Chapter 7

Dinner is ready and we all eat together in the dining room.With Liang Xinxin present, the dinner atmosphere was lively and harmonious.Lin Mu ate in a daze, as if she had never eaten in such an atmosphere.

In the past at the Lin family, she always sat in a corner, listening to the three members of the Lin family talking about what awards Lin Ying had won, what they were going to buy Lin Ying as a reward, and how they were going to celebrate.

She and Lin Ying are half-brothers, but their relationship with Xu Yanchen and Liang Xinxin is completely different.Liang Xinxin tolerated Xu Yanchen, and she also tolerated her. In the hearts of their family, Xu Yanchen and her are their relatives.But Lin Ying regarded her as an outsider, looked down on her, and even wished that she would disappear.

It is said that the rich raise daughters, but the daughters raised by the rich are different.

The topic at the dinner table soon turned to the weekend arrangements. Liang Xinxin wiped her mouth with a tissue and said to Li Lihua, "Teacher has something to do on the weekend and I don't need tutoring. On that weekend, can I go horseback riding?"

After hearing what his daughter said, Liang Renqing looked at her helplessly and said, "Why do you always want to ride a horse? Your mother doesn't have time on weekends, so I'll go with you."

"Then I don't want it. Dad, you don't know how to ride, so I have to take you with you." After Liang Xinxin finished speaking, she turned her head to look at Xu Yanchen, with a pleading tone, and said, "Brother, you can go with me."

Speaking of which, Liang Xinxin was taught by Xu Yanchen to ride horses.The two brothers and sisters have a good relationship. Xu Yanchen used to study abroad, and Li Lihua would take Liang Xinxin to visit him every winter and summer vacation. Liang Xinxin also fell in love with riding horses when he was taking equestrian lessons with Xu Yanchen abroad.

As soon as she finished speaking, Li Lihua shook her head and said, "No, your brother is too busy."

The old lady of the Xu family fell ill recently, and the burden of Xu's group is now on Xu Yanchen's shoulders. She called several times to ask him to bring Lin Mu to dinner. He said he was on a business trip, which shows how busy he is.

Hearing what her mother said, Liang Xinxin didn't make a fuss, but there was some regret and loss on her face.Xu Yanchen poured her a glass of water, said with a smile: "I'm not busy this weekend, you can go."

The little girl's eyes widened instantly, beaming with joy.


Seeing her daughter happy, Li Lihua smiled unconsciously. She turned her head and saw Lin Mu beside her who was also smiling along with Liang Xinxin.

Sitting between her siblings, she looked at Liang Xinxin and was also happy for Liang Xinxin.And her behavior made Li Lihua feel a little sad.After knowing that Lin Mu and Xu Yanchen were married, she occasionally heard people talking about Lin Mu.She was not doing well in the Lin family. Her mother died in a car accident when she was just born. Because of her mother, Lin Zhen ignored her.The Lin family did not regard her as a family member at all, and she may never have experienced the warmth of a family.

"Lin Mu." Li Lihua called Lin Mu and said, "You can go with them too."

"Ah?" Lin Mu didn't recover. She glanced at Li Lihua and found that everyone was looking at her. She hurriedly said, "I'll forget it, I don't know how to ride."

Liang Xinxin agreed with this proposal very much. She smiled and pulled Lin Mu and said, "You can learn to ride if you don't know how to ride. Let my brother teach you, let's go together!"

To be honest, Lin Mu is a little apprehensive about riding a horse, and she also has a part-time job on weekends.While Liang Xinxin and Li Lihua were encouraging her, Lin Mu couldn't help her kindness for a while. She glanced at Xu Yanchen and said in her heart: "Stop it!"

Xu Yanchen sensed her gaze, and looked back at her, the woman's eyes were asking for help.The corners of Xu Yanchen's lips raised slightly, and he said, "Let's go together."

Lin Mu: "..."


Lin Mu was standing by the side of the racecourse. She was wearing equestrian clothes, and a big horse was standing in front of her. She felt that the horse would kick her away at any moment, and Lin Mu was in a cold sweat.

Even if she followed the siblings to the racecourse, Lin Mu had no intention of getting on the horse.She was standing outside the racecourse, watching Xu Yanchen and Liang Xinxin riding.

Sitting on the horse, the two brothers and sisters are very seductive.

Xu Yanchen was wearing an equestrian suit, tall and long-legged, with profound and handsome features, all of his gentleness was brought together to make him look sharper.Such a picture can be used as a promotional poster for a racecourse.

"The horse is very gentle, you should touch it first." The horse trainer next to him is still doing lobbying work, and the woman next to him came here with Xu Yanchen, so she dared not neglect: "I've come here, it's good to experience it .”

The four words "Come all come" can play a strong persuasive role no matter where they are.Lin Mu was a little tempted when he saw the two of them riding, but in the end he was persuaded successfully.

Even so, she was still apprehensive looking at the big horse beside her.She followed the horse trainer's instructions, and climbed up with a little awkward hands and feet.At any rate, being supported on the horse's back, Lin Mu looked down and felt dizzy with regret.

Showing timidity, she leaned over and held the rein tightly, focusing all her attention on the horse, confirming again and again.

"It won't kick me, will it? It won't run suddenly, will it? It...or I'd better go down!"

When she confirmed, the horse trainer looked at the direction behind her and smiled helplessly.Just as Lin Mu was about to turn around, someone pulled the rein in her hand.At the same time, someone got on the horse, and the horse moved according to that person's movements.

This small movement scared Lin Mu out of his wits.She said "Oops" and leaned forward to hug the horse's head, but a powerful big hand held her waist and gently pulled her body back.

Lin Mu's body was like a fallen leaf, and was immediately pulled into his arms by that man.Lin Mu leaned back on a broad chest, and in a daze, she smelled a familiar clear woody fragrance.

"Don't be afraid." Xu Yanchen supported her body, lowered his head and softly comforted her.

After being supported by Xu Yanchen, Lin Mu really forgot to be afraid.

Seeing that she was in a stable mood, Xu Yanchen let go of her hand to get the reins.As soon as the hand left, she pressed it back to her waist.

Xu Yanchen paused, lowered his head to speak, but found that the woman in his arms was still shaking slightly.She pressed his hand holding her, and her voice was trembling, she said in a low voice: " should hold her tightly, or I will fall and die, and you will not have a wife."

Lin Mu was so nervous that her voice was a little tense. After she finished speaking, she came to her senses.First he was stunned, and then he quickly let go of his hand.The moment she let go, her body was hugged tighter again.

At the same time, a man's deep laughter came from his ear.

"it is good."

Lin Mu's heart skipped a beat.

Lin Mu felt that she was too ashamed, and Xu Yanchen hugged her for two laps, and her legs were still a little weak after getting off.But after being held for two laps, Lin Mu also overcame his fear of riding a horse.

Xu Yanchen got off the horse, took the rein and guided her beside him.He is a very patient teacher, and he taught Liang Xinxin's equestrian skills.After being guided to ride like this for a whole morning, Lin Mu gradually realized some of the fun of riding a horse. By noon, he even dared to walk around twice on his own.

(End of this chapter)

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