Chapter 62

Chen Yi: [You actually cheated on your husband at the idol concert]

Chen Yi: [You and your husband are some kind of gods falling in love!Confess your love at the concert, you are too good at it, Mr. Xu is too photogenic, elegant and extravagant, he looks like the president of his dreams! 】

Chen Yi: [What's the matter with you?I asked you to come over with me last month, didn't you not come?It turns out that you came here behind your back, you value sex over friends, treachery]

Lin Mu rolled over on the bed and laughed. She got up and took a poster.She asked Ouyang Yu to sign this poster for Chen Yi, and she took a photo and sent it to Chen Yi.

Chen Yi: [Okay, the baby has no more emotions. 】

Both sent laughing memes.

Mrs. Xu: [You're here too, let's go back to City A tomorrow. 】

Chen Yi: [I didn't go there. 】

Mrs. Xu: [? ? 】

Chen Yi: 【Shen Yun's mother is looking for him, I can't go there. 】

Lin Mu was taken aback, and asked the reason, and Chen Yi talked to her in a rambling manner.

After graduating from senior year, she and Shen Yun began to plan for the future.The two got along well after their long-distance relationship, and the purpose of being together was to get married.If you want to get married, you have to go through the parents' hurdle, but Chen Yi is stuck with Shen Yun's mother.Chen Yi is a single-parent family, her mother died young, and her father was a taxi driver, who brought her up hard.Shen Yun's mother thought her family was a single-parent family and did not agree with them being together.

When he was in school, he could tell that Shen Yun's family was in good condition.His mother is a doctor, and his father is an official in Miancheng, who can be regarded as a scholarly family.This kind of family always looked at the right family, and the Shen family looked down on Chen Yi.

Chen Yi babbled a lot, but in fact she was very wronged and felt very insecure.

Chen Yi: [Shen Yun is now in the same camp as me. He told his family that he would not break up with me, and even had trouble with his mother.But I feel very sorry in my heart, because I, an outsider, caused discord in other families.And to be honest, if two people are together, if the parents can't pass the test, they will have to separate in nine out of ten.This is a matter of principle, and it is also a thorn. It is not painful to prick it, but it will be annoying after a long time to grind the flesh. 】

Ordinary people's marriages are mediocre, but amidst the mediocrity, there are also many irreconcilable contradictions. Chen Yi is somewhat discouraged and pessimistic.

But for this question, Lin Mu couldn't give her good advice.She accompanied Xu Yanchen to see Mr. Xu on New Year's Eve, and even made Mr. Xu so angry that he was hospitalized.Since then, she has not seen him again, and dare not go to see him.

The problem persisted, and she played it down.But if he wanted to stay with Xu Yanchen forever, he had to solve this problem.How to solve this problem? Even if her mother didn't have an affair with the driver and eloped, she still has a father who made Mr. Xu so angry that he got sick.

After chatting with Chen Yi for a while, Lin Mu put away his phone.Xu Yanchen had been in the living room, Lin Mu got up and went out, and found that he had just put away the computer and piled up a pile of documents on the table.

Lin Mu went to help, and after the two packed up, they sat in the living room.Lin Mu took an apple and wanted to eat it, but Xu Yanchen took it, and he took a fruit knife to peel it for her.

The man's fingers holding the apple are beautiful, cold white, with well-defined joints, paired with a fruit knife, which has a delicate beauty.He looked down at the apples, peeling them skillfully with his hands, and a long string of fruit peels fell down his fingers.

Lin Mu was engrossed in watching, Xu Yanchen raised his eyes, under the thick long eyelashes, a pair of dark eyes were smiling.

"My grandpa likes to eat apples."

When the topic talked about Mr. Xu, Lin Mu was taken aback for a moment, then laughed, and asked, "How is your grandpa?"

"It's okay." Mr. Xu has lung problems and asthma, which is more serious in winter, but much better in summer.

After saying this, Lin Mu had nothing to talk about.Aware of the girl's silence, Xu Yanchen looked up at her and asked, "Do you want to visit him? I can do it when I return to China next month."

"Let's forget it." Lin Mu shrank her shoulders, and she said, "I'll make Grandpa angry again."

The girl's expression didn't change much, and she even smiled at him when he looked at her.Even though he tried to appease what happened in New Year's Eve, she still took it to heart.

Lin Mu really took it to heart, there was only the sound of fruit knives being peeled in the living room, Lin Mu thought for a while, and asked, "If my mother hadn't eloped with the driver, would grandpa have accepted me?"

The man paused slightly, and the complete apple peel in his hand was broken.He looked up at her, his eyes meaningless.Lin Mu didn't delve deeper, she replied by herself, "No, there's also my dad."

The reason why Mr. Xu can't let go of his previous grievances is also because every time he gets sick, he can think of what Lin Zhen did to the Xu Group.If he couldn't forgive Lin Zhen, he couldn't forgive her either.

This is really too complicated, Lin Mu frowned.

"Mu Mu." Xu Yanchen peeled off the remaining apples and called her.

"Yeah." She looked up at him.

The man looked at her quietly and said, "You don't need to bear these."

Lin Mu's eyes moved.

Putting down the fruit knife in his hand, Xu Yanchen only held a peeled apple in his hand. He looked at her and said to her, "You don't have to care about my grandpa's opinion. You are you, and your parents are your parents. You and these Nothing matters."

"You don't belong to anyone." Xu Yanchen twitched his lips slightly, and said in a low voice, "You only belong to me, you are my wife."

The girl sat on the sofa with her arms around her knees, and after hearing what he said, she laughed.There was light in her eyes, and she threw herself into his arms.Xu Yanchen hugged her with a smile, lowered his head and kissed the corner of her eyes, and asked, "Eat an apple?"

"Don't eat." Lin Mu wrapped her hands around the man's neck, bit his ear, and said with a smile, "I don't taste as good as apples."

The man next to his ear smiled softly, and when Lin Mu felt belatedly shy, he put down the apple, picked her up from his body, and entered the bedroom.

Lin Mu became popular on Weibo, and the ratings of the program have increased to a certain extent.If the ratings remain at the current state, on New Year's Day, the station may adjust her show to ten o'clock in the evening.

This is good news. On the day they received the news, the column team happily organized a dinner party.And at this dinner party, they met people from the Criminal Police Brigade.

Lin Mu didn't go out to make calls this time. After he and Xu Yanchen separated from Miancheng last time, he returned to New Zealand and was busy with work. The two of them seldom talked recently.

But it doesn't matter if you don't get through on the phone, it will be mid-August, and Xu Yanchen will return to China in a week.

(End of this chapter)

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