Chapter 8

Both Lin Mu and Liang Xinxin rode very happily, but Xu Yanchen didn't ride much, and was always guiding her, patiently and conscientiously throughout.This is the inherent character of an excellent person. Lin Mu can imagine what he looks like at work. Such a man has a kind of aura in himself. When he is young, he can teach you how to ride a horse gently and elegantly. Strategize and turn the tide.

Xu Yanchen is really a man exuding charm.

Riding until noon, the lunch for the three of them was settled in the buffet restaurant at the racecourse.The horse farm, like the golf course, is an expensive pastime, and those who come here are naturally rich or expensive.As soon as the three of them entered the restaurant, Xu Yanchen was stopped by a few British people, who should be partners.

He couldn't walk away for a while, Xu Yanchen lowered his head and asked Lin Mu, "Are you hungry?"

Lin Mu was introduced as his wife by Xu Yanchen just now, and she is still listening carefully to the speeches of several people. When asked by Xu Yanchen, she glanced at him and said dubiously, "I'm not hungry."

As if seeing that she was lying, Xu Yanchen smiled lightly, and Lin Mu was a little dazed by his smile, so he heard Xu Yanchen say: "Xinxin should be hungry, you take her to eat first, I will go find you after I finish my work."

Xu Yanchen gave the steps to Lin Muchayan and walked down the stairs. She nodded, said goodbye to several people, and pulled Liang Xinxin away.

Liang Xinxin was indeed hungry, and she was so hungry even when she was young, but she was embarrassed to say that after being taken away by Lin Mu, she felt more love and affection for Lin Mu in her heart.

The two took their things and sat in front of the window of the restaurant. From this position, you can see the horse farm and the artificial lake, and the scenery is very beautiful.

"Sister-in-law, how are you going to celebrate my brother's birthday?" Liang Xinxin asked Lin Mu who was turning his head to look at the scenery.

Lin Mu was taken aback, and looked at Liang Xinxin, who was looking at her suspiciously.

"You don't know my brother's birthday, do you?" Liang Xinxin said to the point.

Liang Xinxin didn't know the details of Lin Mu and Xu Yanchen's marriage. In her world, only people who love each other will get married, and how could people who love each other not know their lover's birthday.

Lin Muqian laughed, a little embarrassed, but Liang Xinxin laughed: "Next Friday."

The embarrassment was relieved, Lin Mu looked at Liang Xinxin, and couldn't tell what he felt.Liang Xinxin has no blood relationship with her, she is just the wife of her half-brother, but she treats her very sincerely and sincerely, which makes Lin Mu's heart very warm and soft.

This was Xu Yanchen's first birthday after she and Xu Yanchen got married. As a wife, she should pay attention to it.Pay attention to it, but Lin Mu doesn't know how to celebrate Xu Yanchen's birthday.Just say happy birthday?It seems too raw.But if they take it too seriously and get tired of it, their relationship is not that good yet.

Either way, gifts are meant to be given.Lin Mu asked Liang Xinxin at that time, the little girl only said that her brother likes gifts with heart, and didn't say what he likes specifically, Lin Mu's head got dizzy all at once.

It's December, and it's getting colder and colder.Lin Mu originally wanted to weave a scarf for Xu Yanchen, but once when Xu Yanchen was on a business trip, when she was packing Xu Yanchen's luggage, she saw the scarves of various brands neatly stacked in his cloakroom, and she immediately gave up on this idea.

In the end, she decided to make him a cake herself.

On Xu Yanchen's birthday, she didn't know how to cook, so she planned to order some takeaway when she got home.It was early and the food was cold when Xu Yanchen came back. After thinking about it, she called Xu Yanchen.

After returning from the racecourse, Xu Yanchen was involved in busy work again. Although he didn't go on a business trip, the two met very rarely.Every time, before Lin Mu woke up, Xu Yanchen had already left.Xu Yanchen didn't come back until Lin Mu fell asleep.

"Hello." Not long after the call was made, Xu Yanchen answered the phone. Lin Mu heard the low voice of discussion over there, and she knew that it was not the right time for her to make this call.

"It's me, I want to ask when you will be home tonight." Lin Mu said.

Someone on the other end of the phone called Mr. Xu, then Xu Yanchen probably blocked the receiver of the phone, and after a while, his voice came again.

"It's going to be late tonight, you just go to bed first."

Calling Xu Yanchen, Lin Mu was worried about disturbing him.Hearing what he said, Lin Mu responded quickly, and then Xu Yanchen was called away and hung up the phone.

Xu Yanchen is really busy. The office took on a project in the first half of the year and has been busy for more than half a year. Recently, it is the critical period for the final submission of the manuscript. The office has been working overtime these few days and is busy revising it.

It was midnight again, Xu Yanchen stood in front of the French window of the office.The road outside the window was far from the bustle of the off-duty period. A few cars galloped by, like fire running across the Milky Way.

It was past eleven o'clock in the evening when Xu Yanchen returned to the apartment. At this time, Lin Mu had already fallen asleep, opened the door and entered the house, and the house was quiet.

It was his birthday today, and he would be able to go home after nine o'clock. His colleagues celebrated his birthday. After drinking some wine in the evening, his mouth was a little dry. After turning on a row of small lights, he walked into the kitchen.

Before designing the decoration of this house, Xu Yanchen put a lot of thought into the kitchen.When he was studying in the United States, he didn't like eating out, so he developed the habit of cooking by himself.

Originally thought that after returning to China, although he was busy with work, he would occasionally cook a meal or two.But unexpectedly, his grandfather fell ill, and the work of Xu's group was on his shoulders in advance, so he couldn't spare time to cook.

He didn't have time to do it, and Lin Mu didn't know how to do it. The kitchen was cleaned spotlessly, like a house decoration.

Xu Yanchen walked to the refrigerator and opened the refrigerator door to get water.There weren't many things in the refrigerator, so he saw the square box inside at a glance.Xu Yanchen pursed his lips slightly, opened the box and took a look, it was a birthday cake.

The moment he saw the cake, Xu Yanchen remembered Lin Mu's call to him tonight.After the two got married, they were independent and their lives did not intersect.She rarely called him or asked when he would be back.

It was Xu Yanchen's birthday today, and he received a call from his mother and sister in the morning. At noon, his grandfather asked his aunt to bring him lunch. In the evening, his colleagues accompanied him to celebrate, but he came home late and forgot about his wife.

After closing the refrigerator door, Xu Yanchen got up and went to the bedroom.

The bedside lamp was turned on in the bedroom, and the light was dim. The woman was covered with a quilt, and her figure was exquisite, as if covered with a layer of warm gauze.She was already fast asleep, lying on her side with her long hair scattered on her cheeks, her eyelashes curled up, casting a dark shadow under her eyelids.

Xu Yanchen walked over and sat by the bed.

As soon as he sat down, Lin Mu seemed to be aware of the person coming, his brows were slightly wrinkled, his eyes were half-opened, and the eyes were hazy.

"You're back." Lin Mu didn't move, she wasn't fully awake yet.

Xu Yanchen looked at her bleary-eyed appearance, smiled, and responded, "Yes."

"Hmm." She opened her eyes completely, and asked Xu Yanchen, "What time is it?"

(End of this chapter)

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