Chapter 16

Lin Xiao grabbed the horn with one hand and Qingfeng with the other.

Shrinking the ground into an inch, he came to the Taoist temple on the top of the mountain in an instant.

at the same time.

One flood and one dragon also fell on Qingfeng Mountain at the same time.

Fortunately, it fell halfway up the mountain.

The huge impact directly knocked out a deep pit on Qingfeng Mountain. This deep pit is not only big, but also very deep.

It was so deep that it hurt the Qingfeng Mountain's veins.

Lin Xiao quickly took action to stabilize the turbulent ground veins of Qingfeng Mountain, and the spirit realm that was constantly fluctuating because of the turbulent ground veins.

As soon as the spiritual realm stabilized, a figure was thrown out.

It was the Qingfeng Mountain God Horn Immortal who had been cultivating in the spiritual realm.

But his current situation is not good.

The whole deer's face was pale and bloodless, as if it had suffered some severe injuries.

As soon as he landed, he simply nodded towards Lin Xiao, and immediately flew towards the deep pit.

'Tsk, this is the defect of Shinto. '

Lin Xiao didn't turn into Shinto because he took this into consideration.

From the beginning to the end, what Lin Xiao pursued was a happy and long life.

Carefree comes first, long life comes later.

Immortals can no longer be at ease because of the founders of the gods, and gods have never been at ease.

Lin Xiao shook his head, and left Qingniu and Qingfeng in Qingyun Temple.

"You two will live here first."

After speaking, Lin Xiao concealed and disguised his aura, and rushed to the direction of the falling dragon.

Beside the deep pit, the horned fairy has already begun to sort out the turbulent veins caused by the impact.

The woodland beside the deep pit that was destroyed by the impact also began to be slowly restored under the influence of divine power.

And in the very center of the pit, there are still two culprits lying there.

Oh no, now there is only a half-dead water god and a dragon corpse left.

However, in the mid-air around the deep pit, there are densely packed gods from all walks of life.

The leader was the City God of Yanchuan, and at this moment he was holding the seal of the City God, with a troubled expression on his face.

"Master Numi, if you kill Jiaoxuan, there will be no way to disprove your statement."

Although Nu Mi was seriously injured, she still straightened her coiled dragon tail and said with the corners of her mouth raised.

"What I'm saying is true or false, you know, I know, everyone knows, it doesn't matter if this beast is dead or not."

"Confused, confused, if you do this, things that were originally reasonable will become unreasonable."

Of course the Yanchuan City God knew about it, but it can be said that the original female Mi was a complete victim.

Now that there is a lot of trouble, although Nu Mi's reasoning is right, it is also weak.

"Hey~ You don't have to worry, I will bear the consequences."

Yanchuan City God opened his mouth, and a fierce female voice came.

"All-in-one responsibility? I didn't pay attention when I reminded you before, but when something happened, I knew I would take it?!"

Yanchuan City God looked at the person coming, then bowed his hands respectfully.

"I have seen the Cuiyun Lake God."

The Luojiang water goddess Mi, who was originally extremely stubborn, suddenly softened her tail and said aggrievedly.

"Aunt Cuiwei~"

Cuiyun Lake God's expression softened slightly, but his tone was still stern.

"I told you to stay away from those long worms, but you just didn't listen! Do you think that you have a dragon tail (yi) and Ba people will treat you as a member of the same family?!"


"According to the order of the gods: Mi, the water goddess of the Luojiang River, left her post without permission, and manifested her holiness privately... and killed the dragon king of the Heishui River, Jiaoxuan, and destroyed the Qingfeng Mountain. The order: imprisoned for fifty years!"

Wearing a red-patterned robe with a white background, the Riyou God, after reading the decree, took out the divine weapon and was about to execute the divine punishment.

Cuiyun Lake God lightly raised his plain hand to stop Ri Youshen, then smiled lightly.

"Since she is going to be imprisoned, in my opinion, it is better to imprison her here in Qingfeng Mountain."

As she spoke, she stretched out her hand, and the dragon corpse at the bottom of the deep pit quickly melted, leaving only a pile of scaly bones, a main tendon, and a dragon bead.

The jiaozhu jumped into a spring, and the melted jiao meat turned into a ball of water, which quickly filled the entire deep pit.

The original deep pit turned into a small lake in the blink of an eye.

Cuiyun Lake God waved his hand and set up a layer of restrictions, sealing the lake.

"Let her push the water vapor in this small pool to make up for the damage caused by the turmoil in Qingfeng Mountain?"

Although it is an interrogative sentence, the tone is indeed unquestionable.

Riyoushen put away the artifact, cupped his hands and said with a smile.

"The restriction set by a god is naturally foolproof, and I will return to the court of God to return to my life as a little god."

After sending away a group of gods, Cuiyun Lake God turned his attention to Qingfeng Mountain God Jiaoxian and Lin Xiao.

"This Qingfeng Mountain God and this..."

Cuiyun Lake God scanned the name of the Taoist temple on the top of the mountain with his spiritual sense
"Guanzhu Qingyun, Numi needs to trouble the two of you to take care of me here."

"Oh, alright."

Jiaoxian stretched his neck and looked into the pool. Ever since he saw the horns on Numi's head, he was a little dazed.

Although it has been close to 100 years, this is the first time he has seen this neighbor.

Lin Xiao also arched his hands, indicating that there is no problem.

However, he looked at Jiaoxian and Cuiyun Lake God whose complexion had started to turn sour.

Jiaoxian stunned and regarded Nu Mi as the same kind. Except for the different species of the lower body, in fact the two of them are indeed very similar.

Both are half human and half animal, both have horns on their heads, and both are gods.

Seeing Jiaoxian's expression, Cuiyun Lake God began to regret imprisoning Nu Mi in Qingfeng Mountain.

Hastily said.

"Qingfeng Mountain God's Tu and Nvmi are somewhat restrained, so I'd better trouble the Lord Qingyun to take care of it in the future."

As he said that, the Cuiyun Lake God took out six shells and handed them to Lin Xiao and Jiaoxian.

"These things are considered as rewards for the two of you."

Sensing the breath of life in the shells, Lin Xiao curiously took three of them, two with life and one without.

The two life-like ones opened after Lin Xiao took them.

It reveals two small figures in moon palace costumes hidden in the shells.

At first glance, these two villains are kneeling and sitting in the shells, wearing moon palace costumes.

If you look closely, the places where they kneel and sit are closely connected to the shells, and the white palace dress is also on their bodies.

"This is a beauty. It looks like a human, but its intelligence is only slightly smarter than that of ordinary domestic dogs, but because of the human shape, they are also easier to develop intelligence than ordinary animals."

Lin Xiao nodded. This kind of shellfish is often the first choice for water gods to enlighten their maids.

As for the other lifeless shell, Lin Xiao opened it and saw that it was actually a thousand-year-old shell bead.

The color is blue, and the whole body is still surrounded by a touch of water vapor.

What Jiaoxian received was the same beauty bead, but the bead was replaced by an earthy spirit bead.

"Cuiyun Lake God, don't worry, I will definitely guard the Luojiang Water God."

"Me too."

Lin Xiao said that he was guarding the Luojiang water god, but he was looking at the mountain god Jiaoxian.

Seeing that Lin Xiao understood what he meant, Cuiyun Lake God was slightly relieved.

This Qingfeng mountain god, at first glance, is unenlightened, with restrictions set by himself, Cuiwei is not worried about what will happen.

But love doesn't have to happen.

Some people have never seen each other before, and they are deceived by their feelings and money, not to mention getting along day and night for 50 years.

(End of this chapter)

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