Chapter 86

During the inspection, Xu Yanchen accompanied him all the way, and when he was on the plane, Lin Mu introduced Xu Yanchen as his husband.Except for her, no one else in the show crew was accompanied.Lin Mu wanted Xu Yanchen to rest, but Xu Yanchen didn't agree, and she didn't insist in the end, letting him follow.

On the surface, the two seem to be reconciled.

In the middle of the inspection, Li Lihua came.Seeing Lin Mu, Li Lihua hugged her with red eyes.The woman just held her in her arms, patted her on the back tenderly, and didn't speak for a long time.Lin Mu could feel her worry and concern for herself, she had never felt such maternal love.She relaxed, hugged her back, and called her mother.

Li Lihua stayed in the hospital all morning, while Lin Mu was hospitalized for observation and would be discharged in the afternoon.At noon, Li Lihua went home to cook and brought lunch to the program crew.People in the program group praised it one after another. This feeling is like when participating in a spring outing, the students all took the special dishes made by their mothers for everyone to taste, and only hers received unanimous praise, which made people happy and proud.

Originally, Li Lihua had to cook dinner, but Lin Mu said he would be discharged from the hospital in the afternoon, so he didn't keep Li Lihua busy.After the latter heard this, he stayed with her in the hospital for a while, and finally returned home.

When Li Lihua left, only Xu Yanchen was left in the ward.She was sitting on the hospital bed, and Xu Yanchen was sitting on the chair beside the hospital bed.After the accident, he went to the earthquake zone to find her.Zhuang Zhou said that he hadn't closed his eyes for several days, and no matter how good his physical fitness was, he was just a mortal, and he only rested for a few hours on the plane.After arriving in City A, he stayed with her in the hospital.His expression was a little tired, but his eyes had some brilliance.

He changed into a clean jacket, and the black body wrapped around his slender body made him look extraordinarily fierce and sassy.He was on the phone with a low voice, as if he was arranging work.At this time, Xu Yanchen was far from the fragility he felt when he found her.

Lin Mu sat on the bed, recalling the warm and cool feeling around his neck, and felt like he was dreaming.In her mind, the man's red eyes made her sure that it was not a dream.

After the Spring Festival, the temperature has picked up significantly, bringing with it a sense of spring.There is some dampness in the air, and there is also the smell of disinfectant water in the hospital, which is cold and fresh.

In Lin Muhuang's mind, Xu Yanchen hung up the phone.He put away his phone, raised his eyes and glanced at Lin Mu who was looking at him on the bed, the two looked at each other, and the man smiled softly, as always.

"Is there anything uncomfortable?" Xu Yanchen asked.

The warm afternoon sun shone in through the window, and the white quilt in the hospital reflected the light, enveloping the man beside the bed in a white halo.I haven't seen him for a month, and seeing Xu Yanchen smiling at her again, Lin Mu always felt like he was in a dream.

She let out an "oh", looked back and felt her body, and finally confirmed, "No."

"I'll call the doctor." Xu Yanchen looked at the bandage and gauze wrapped around her scratch, and after speaking softly, he raised his hand to stroke her hair.The man's palm was warm and dry, as if it was carrying a slight electric current. Lin Mu's eyelashes trembled slightly, and he nodded in agreement.

After Xu Yanchen went out, not long after, the doctor who treated her wound last time walked in.The doctor looked calm and gave her some more examinations. After the examinations, the doctor reminded her that she could be discharged.

After completing the discharge procedures, the doctor gave Xu Yanchen the medicine, looked at Lin Mu and told him, "Don't touch the wound with water, and the medicine must be applied on time, otherwise there will be scars. These are minor injuries, and the family members can help to apply the medicine."

After listening to the doctor's words, Lin Mu thanked him, and Xu Yanchen patted the doctor on the shoulder.The originally cold doctor smiled, and Lin Mu and Xu Yanchen left the hospital.

"This doctor is quite handsome." After Lin Mu went out, he realized that the doctor knew Xu Yanchen.Going down the steps of the hospital gate, she said this.

Even on weekdays, the hospital is very busy, with people coming and going.Xu Yanchen walked beside Lin Mu. After hearing what she said, he didn't show anything. He only smiled slightly, and he was extraordinarily graceful.

There are many good-looking men around Xu Yanchen. Different people naturally have different temperaments and looks. Everyone has their own handsomeness.Lin Mu often praised him in front of him, but every time she praised, Xu Yanchen didn't seem to get jealous and angry, like a god.This not only made Lin Mu suspicious again, did Xu Yanchen really cry at that time?
After returning from the snow area, the two seemed to be reconciled, but they still seemed to be at odds.Lin Mu wanted to go back to the apartment, but Xu Yanchen didn't stop her, and still respected her.It's not easy to take a taxi now, Xu Yanchen said he wanted to see her off, and Lin Mu agreed.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, the warm air was turned on in the car, and the setting sun shone in from the car window, bringing gentle warmth.Lin Mu hasn't been resting well these days, and before going to bed, he can always think of the scenes in the earthquake.But after getting into Xu Yanchen's car, she relaxed, the car drove smoothly, and she closed her eyes and just fell asleep like that.

When she woke up, the car had already parked in the underground garage. She opened her eyes, glanced at the familiar garage, frowned, opened the door and walked out.As soon as he got out of the car, his body was stopped by a man.Xu Yanchen was tall and straight, Lin Mu crashed into his arms, the wound was pulled, she grinned in pain and raised her eyes to stare at him.

"Where are you going?" Xu Yanchen looked down at her with a gentle tone.However, his body stopped in front of her, and there was a bit of domineering in this gentleness.

"I want to go home." Lin Mu looked up at him, the two stood facing each other, Lin Mu's momentum was not lost.

The man's expression remained unchanged, under the thick eyelashes, a pair of eyes were as deep as the sea, he looked into her eyes, and said in a deep voice, "This is your home."

Now it is in the underground parking lot of the apartment. As soon as Xu Yanchen said that, Lin Mu was stunned for a moment.Biting her lower lip, she explained, "I'm going back to my own apartment."

The parking lot was very quiet, only the conversation between the two could be heard. As soon as Lin Mu finished speaking, Xu Yanchen just looked at her quietly and said, "Do you think I will let you go back?"

As soon as Xu Yanchen's words were spoken, Lin Mu suddenly raised his head and looked at Xu Yanchen in disbelief.People are still that person, but it seems that they are not that person anymore.If it was before, Xu Yanchen would definitely respect her opinion.Lin Mu looked up at him and said, "Why are you so unreasonable?"

"Why do I have to be reasonable?" The man said with a smile and a hint of nonsense.

After this accident, Lin Mu also knew that he would forgive Xu Yanchen in the end. After all, life is short, and he doesn't know when it will be gone.In this short life, why not forget the pain of the past and be with the one you love the most.

(End of this chapter)

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