Chapter 335
After a few days, Wang An found that Li Xinzhu seemed to be practicing harder than before, and felt the suppressed anger in his fist.

It could be seen that he still had something on his mind, but Wang An didn't ask any further questions.

In summer, the weather is hot and there is a lot of rain.In addition, Wang An found that there seemed to be more thunder this year than last year.

On this day, Wang An looked up at the sky from the top of the mountain, and the dark clouds were rolling violently, like boiling water.

"This year's weather is a bit abnormal."

"Yeah, the number of rainy days has obviously increased compared to last year, but it has been raining for half a month in a row." Li Xinzhu said aside.

"The energy between heaven and earth is much more active than before."

"What does this mean, is the spirit revived?"

"Well, I think this means that there are more and more passages in the inner world. Judging from the information obtained so far, the energy between the heaven and the earth in the known inner world is higher than that of our world. Once When the channel appears, the energy of those worlds will overflow through the channel.”

"Is that a good thing?"

"That's not necessarily true, those energies are not necessarily good, and no one knows what other things come from there besides energy, what if it is terrible deadly bacteria, viruses, even some practitioners Wouldn't it be even more deadly if the microorganisms and toxins that can be killed by humans are transmitted to ordinary people."

"It's not something we should worry about, it's something those high-ranking meat eaters need to consider." Li Xinzhu said.

"They're thinking about longevity."

"It is possible for people who practice like you to live forever, and their kind can live longer at most." Li Xinzhu said disdainfully.

"Longevity, in fact, is just to live a little longer, how can there be people who live forever!"

The rain started to fall after noon and lasted for three days and three nights without any signs of stopping. A hillside had a landslide due to the torrential rain. Fortunately, it was far away from the mountain village and had no major impact. .

"It's raining a lot!" The old man stared out the window and said.

"It's not small. It will probably take another two days." Wang An looked at the thick dark clouds in the sky, and couldn't see any signs of stopping for a while.

On the fifth day of heavy rain, Wang An, who was watching the rain at the door, heard hurried footsteps.Li Xinzhu entered the room with a broken umbrella.

"Look, is this true?"

He went into the house and took out his mobile phone to find a video.

Amidst the wind and rain, in a big river, the water was turbulent and extremely turbid. In one of the turbid rivers, there was a black figure winding up and down. If you look closely, it was a big snake. In comparison, the length of this big snake is more than 20 meters. As the video played, the big snake suddenly raised its head, and then quickly sank into the water. Although it was a glimpse, it also saw the head of the big snake.

The big snake has already grown horns, which are similar to the antlers of a deer. It looks small, like the antlers of a small deer.

In the violent wind and rain, the big snake quickly went away with the turbulent turbid current.There is no lack of emotion from some people in the video.

"Fuck, what the hell is that?!"


"Look, shit!"

Simple, rude words express the inner emotion directly.

The video shooting time is not long, and it will be over soon.

"What is this, is it the legendary Zoujiao?" Li Xinzhu said.

"It looks very similar, if this short video is not post-production."

"Probably not." Li Xinzhu said.

"I see that the place is not too far away from us. Do you think the continuous heavy rain is related to the walking dragon? Could it cause the heavy rain?"

"I don't think it has such a big ability. The scope of this heavy rain is very large. If this thing can cause such a large-scale rainstorm, then it is almost like a fairy in the legend. It should be the flood caused by the rainstorm The cause and effect relationship is different whether it caused the floods caused by the floods or not."

"By the way, let's read this message again."

Li Xinzhu found out another piece of news, which was released not long ago. The content was that a certain dam broke and caused a flood, which flooded two villages downstream, causing damage to thousands of families. So far, eight people have lost contact. .

"The dam that broke the embankment is located downstream of Zuojiao. It is very far away from us, hundreds of miles away."

"Well, do you want to go and see?"

"I want to go." Li Xinzhu nodded.

"Go if you want."

"Aren't you going?"

"Let's go together."

The two went out together without driving. Li Xinzhu ran on two legs, while Wang An flew in mid-air.Now it is stormy outside, everyone is hiding at home, and there is no one outside.

"Storm, I like it!"

Li Xinzhu ran wildly in the wind and rain.

"Take the main road, or the shortest road?" Wang An's voice came from midair.

"Naturally, take the shortest path!" Li Xinzhu shouted.

"Then follow along."

The shortest line segment between two points.Wang An used to do this often.

Wang An led the way in mid-air, and Li Xinzhu followed on the ground. When he kicked his legs, he jumped out tens of meters. When he landed, mud and water splashed in all directions.

The mountain is full of rain, and it is very dangerous to go up the mountain at this time, because mudslides will occur somewhere, so the two of them went up the mountain.

"Let's go, can we keep up?"

"I'll do my best!" Li Xinzhu shouted into the air.

"Honestly speaking, this is the first time for me to travel like this. I'm not used to it, but it's very exciting!" Li Xinzhu said.

Surrounded by violent wind and rain, he was like a knife piercing into the wind and rain, cutting through the wind and rain, and kept moving forward.

Quick, quick, quicker!
The speed of the zhenqi circulation in his body is increasing.

In the wind and rain, Wang An felt the aura from Li Hsinchu growing stronger.

"Very well, it should be released properly. Running freely in the wind and rain is a kind of release."

"Oh, be careful, there is a mountain torrent!" Wang An shouted down.


When Li Xinzhu saw the surging torrent, instead of showing the slightest fear, he showed excitement in his eyes. He rushed up to face the torrent, and at the moment when he was about to collide, he suddenly turned his direction and dodged There was a flash flood.

"What a turbulent force!"

"I thought you were going to rush over!" Wang An's words came to my ears, as if he was beside me.

"I really wanted to try it just now, but at that moment I felt that if I just rushed over like this, there was probably only one result, and that was to be buried in the mudslide, waiting for you to rescue me."

"A very accurate intuition, we must pay attention to this feeling, and this feeling can save lives at critical times."

The two communicated while hurrying.

Wang An was flying in mid-air, keeping a certain distance from Li Xinzhu unhurriedly, just in case, if he was really accidentally washed away by the mudslide, he could be rescued.

About two hours after coming out of the mountain village, they saw a big river with turbid water flowing eastward.

"This is the river!" Wang An said.

The river was found, and the next step was to look for the snake.The two of them ran wildly down the river bank.

"Well, how come there are armored vehicles?"

During the flight, Wang An saw an armored vehicle and fully armed soldiers, and he fell from mid-air.

"They should also be aiming at the flood snake."

On such heavy rainy days, the roads on both sides of the river have been blocked within a certain distance.On the roads on both sides, armored vehicles and heavily armed soldiers were waiting in full battle.

"It seems that we came at the right time." Li Xinzhu raised his hand to wipe the rain off his face.

"Let the real air flow circulate and be activated in the form of a golden bell cover, so that the rain will not fall on the body."

"I still can't use it freely." Li Xinzhu said.

On the road, heavily armed soldiers stared at the river.

"Squad leader, what are we waiting for? What monsters will there be in the river?"

"Quiet, wait for orders."

These soldiers let the wind blow the rain on their bodies and hit their faces.

Boom, the sound of the flood came from a distance.

"Attention, it's coming!" The light in the hands of the soldiers observing from a high place flickered twice.

In the turbid river water, a black shadow was faintly visible, following a wave of flood peaks approaching rapidly.

"Is that the Jiao Snake?" Li Xinzhu stood at a height and looked at the figure in the river.


With an order, the howitzer on the armored vehicle immediately spit out a fire snake, and the grenade flew and fell into the water.Pieces of blood turned red in the muddy river.The one that was submerged in the water was gone.


The soldiers on both sides were stunned, but they saw the huge figure in the river.

"Then, is that a dragon?"

"The target was found, the target was injured, and went downstream."


About ten miles downstream is a large bridge. There is no pedestrian on the bridge, and the floodwater has already overflowed the bridge deck.On the roads on both sides were armored vehicles and heavily armed soldiers. Bright searchlights shone on the river. In addition to the armored vehicles, there were also special harpoons, similar to whaling harpoons, and their bases were fixed on the road.

"Find the Goal, Repeat, Find the Goal!"

When the searchlight shone on the river, a black shadow emerged, and the length on the river exceeded three meters.

Whoosh, a harpoon flew out, with a cable attached to its tail, and hit the black shadow accurately, thumping, the black shadow rolled in pain in the river.

The harpoon was quickly retracted, and the powerful high-power motor dragged the stabbed creature, and quickly pulled it back toward the shore, and the water creature released the machine to shake.

After being dragged ashore, it was discovered that it was not a flood snake, but a big fish more than three meters long.

"Not the target."

They immediately assembled the harpoon and got it ready.Wang An and Li Xinzhu who rushed over happened to see this scene.

"Are they planning to capture the flood snake?"

"It looks like it should be."

"It's a pity." Li Hsinchu sighed.

"Why, is it possible that you still want to make two moves with that snake?"

"I do have this idea." Li Xinzhu nodded.

"In the water, you may not even be able to display a tenth of your abilities. It's coming!" Wang An stared at the river.

"It's coming, why didn't I see it?" Li Xinzhu hurriedly looked into the river after hearing this, only seeing the surging river water, but not the shadow of the snake.

"Look carefully at the surface of the river. The waves are much bigger than before." Wang An pointed to the surface of the river.

Of course, he didn't judge by the changes in the river, but by the aura.He felt a rather powerful aura in the water.


By the river, through special sonar equipment, underwater creatures were detected rapidly approaching.


Following an order, the harpoons on both sides shot out simultaneously, submerged in the water, and then retracted quickly.

With a splash, the surface of the water splashed violently, and a big snake was pulled out of the water.

"Tsk tsk, you're really good!"

Looking at the more than ten meters long snake out of the water, Li Xinzhu couldn't help sighing, the snake's body is only half above the water now.

"My God!" The soldiers on both sides were shocked when they saw this, they had never seen such a big snake in their life.


Da da da, all of a sudden the guns fired, and soon the big snake was covered in blood and flesh.

"Stop shooting!"

The commander decisively issued an order to cease fire, and the order given to him was to catch as many people as possible.

"Pull it up."

Crashing, the winch quickly retracted the rope driven by the high-power motor.The big snake was dragged ashore by them.

"Tell me, how many years does it take for such a big snake to grow?"

"It's hard to say, it's decades at least, maybe hundreds of years." Wang Andao.

"Isn't it a pity to be killed like this for hundreds of years?"

"What do you want to do?"

"Why don't I help it?"

"Where will the people who have been washed away and flooded the world and their homes go to reason?"

"It doesn't necessarily depend on this big snake, does it?"

"I think you're still okay?" Wang An looked up at the road below.

"what happened?"

"Someone is coming, and the speed is still very fast."

Not long after the words fell, several figures rushed out from the mountain, holding guns in their hands, and fired several grenades at the troops on the side of the road, exploding in mid-air, with a bang, violently The sound waves directly knocked all the soldiers to the ground.

Each of them covered their heads and cried out in pain.

"Concussion bomb!"

Wang An is very familiar with this weapon, because a few years ago, the special team used this weapon against him in Yuxiao Mountain.

"Who is so brave, dare to deal with the troops?!" Li Xinzhu was stunned when he saw this.

"Maybe someone from another army?"

"Oh no?"

These people brought down the troops, then quickly approached the big snake, and carried the big snake onto a nearby truck. Two of them were very strong. The big snake seemed to weigh several thousand catties. Ordinary people can't drag it at all, but those two people got the big snake onto the car without much effort.

Just when they started the car and were about to leave, the big snake suddenly opened its mouth and bit a person, and with a twitch of its tail, one flew out and jumped out of the truck.

(End of this chapter)

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