Chapter 63

Lin Mu had been chatting with Ling Qiqi and the others about the column in the box, and went to the bathroom halfway.Coming out of the bathroom, Lin Mu wiped off the water droplets on his hands. When he looked up, he saw the man standing in the corridor.

It was already dark now, and the lights in the corridor were on, casting a shadow over him, with the cigarette between his fingers flickering in the shadow of the lights.Sensing her coming out, the man raised his eyes to look over, his eyes had vicissitudes and depths that didn't match his age.

"The case of your mother and my father, I found out some things, do you want to talk about it?" Lu Yan said.

Lin Mu stood at the door for a while. She looked at Lu Yan calmly. After not seeing him for a few years, the impression of him in her mind became less and less clear. It was a familiar face, but it felt strange when they saw him again.

"My mother's matter has nothing to do with me." Lin Mu remembered what Xu Yanchen said, and she repeated it to Lu Yan.

The fireworks on his fingertips flickered, Lu Yan tapped the fireworks on his fingertips and said, "I know." After finishing speaking, there was a long silence between the two.Lin Mu had nothing to say, the cigarette in Lu Yan's hand burned his finger, his eyes jumped, and he said to Lin Mu, "I went to the military academy and became a criminal police officer. I just want to investigate this matter clearly."

"En." Lin Mu responded, she thought for a long time, and said to Lu Yan, "This is the mature way to deal with this matter. But it doesn't help. Your previous revenge on me is branded in my mind and I can't get rid of it. I don't want to have anything to do with you."

Lu Yan listened quietly, his figure was tall and lonely under the shadow of the lamp, his dark eyes were like sails raised under the moonlit night.He blinked slightly, and cast a half-circle shadow under his eyelids, he said, "I found out the home of the driver of the big truck that was involved in the accident, in City C. At that time, his home was demolished, and the government paid part of the money. But they The amount received is far more than the compensation. This may be a criminal case, I am still investigating, and I will let you know when it is clear. "

After speaking, Lu Yan turned and left.

He is not a sloppy person, and neither is Lin Mu. She didn't ask, and didn't say much, she got up and went back to her box.When returning, Lao Jiang saw her coming in, and suddenly said, "The newly transferred Lu Yan used to be in No. [-] Middle School. He seems to be in the same class as you, but he is two years older."

"En." Lin Mu responded, obviously lacking in interest.

After listening to Lao Jiang's words, Li Chen laughed and said, "Xiao Lin is married, you haven't given up on being a husband yet."

"No." When Lu Yan left the table and didn't know what to do, Lao Jiang heard a few words about him from the criminal police brigade.But he didn't want to spread it to the outside world, so he just sighed, "This kid is also suffering."

What Lao Jiang heard was that Lu Yan's father was a driver who had an affair with the wife of his boss and was hit and killed by a truck.Lu Yan's mother is a disabled person. She supports Lu Yan with her meager income. When Lu Yan grows up to be able to go to school, she cannot go to school.After two years of delay, life was hopeless, and her mother committed suicide by jumping off the building with Lu Yan in her arms.But before jumping, he regretted it, pushed Lu Yan back, and jumped down by himself.He saw his mother jump to death from a building with his own eyes, and was adopted later before entering school.

Generally speaking, when hearing such stories with stories behind them, Ling Qiqi often wanted to get to the bottom of it out of professional sensitivity.Lao Jiang couldn't help her asking three times and four times every time, and would tell her.But this time, Lao Jiang held back.

When Lao Jiang and the others finished eating, the criminal police brigade hadn't finished eating yet.It was already dark, and the young criminal policeman was sitting on a plastic stool outside, tall and straight like a young white poplar.When he heard the greeting, he raised his eyes and glanced, his dark eyes were like the night sky illuminated by moonlight.

Autumn is approaching, but the weather is getting hotter and hotter.Lin Mu was sweating all over, and took a shower after returning home.She tidied up and lay down on the bed, it was already nine o'clock in the evening.It was early morning in New Zealand, Xu Yanchen should still be sleeping.

Lin Mu now thinks of Xu Yanchen more and more. When she is working during the day, her mind is full of work-related things, but at night, when she is lying on the bed of the two of them, her mind is full of him.

This reminded her of herself, lying in the small attic of Lin's house, wondering whether the boy who helped her out would wait for her to go to school with her at the school gate on Monday.

In a daze, Lin Mu rolled over and arrived at Xu Yanchen's sleeping position.He had been away for a week, and the bed no longer smelled of him, but Lin Mu still felt that sleeping in his position was much more comfortable than hers.

In mid-August, the TV station celebrated its [-]th anniversary.The TV station attaches great importance to this ten-year celebration. The TV station has prepared a party, and various hosts will arrange to appear on the stage. The party will be broadcast on the TV station at that time.

In addition to the host, other staff members and leaders will participate in the Taiwan celebration. In the largest auditorium of the TV station, it is arranged like a large banquet.Lin Mu hadn't come to the TV station for an internship last year, but today at the celebration, looking at her colleagues around her, she suddenly found a strong sense of belonging.

They are in the media, the news media collects information and delivers it, the variety show media produces programs to deliver happiness, and the documentary program is to popularize knowledge and appeal.Different hosts were talking and singing on stage, and everyone was really like a family.

In addition to the program and banquet, an award presentation was also prepared that night.After the list of winners was submitted by various departments, the winners were announced today. There were many awards in the host's office. Lin Mu and Zhang Jing jointly competed for the best newcomer award. In the end, Lin Mu won the award.

This award is to support new hosts, and the station attaches great importance to it, so the director personally came to the stage to present the award.Seeing Lin Mu again, Qi Guolin smiled very kindly.

"Congratulations." Qi Guolin said with a smile.

"Thank you, Director." Lin Mu replied.

Taking a group photo, Qi Guolin and Lin Mu stepped off the stage together. He smiled and said that there is no need to be too cautious, and today is not considered work, just call him Uncle Qi.Lin Mu responded and called Uncle Qi.

Before returning to his seat, Qi Guolin asked, "Recently, Yan Chen is on a business trip in New Zealand?"

"Yeah." Lin Mu replied, "I've been out for more than a month, and I'll be back soon."

"He's just busy. We'll play together when we have time." Qi Guolin finished with a smile and returned to his seat.

After Lin Mu nodded, he also returned to the host's table.The hosts at the table could clearly see the atmosphere when she was chatting with Qi Guolin just now.Now, everyone's guesses have been confirmed.Lin Mu's backstage is really the director.

After Taiqing, Zhang Jing flattered her intentionally or unintentionally.But Lin Mu only maintains a relationship with her as an ordinary colleague, and they don't conspire with each other when they disagree. Zhang Jing will not be too hard to be her enemy, and she will not be her friend.

It is always good for everyone to live in peace and peace.

(End of this chapter)

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