Chapter 248

However, they immediately understood.

I'm afraid that this banquet has something to do with my Qilin Valley changing to another realm!
The world lord of this realm is really a coward!

Thinking of this, their eyes lit up.

Afterwards, the wine and meat began to be served on the table like water, and all kinds of rare birds and animals filled the entire banquet.

Whether it is an ordinary monster or the patriarchs of various clans, they are speechless for a while.

It was the first time they had seen such luxury.

Then, the group of guys picked up their chopsticks one after another and started gobbling it up.

These foods are extremely precious and cannot be tolerated by ordinary people.

However, besides the chief clan leaders, there were many demon kings at the scene, so they naturally did not have any pressure.

But in a short time, these demon kings, including the patriarchs of various clans, were all full of food and drink, and their mouths were full of oil.

Seeing this scene, Emperor Ziwei burst out laughing.

Then, he stood up again, and said, "This time we're calling everyone, apart from a banquet, we also want to announce a major event."

As he spoke, he paused for a while, and when he saw no one was making a sound, he said slowly and solemnly: "The Demon Court is formally established, and the Qilin Valley has also been merged into my Immortal Realm, becoming a family of auspicious beasts!"

"This is an auspicious conference, everyone should know it too!"


When his words fell to the ground, dark clouds rolled over the sky, and thunder and lightning flashed.

This time, it was even scarier than last time.

But in an instant, these lightning bolts gathered into a tornado storm, swooping down, trying to destroy everything.

"Run away!"

"This is robbery!"

The noisy and lively banquet suddenly became chaotic, and all the goblins ran away.

At this time, Emperor Ziwei raised his hand, and an invisible ripple gushed out, protecting everyone.


Suddenly, there was a crisp sound in the sky.

A huge bolt of lightning struck down, and actually directly struck the ripples that protected everyone.

That thunder was so violent that it actually directly cut off the ripples of Emperor Ziwei!
Emperor Ziwei's pupils shrank suddenly.

Below, the high-level officials of all ethnic groups changed their colors.

Although they knew that the Heavenly Court was powerful, they never expected that it would be so powerful that it would directly attract the wrath of the heavens.

This is horrible!

At this time, the might of the sky was so powerful that all living beings were silent.

Afterwards, a crack appeared in the midair of the Heavenly Court in the Earth Immortal Realm, and someone unexpectedly forcibly broke through the realm and broke into it.

Now that Lin Xiao has not returned, Emperor Ziwei can only be in charge of the overall situation: "Listen to the order, there are strong outsiders invading, strengthen your guard, and those who disobey the order will be beheaded!"

Emperor Ziwei's words were powerful.

And with his voice sounded.

Teams of guards gathered quickly and rushed around.

At the same time, the entire Heavenly Court also erupted in a monstrous war.

Emperor Ziwei stood on the main seat, looking at the person who broke the boundary, with deep contempt in his eyes.

Earth Immortal Realm, Heavenly Court, this is his realm!
No one can take it away, let alone allow foreigners to intervene!
"Oh, it's ridiculous, it's just a low-level realm, and it's trying to provoke my gods."

At this moment, a sinister voice suddenly came from a distance, causing Emperor Ziwei's complexion to change slightly.

I saw that in the distance, there were thousands of streamers flying towards, descending on this ancient city in the blink of an eye.

And they, all of them are strong and stubborn, with a fierce aura.

These people, wearing armor, have an inexplicably fierce aura, they are in the primordial spirit stage, comparable to the existence of real immortals!

And among these thousands of people, an old man stood proudly in the crowd, with piercing eyes.

Among these large armies, his aura is majestic, like an abyss like an ocean.

Even, it gives people a feeling of suffocation.

Obviously, this is a real fairy!
Moreover, he has a kind of supreme majesty.

His arrival immediately caused the aura of these armies to rise sharply, killing them soaring to the sky, and sweeping across the wilderness.

Here, it seems that it is about to become Shura's purgatory!
"You foreign visitors, do you really think that Heavenly Court is a soft persimmon?"

At this moment, Emperor Ziwei spoke with a cold voice.

"Hmph! Heavenly Court, right? Today, on behalf of Divine Court, I will wash you with blood, and let you know what it means to be tall!"

The old man is a true immortal in Shenting and a friend of Sun God.

Recently visited Sun God and learned that he was injured in a small area, and moved to seek revenge.

The old man looked at Emperor Ziwei, his eyes were cold, and he took a step, and came to Emperor Ziwei, and the cold killing intent raged in all directions.

The moment the old man made a move, the saber hanging on Emperor Ziwei's waist also clanked, bursting out with a shocking sword glow.

This sword was left by Lin Xiao for self-defense.

Just because he was afraid that when he walked away from Fengshen, someone would find him!
Lin Xiao handed over the handling of the banquet to Dai Sheng and Emperor Ziwei, so he would naturally leave behind.

The behavior of the old man made his eyes flicker with cold electricity, staring at him closely, he shouted: "If you dare to move my sword, you will die!"

While speaking, the sword light flashed, and Emperor Ziwei drew his sword.


The sound of the sword was deafening, like the sound of the Nine Heavens Immortal Qin, there were infinite runes beating, condensed into sword energy, and slashed towards the old man!
The sword glowed across the sky, and cut towards the old man, cutting him in half.

This is a peerless weapon!
Before the old man could react, he died.

In the next second, a wisp of remnant soul came out of the body.

However, at this moment, Emperor Ziwei snorted coldly and pointed at the old man's remnant soul.

Immediately, the old man's remnant soul was banned!

Immediately afterwards, his body flew into the air, and Emperor Ziwei swung the divine sword.

"don't want……"

The old man roared.

However, Emperor Ziwei was merciless, and with a flick of his wrist, he directly annihilated his remnant soul, making him fly away.

All this happens only in the blink of an eye.

By the time those armies reacted, their leader had already fallen.

"not good!"

Finally, a large army discovered the problem and roared wildly.

Immediately, the senior officials of all ethnic groups were frightened.

Because it was so abrupt, their leader died unexpectedly when they invaded the outside world.

They wanted to retreat, but at this moment, they saw arrows coming through the air.

puff puff!

This is the sharpest magic arrow.

Arrows pierced through the void, carrying a blazing divine energy.

puff puff!

These high-level people didn't have time to dodge, and they were directly hit, pierced through the eyebrows, and killed on the spot.

"So powerful!"

This scene frightened the high-level people of all races in the demon world, which made them exclaim again and again.

At this moment, they finally knew what kind of existence they were facing just now.

The attacks of these people are too weird, it is impossible to guard against them!
And their methods are extraordinary and unresistable!
For a moment, the intruders in Shenting were in a panic.

Immediately, armies rushed from all over the heavenly court.

They are done!

The invasion of Shenting ended in a fiasco!

Immediately, the gazes of all the monster clans glanced over and fell on Emperor Ziwei.

"You have vowed to follow the Heavenly Court, merge into the Earth Immortal Realm, and fight against the Divine Court!"

Emperor Ziwei smiled: "Good, great good!"

(End of this chapter)

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