Longevity Pot Immortal

Chapter 17 Five Elements of Reincarnation

Chapter 17 Five Elements Wheel Reincarnation

See Cuiyun Lake God has something to say.

Lin Xiao took Jiaoxian and left this freshly baked Prisoner Lake first.

"That...Nvnvmi, why did you kill that dragon?"

Looking at the horned fairy with deer eyes full of curiosity, Lin Xiao warned.

"You'd better not be so curious."


Lin Xiao said in the tone of someone who had come here.

"Because being curious about a person is often the beginning of your fall."

"What fell?"

"Of course it's a struggle. The God of Cuiyun Lake is the lord of Cuiyun Lake for three thousand miles. Could the plot against her niece be a trivial matter? If you get involved with such a small body, you will die."

Jiaoxian widened her eyes and said hastily.

"Then I'd better stay away from her."

Seeing that Jiaoxian agreed, Lin Xiao smiled and said instead.

"You can't enlighten these two beauties even if you leave them there, why don't you give them to me as a reward. I'll help you refine that earth spirit bead for a little bit, and you can refine it into a divine weapon."

"Okay, I'll give it to you, I don't know why Cuiyun God gave it to us beauties."

"Maybe it was for her niece's boredom, and she gave us two by the way."


"Master~ You're back!" Seeing Lin Xiao's return, Lingshen boy hurried to Lin Xiao's side, "I've sorted out all the spiritual fields in the past few days, and a few trees have transformed into spiritual plants in one fell swoop."

After speaking, Lingshen boy twisted his bellyband and looked at Lin Xiao with some awkwardness.

Lin Xiao raised his eyebrows, took out a jade order and handed it to Lingshen boy.

"You did a good job. I give you this jade order. You can use it to borrow from my scripture library."


Hearing that it was just a borrowed book, Lingshen boy suddenly lost his face.

"This jade order is also a small magic weapon, and your master, I am a master of weapon refining, and I have a lot of knowledge about tool refining in the library."

Lingshen boy's eyes lit up when he heard the words, and he quickly took Yuling and hugged him in his arms.

Lin Xiao's plan is that it is better to teach people how to fish than to give them fish. Although Lingshen Boy is a wood, fire in wood can also be used to refine weapons.

Even Lin Xiao also collected wood-based refining techniques.

But Lingshen boy really thought in his heart, learn more about the precious materials and magical artifacts, so that he can recognize the value at a glance when receiving gifts in the future, so as not to be ignorant of the real treasure.

After dismissing the spirit ginseng boy, Lin Xiao began to take out the things purchased in the city god's spirit realm.

The materials for the refining equipment were organized into the warehouse that came with the refining room one by one, and the spirit wine formula and divine spells were stored in the library.

Finally, Lin Xiao took out the essence of the five elements, and opened the box of the essence of the earth element first.

The turbid yellow essence turned into a stream of light and infiltrated the entire realm of the pot, and the originally frivolous earth suddenly became thick and solid.

The water in the lake became turbid, and the breath of the newly promoted spiritual plants also became turbid, faintly turning back into mortal plants.

Lin Xiao ignored it, and took out the wood spirit essence, which was full of vitality, like a breeze blowing through the whole pot.

In an instant, there was a trace of life and spirituality in the world in the pot, and the small lake that was originally a pool of stagnant water also faintly had a little beauty.

Next is the water movement, but Lin Xiao did not directly use the water to carry out the spiritual essence, but dissolved the water movement in the small lake in the pot in the world, and used it to nourish the entire pot in the world.

The hazy water mist rises from the lake, soaking the entire Huzhongjie little by little.

The world in the pot, which was originally just a little bit of vitality and spirituality, has become like a seed that is about to germinate, faintly showing signs of burgeoning.

Human beings are turned into turbid soil, and Jingongmumu is tempered by water and fire.

The essence of earth element and the essence of water element are the easiest to collect, and they are also the foundation of the five elements.

Spring belongs to the genus of wood, but for spring to come, it also needs the wisdom left over from the previous winter and the nutrients buried in the earth.

So water and soil support trees.

If wood wants to grow hair, it needs sunshine, and the summer with the most sunshine belongs to fire, so the next step is fire.

When the spirit of Mars merged into the realm of the pot, the movement was far greater than that of other spirits.

Because fire is the way to move.

Going into the ground turns into lava and earthquakes, going up into the sky turns into wind and thunder, and going into the water turns into undercurrents.

The intertwining of wood and fire is the movement of wind and thunder.

There was a roar of thunder, like a waking sting.

The entire pot in the world really came alive, the vegetation grew wildly, and flowers bloomed soon.

Although the original Huzhongjie had flowers and grass, mountains and water, it could grow life.

But there is always a layer.

It is the gap between the cave and the big world, now there are five elements as a guide, and the way of the five elements runs in the cave.

A gust of wind from Kyushu blew in from the gap reserved by Lin Xiao.

It is impossible for Lin Xiao to completely isolate the realm of the pot, nor can it be completely opened, so Lin Xiao chose to control the operation of the heavens in the realm of the pot.

It's not that I have to bear it all by myself, but I left a firewall, a simple control hub.

Although it is still the wind and water of Kyushu, every strand and every drop has been screened by Lin Xiao.

Seeing that his conjectures were completed one by one, Lin Xiao took out the last golden essence.

The light golden wind blew by, and the originally blooming vegetation began to bear fruit under the effect of the golden wind.

Even the flat peaches, which were already ripe and bearing fruit on the tree, became fuller.

Gold is fine.

Ore, iron and jade are the essence of earth, fruits and seeds are the essence of wood, ice edges and snowflakes are the essence of water.

Immortals are the essence of human beings.

All things are refined with fire to produce gold and soil.

The gold essence is turbid, so what is practiced is called Jindan, and what is exhaled is turbid air.

The essence of the five elements circulated in the middle of the pot, and strands of Taoist rhyme also flowed in Lin Xiao's heart.

Lin Xiao's understanding of the five elements went further without knowing it.

When I return to practice, I only know what it is, but I don't know why it is. Gradually, I begin to understand its principle and foundation.

'No wonder there are no exercises after reaching Yinshen. '

Lin Xiao didn't break through the golden elixir, he entered the primordial spirit realm after nine turns of the golden elixir, so he didn't know the practice of the Yinshen realm.

Now that the Five Elements Rotation Dao Yun is self-generated, Lin Xiao also understands his future path.

That is to absorb more different principles, through the differences of Daoyun in Dongtian and Kyushu, confirm each other, and achieve your own Dao.

After thinking about it, Lin Xiao took a high-level view and had more ideas about the first few realms of cultivation.

Today's Lin Xiao is a Nine-Turn Golden Elixir of the Heavenly Immortal Dao, who has been transformed by the methods of instrumental cultivation and spiritual cultivation, and is in the realm of the earth immortal.

There is no cultivation method of the Earth Immortal Dao before the Yuanshen Realm, and Lin Xiao is the only one in the Earth Immortal Dao today, and this method was not needed in the first place.

But now Lin Xiao has changed his mind a little bit, perfecting the cultivation technique of the Earth Immortal Dao is also of great benefit to Lin Xiao himself.

The first is to be able to sort out one's own practice, and the second is to be able to get the title and luck of an ancestor of the earth immortal.

Such things as luck and merit, as long as they are still in this universe, will never be too much.

In Lin Xiao's view, the current Heavenly Court is the biggest machine for collecting merit and luck.

Every 100 years, a person is changed to receive the merits produced by the machine.

All other monk gods are a part of this machine.

Lin Xiao didn't want to be stamped with someone else's qualification certificate, and then run in this machine until it was scrapped.

Only then did he refine himself into a weapon spirit, and switched to the way of earth immortal.

(End of this chapter)

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