes you, and I accompanied her here."

He has a low voice, with the elegance and gentleness of a mature man, charming and sexy, with infinite charm.After saying a word, there was a burst of screams on the field, I don't know if it was a sigh or something else.

Ouyang Yu laughed after hearing what he said, looked at Lin Mu and asked, "Do you like me?"

Lin Mu, who was sitting next to Xu Yanchen, heard his question with bright eyes, smiled and nodded, "I like it." When she finished speaking, she suddenly said loudly, "But I like my husband the most."

After Lin Mu finished speaking, there was a burst of screams on the field.Lin Mu felt so shy to openly confess, she felt trembling in her heart, and only dared to look at Xu Yanchen next to her after shouting, her ears and face were so hot.

Meeting her gaze, the corner of the man's lips curled into a slight smile, he looked at her amidst the noise and chaos, his eyes were quiet and deep, making her addicted.

"I like you the most, too," he said.

After the concert, Lin Mu and Xu Yanchen went backstage.Ouyang Yu took the water from his assistant and laughed when he saw Xu Yanchen.All singers have a halo. When they were on stage just now, they sang and danced together, and their charm was unstoppable.But now seeing his friend smiling, he is another kind of handsome, Lin Mu was so fascinated for a moment that he couldn't take his eyes off.

After saying hello to Xu Yanchen, Ouyang Yu cast his eyes on the girl who openly confessed her husband at the concert just now.When he looked over, the girl was still a little embarrassed, she smiled shyly, and obediently stood beside Xu Yanchen.

He met Lin Mu twice. This girl has a really good personality.Xu Yanchen really liked her. He originally said he was on a business trip abroad, but later he rushed back from abroad to accompany her.

Compared with the last time they met, the two looked more intimate, Ouyang Yu was quite happy for Xu Yanchen.When he watched Lin Mu talking to Xu Yanchen, Xu Yanchen asked him to sign Lin Mu on his poster.

Ouyang Yu agreed, handed the water to the assistant, and took the pen.This was the first time Lin Mu saw Ouyang Yu autograph her autograph, and it was a special autograph. Seeing the words "Mrs. Xu" written, she was already happy like a flower.Unable to hold back, he moved closer to Ouyang Yu, bent down and watched him write.

Ouyang Yu watched her come over with a smile, and asked, "What are you writing?"

"Happy birthday to you." Lin Mu stood in front of him and suggested with a smile.

Ouyang Yu smiled, looked up at Xu Yanchen, and asked, "Is your wife's birthday today?"

"Next month." Xu Yanchen replied.

Lin Mu was taken aback for a moment, then looked up at her husband.I didn't expect him to know her birthday, and I thought he had issued her passport, so I read her birthday information on her ID card.Thinking of this, inexplicably happier.

Ouyang Yu signed it for her, and Lin Mu was very happy holding the poster.Xu Yanchen stood aside, looked at her with a smile, and said, "I'll bring you over for the next concert."

Lin Mu nodded, "Okay, okay."

Ouyang Yu next to him looked at the couple who were deeply in love, and said, "Don't come here."

Lin Mu looked at her husband, who rubbed her hair and said with a smile, "Don't worry, you can buy a ticket if you have money."

Several people laughed.

The two publicly confessed their love at the concert, which created a hot topic for Ouyang Yu's concert.People from Ouyang Yu's team came to ask if it was possible to conduct marketing and public relations on this topic. Ouyang Yu consulted Xu Yanchen's opinion, and Xu Yanchen completely looked at Lin Mu.Lin Mu nodded in agreement, and that night, this confession video dominated the hot search list.

Lin Mu is the host, and she is also a public figure. Although she is not in the direction of entertainment and variety shows, she also needs a certain amount of exposure and traffic.This will have a positive impact on her program and her future career development.

After leaving the concert, Lin Mu and Xu Yanchen returned to the hotel.As soon as she arrived at the hotel, Xu Yanchen answered the work call, and Lin Mu also received it. It was the TV station's public relations team who called her.

After Lin Mu was sent to the hot search, his identity was picked up.The program she recorded has been on the air for a week. Although the early morning programs have low ratings, they still have viewers.

The PR team wanted her to open a microblog as a TV host, and then promote her identity and the program, which would help increase the ratings of her program.

Naturally, Lin Mu fully cooperated. She lay on the bed, and just after registering Weibo, Chen Yi's WeChat bombarded her repeatedly.She laughed and clicked on WeChat, and Chen Yi sent her several WeChat messages.

(End of this chapter)

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