Chapter 334 God Fire Shield

"Man-eating monk, another one."

Earlier, Wang An had also heard rumors of monks eating people over there.

"This time it's true, not a rumor, I saw it with my own eyes." Xu Qi said.

"Did you see it with your own eyes?"

"Yes, I saw a monk eating people with my own eyes." Xu Qi nodded, "Just holding a human head and eating it there, um, it seems that eating is very enjoyable."

"and then?"

"Then we shot wildly, but the monk escaped despite the hail of bullets."


"Yes." Xu Qi nodded, the monk gave him the impression that he was invulnerable.

"Western Paradise Bliss?" Wang An almost subconsciously thought of that place.

"Do you know this place too, sir?"

"Two monks came here two days ago, and one of them, Master Uncle, has been to the Western Paradise of Ultimate Bliss."

"Is it also an inner world similar to Shushan?"

"It should be." Wang An nodded, "By the way, he said he met you before and heard you mention me."

"Meet me?" Xu Qi was taken aback after hearing Wang An's words, then lowered his head and pondered for a while.

"Are they from Yongshou Temple?"


"Well, I did mention Mr. at Yongshou Temple, but I was facing the abbot of Yongshou Temple at that time, and he mentioned it first. Now Mr. is famous far and wide." Xu Qi explained in this way.

Wang An just smiled after hearing this, Xu Qi drank a cup of tea and remained silent for a while.

"Sir, I have been to many places recently, met many people, and experienced some things. After some people's research and analysis, many myths and legends recorded in ancient books are very likely to be real. Yes, and now they are all starting to appear in the real world, such as Shushan, Xitian Bliss, West Kunlun, Yincao Land behind the Bronze Gate"

Wang An sat aside and listened quietly, not interrupting Xu Qi's words in a hurry.

"You said that there might be some mysterious force behind these times."

"Mysterious power, what mysterious power can induce so many things?"

"I always feel like it's just too coincidental that something happened."

"Coincidence? Can you stop these things from happening?"

Xu Qi shook his head, "I can only try my best to prevent some things from getting worse."

As the places in these myths appear one after another, most of the influences they bring are bad. Their appearance brings death, disease, and shadows, and there is no so-called peaceful light. the power of.

If the demons and monsters in those worlds rush into the world they are in, most of them can rely on themselves.

"It's a pity, until now there are still some people who are dreaming of immortality, and have never realized the terrible danger brought by the emergence of these other worlds." Xu Qi sighed.

"Danger? Wouldn't they be aware of it? They've been aware of it for a long time. It's just that they don't need to face these dangers. The people below have to face them. They want to live longer, and it is best to be immortal. So they hope that the other world will appear. I know this, and you know it, don’t you?”

Xu Qi smiled, and there was a little bitterness in the smile.

"Drink tea." Wang An pointed to the clear tea on the cup.

Dingling, buzzing, the phone on Xu Qi's body suddenly rang.

"Sorry sir, I have a call."

"Hello, I'm Xu Qi, what? Alright, I understand. Take care, I'll rush over as soon as possible." Xu Qi's expression changed drastically.

"Sir, I left earlier."

"You're busy." Wang An smiled and waved his hand.

Xu Qi hurriedly left the mountain village, apparently there was something urgent that he needed to deal with.

Wang An was still alone in the mountain village thinking about the way of practice.

West Kunlun, in a mountain that stretches for thousands of miles, in a cave, several armed men gathered around to guard a cave.

"Head, how long do we have to get it?"

"Wait for him."

Beep, beep, alarm sound.

"someone is coming."

"is it him?"

"No, it's an armed team, six people."

"Ready to fight."

After a while, rattling, gunshots echoed in the mountains.

The battle didn't last too long, and the team guarding the cave had certain advantages. One of them was a sharpshooter, and he could hit the opponent's forehead with a single shot from a long distance.

"Xiao Li was shot and needs treatment."

"is it serious?"

"It's not a big problem. A piece of meat was wiped off, but no bones were hurt."

"Dahai took Xiao Li and retreated first, the person we are waiting for won't be able to come for a while."

"Let's go together. I'll take care of my injury. It's not a big problem. We still have enough medicine."

"By the way, what is this thing?"

Several people gathered together, looking at the glowing object in the cave. At first glance, it was a conical piece of metal, and there seemed to be some carvings on it.

"Would you like to go down and have a look?"

"Let's go on. Before I get close, I feel the heat is overwhelming. The clothes on my body won't be able to catch it. Just wait."

These people waited for a day and a half, and two days later, the two came outside the cave.

"Who?" Sensing that someone was approaching the cave, several people inside immediately became alert.

"I, Xu Qi."

Hearing the name of the person who came, several people in the cave breathed a sigh of relief, but they did not completely let go of their guards. After the person entered the cave and saw the appearance clearly, they were completely relieved.

"You are here!"

"Sorry, I was delayed on the way, you all know this one, where is the treasure?"


One of them pointed to a hole in the ground.

"It's a coincidence that we discovered it by accident. At that time, we were about to find the tomb you mentioned, but we saw a plane flying by with smoke in mid-air. It was obviously an accident. Then I saw what seemed to be falling from the plane.

With a bang, the ground shook and the mountains shook, and there was a lot of movement.We rushed over to see something flew in through the crack in the cave, smashing the rocky floor into a hole.

Be careful, I don't know what that thing is, it's very hot. "

Xu Qi and the people who came with him came to the side of the cave, and felt the heat wafting up from below, as if they were approaching the door of the sauna room.

The two of them looked down and saw something underground, more than three meters above the ground, emitting a faint light, as if there were flames floating above it.

The man stared at the thing carefully, hissed, and took a deep breath, his eyes glowed with excitement.

"Could it be that treasure? Impossible, impossible!" Excitedly, he took out the kettle from his body, opened the lid and poured the water in it down. Seeing the water falling on the treasure, he heard a thud, and then As if poured on a hot iron block, it immediately turned into a burst of steam and steamed up.

"It's so hot!" Xu Qi said upon seeing this.

"See what's engraved on it?"

"Well, I look like a dragon." Xu Qi said after looking carefully for a while.

"A few."

"Nine articles."

"What did you think of?" the man asked.

"What?" Xu Qi was taken aback.

"Have you seen "Feng Shen Yan Yi"?"

"I've seen it, wait a minute!" Xu Qi nodded, and after a moment, he seemed to think of something, and his face changed drastically. .

"You mean this is the Nine Dragons God Fire Shield?!"

"It looks similar, doesn't it?"

"But this, this is too big!"

"Is this still big? Think about the giants you found, more than three meters high."

"This?" Xu Qi stared at the treasure in the cave, but couldn't accept it for a while, it was something in the myth after all.

"Just look like it?"

"Well, if it's true, then"

"Okay, let's talk about how to deal with this thing first?" Xu Qi said.

"I suspect that there is a sacred stone in this treasure." The man stared at the treasure in the cave and said, "Even, it is very likely that it is made of the original stone of the sacred stone."

"Sacred Stone, then we will take it away in the same way as the Sacred Stone. What about the plane?"

"It should have crashed, and we heard the sound of an explosion." The leader who was guarding here before said.

"Hurry up, someone will find here soon."

Seven days later, in a teahouse in a city in the northwest, two people sat facing each other drinking tea.

"I haven't seen you for a long time. Is there anything urgent to find me?"

Lu Xiangyi didn't speak, and looked up at Xu Qi who looked a little haggard.

"It's time to shave your beard." After a moment of silence, he pointed to Xu Qi's beard with a smile, and Xu Qi smiled.

"Get down to business." Lu Xiangyi took a deep breath.

"Is that treasure in your hands?"

"What treasure?" Xu Qi looked puzzled.

"Nine days ago, a plane crashed in the Kunlun Mountains, and all the crew members on it were killed. This plane is a special plane with some very special things on it. Among them is a treasure with nine dragons engraved on it. I really want to enshrine the gods. The Nine Dragons God Fire Cover described in Romance!"

"Things in a novel can't be taken as real."

"Staying that thing in your hands may kill you. I can know it, and others can know it."

Xu Qi just smiled.

"Leave it to the Special Affairs Bureau, the people in the bureau already know about it."

Xu Qi leaned back on the chair, looked up at the ceiling, stretched, and spread his hands.

"What do you mean?"

"Things are no longer with me."

After hearing this, Lu Xiangyi picked up his teacup and took a sip of tea, the tea was already a bit cold.

"Drinking herbal tea is prone to diarrhea."

"It's okay, I got angry these two days." Lu Xiangyi drank the tea in the teacup in one gulp.

"We can work together."

"Cooperation, how to cooperate?"

"Let's study that treasure together. If I'm not wrong, although some people have obtained it, they still can't use it, right? It's even difficult to get close to it! Our scientific research ability is stronger than yours. of."

"The conditions for the use of that treasure are very strict, and it is definitely not the kind of spell described in the novel that just needs to be uttered." Xu Qi said.

"Maybe there is someone who knows how to use that treasure."

"Sir?" Lu Xiangyi narrowed his eyes slightly, and Xu Qi nodded.

"Mr.'s cultivation base is unfathomable, and he should be able to control that treasure. However, according to the way of Mr.'s cultivation, he has always relied on himself, and that kind of treasure is just icing on the cake. Besides, If you bring that treasure there, you will only bring trouble to Mister."

"You have changed." Xu Qi took a sip of tea, feeling a little bitter.

Jingling, the phones on both of them rang almost at the same time.

The two picked up the phone, looked down at the number, and then looked at each other.

"Hi, it's me, okay."

"The capital?" Used to the phone, Lu Xiangyi spoke first.

"Well, it's an emergency meeting. At nine o'clock tomorrow morning, you must attend the meeting."

"Time is running out, let's have a meal together."

The next day, an emergency meeting was held in the capital. After the meeting, a group of troops marched into the mountains.

Because a bronze door was found, although it has not been opened, but this matter has attracted their attention.

How many other bronze doors like this are there?This is what they are desperately trying to figure out now.

In the mountain village, I was thinking about how to compress the true qi in my body, but I didn't think of any suitable method for a while, but I got some gains in infiltrating energy into every cell in the body.

To be precise, the Golden Light Mantra he practiced has made some progress.

Golden Light Curse (Perfect): 2/999.

After reaching this level of realm, he can not only emit the golden light, but also enter it, enveloping his own viscera, organs, and even bones. With the help of this technique, he successfully used his true body Qi energy constantly moistens the tissues and organs of the body.

In other words, his realm of "delicacy" has been improved to a certain extent.

It wasn't until the weather became hot that Li Xinzhu came back from the outside again. Wang An felt that his aura was different from when he left, and became much "sharp".

"You, murdered?"

"Well, you can see this?" Li Xinzhu was stunned after hearing this.

"Your aura has changed."

"I didn't want to kill him, but I couldn't stop him with my hands." Li Xinzhu said. When he said this, his tone was relatively calm, and he didn't seem to take that life too seriously.

"Drink tea to get rid of the hostility in your heart."

Li Xinzhu smiled, picked up the teacup, and drank it down.

"Well, this tea is not bad."

"On a long trip, I met three human traffickers. While selling children, they smothered a child to death, and punched each of them."

Wang An nodded and said nothing.

"Hey, do you know who these people sell their children to? It's not a childless person but a rich man. This person uses the blood of the child to heal the disease. I found out, and then took him out of his old nest It's gone." Li Hsinchu clenched his fists when he said this.

"Aren't you hurt?"

"No, the bullet hit the body and broke the clothes." Li Xinzhu said.

The two chatted for a long time. On that day, Li Xinzhu continued to practice. In two days, his heart completely recovered, sank down, and continued his path of practice.

(End of this chapter)

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