Chapter 87

However, the pain has already been caused, Lin Mu does not intend to forgive Xu Yanchen so easily.She also has a temper, how can Xu Yanchen save her once, cry once and it will be over.

There was something wrong with Xu Yanchen today, Lin Mu couldn't tell him, so when he was not paying attention, Lin Mu turned to the side, and then ran away.But before she ran away, Xu Yanchen stretched out his hand to stop her. Before Lin Mu could react, her body flew into the air, and she let out an "oops", and was hugged horizontally by Xu Yanchen.

"Xu Yanchen..." Lin Mu had never seen Xu Yanchen like this before, her eyes widened in shock.When she called out Xu Yanchen's name, Xu Yanchen didn't let go, he hugged her and pushed her against the car.

Her body didn't hit the car, but Xu Yanchen's fingers touched the window glass.The man's knuckles touched the glass, and there was a muffled sound. Lin Mu subconsciously felt that this was painful, and turned to look at Xu Yanchen.

The man's eyes drooped slightly, and there was a layer of deep light in his deep eyes.Seeing his eyes, Lin Mu's heart seemed to be placed on a soft cloud, which was also mixed with subtle lightning currents. She was passed by, and the blood in her heart was dredged.

Unable to bear his gaze, Lin Mu was moved and unwilling, she lowered her head and looked away from him, frowning and said earnestly, "I haven't forgiven you yet."

"I will change it." Xu Yanchen said.

Another layer of current flowed through his heart, and Lin Mu frowned slightly.In the first half of their marriage, they didn't have a thorough heart-to-heart relationship, so they accommodated each other.And if the relationship is deep, if you want to get to the heart of the other party, you will inevitably go through a series of running-in.At the beginning, no one would let anyone else in, but in the end, because of love, he gave in again and again.

This is the nature of love and marriage, there is no perfect lover.

"That can't be said casually." Lin Mu softened obviously.If Xu Yanchen is willing to change, she is also willing to give him this chance.

As soon as she finished speaking, she could feel the muscle lines of Xu Yanchen's arm holding her loosen a little.But he still didn't let her go, and the two were deadlocked, as if they were negotiating.

"Then we shouldn't be separated. If we separate, how can you see that I corrected my mistakes." Xu Yanchen said softly, his tone as gentle as water.

A man's voice echoed in her ear, low and sweet, Lin Mu's heart softened half, she thought for a while, it was true.But she hasn't forgiven yet, and the two of them can't just open this page.

"I can live here." Lin Mu compromised and made a request at the same time, she said, "But we sleep in separate beds."

Life can be together, but not so close.Since you want to correct it, start from scratch.

After she finished speaking, she looked at Xu Yanchen.Xu Yanchen looked down at her, and after a while, he laughed.The corners of the man's lips were slightly raised, and the light in his eyes seemed to be filled with vast stars.

Lin Mu was a little taken aback. In fact, compared to that handsome doctor with a cold temperament, a gentle and modest young man like Xu Yanchen was more in his favor with her.She was a little obsessed with masculinity, and when she was distracted, she was let down.

With both feet on the ground, Lin Mu came back to his senses, and leaned his back on the car, his body was full of Xu Yanchen's aura.

"Also, you want to..."

Lin Mu still had to negotiate with him, but her remaining words were blocked in his kiss, and the man's clear smell wrapped her up.The tingling feeling hit the bottom of her heart, Lin Mu supported Xu Yanchen's chest with both hands, her breathing became short of breath, before pushing him away, Xu Yanchen left by himself.

There were fireworks in front of him, Lin Mu's throat moved slightly, and his eyes drifted away.She came back to her senses, looked at Xu Yanchen, frowned angrily, and said, "What are you doing?"

Xu Yanchen was much taller than her. He put his arms on the roof of the car, wrapped her in his arms, looked at her with a smile, and said, "What do you think I'm doing?"

Lin Mu frowned even tighter, she felt that the two of them could not be under the same roof.Xu Yanchen is no longer the Xu Yanchen he used to be, he likes to make surprise attacks in everything he does now.In this way, the two soon fell asleep on the same bed.

"I said, we're going to separate the beds now," Lin Mu emphasized again.

The girl's voice is clear and sweet, her tone is strong, but her confidence is a bit unstable. When she speaks, it's like a kitten fiercely tickling you with its furry fist on your arm.

As soon as she opened her mouth, Xu Yanchen kissed her again.

This time it was deeper than before. At the end, Lin Mu leaned against the car, his eyes were wet.Looking at Xu Yanchen who was still smiling gently in front of her, she felt an unprecedented sense of crisis.But after the sense of crisis, I was a little moved.Compared with the gentle kiss he used to have, it is obvious that this kind of unexpected kiss is more intimate and can feel his straightforward, flesh-and-blood love.

But this kiss gradually changed its taste.

From her lips along her jawline, to her ears.The earlobes were already hot, but the man's lips were a little bit cold.

Lin Mu's eyes were a little distracted, and when she was in a daze, the man's breath gushed against her ears, warm and wet.His voice seemed to be covered with a layer of water vapor, coming from thousands of rivers and mountains, low and magnetic.

"You only said separate beds, you didn't say it's not allowed in the car."

Lin Mu "..."

Xu Yanchen's words made Lin Mu wake up for a moment, she looked away, and finally Xu Yanchen's kiss fell on her hair.His breathing was a little short, and Lin Mu's voice trembled.

"I'm still hurt," she reminded.

What Xu Yanchen said just now was naturally to scare her.Hearing that she took it seriously, the man licked his lower lip slightly, his lips fell between her hair, and asked in a low voice, "Who is handsome, me or that doctor?"

The man's breath gushes to the side of the ear, and the sound seems to be electrified, passing along the ear to every nerve.Lin Mu felt weak, thinking of the doctor she saw in the hospital.

Both body and mind are controlled by Xu Yanchen. Lin Mu is not used to this feeling of being controlled. Xu Yanchen's sudden desire to control makes her feel a little numb.She turned her head, met his dark eyes, and said, "The doctor is handsome."

As soon as she finished speaking, the man put his hands around her waist and pulled them into his arms. Their bodies touched each other. Xu Yanchen opened the car door. There was nothing behind Lin Mu's body, and he almost fell down on the back seat.She clasped her arms around Xu Yanchen's neck to prevent herself from lying down, she yelled "Aiya", and asked in a hurry, "What are you doing?"

"Who is handsome?" Xu Yanchen had a smile in his voice, and there was a hint of threat.

Lin Mu "..."

It's too late to settle accounts after autumn, isn't it too late? When she praised the doctor for being handsome, didn't he still act very generous and frank?
When she was thinking wildly, Xu Yanchen put her on the car again, as if the two of them really wanted to do it here today.

(End of this chapter)

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