Longevity Pot Immortal

Chapter 249 Lin Xiao preaches again

Chapter 249 Lin Xiao preaches again

Lin Xiao also happened to be back at this time!
Seeing the submission of everyone on the field, Lin Xiao's face showed joy: "Since you are willing to submit to the heaven, come to my fairyland! I guarantee that you will be safe in the fairyland of the earth, and, every ten years, I will give you flat peaches, flat peach fruits and other fairy fruits One!"

Speaking of this, Lin Xiao changed the subject: "It's just that what I said has a purpose and requirement! I don't need you to offer regular offerings of dragon liver and phoenix marrow like those pedantic gods in the court! But some Rare materials, already the magic weapon of the region you rule, must be offered on time!"

Lin Xiao: "I don't want too much, just [-]%! Presumably, you have already experienced the environment of my fairy world."

Yes, this fairy world is full of aura.And it is very safe, even if the gods are strong to forcibly break the boundary, it will take a lot of cultivation.

What's more, in the primordial spirit stage of the earth fairy world, you can kill real immortals across realms!

Immediately, the hearts of the monsters present were filled with yearning to join this force!


As soon as these words came out, all the goblins gasped.

Flat peach fruit, that is a magic medicine that can improve the realm of cultivation!

Not only that, the Heavenly Court actually promised them to give them flat peaches every ten years. Does that mean that the Heavenly Court has a steady stream of flat peaches? !

"Surrender to the big demon in the heaven, you can get flat peach fruit! You can also redeem it with points!" Immediately afterwards, Emperor Ziwei spoke again, with a loud voice that resounded through the sky.

Hearing this, all the monster races that did not join were all boiling.

"Subordinates are willing to submit to the Heavenly Court and join the Earth Immortal Realm!"

The next moment, all the demon clans prostrated themselves on the ground, bowing to the sky.

Seeing this, Emperor Ziwei nodded in satisfaction, and then he spoke again: "You listen to the order. In three days, I will issue the oracle."

All the demons below heard the words, knelt down on the ground, and listened to the decree of the gods!

Seeing this, Emperor Ziwei nodded in satisfaction and turned to leave.

"His Majesty!"

Seeing that Emperor Ziwei was about to leave, some monsters couldn't help shouting.

"What, do you have any questions?"

Emperor Ziwei didn't stop, and spoke calmly.

As soon as these words fell, a tyrannical aura enveloped the audience, making all the monsters present tremble with fear.

Lin Xiao also said lightly: "I know, there are still monsters who haven't come! This time I will also say that if you have a representative of the monster clan from Fenglinzhou who is willing to come, you can notify me and move in with your clan! "

They know that this existence is definitely at the level of a true fairy!

Some of these big monsters are worthy of the primordial spirit stage.Even Bai Ze, who was sitting below, shouted loudly: "If you don't want to join the Heavenly Court, you will be bound by dogma!"

"I, the Earth Immortal Realm, and the Demon Court also want people. The treatment is the same as that of the Heavenly Court, but what I give is not flat peaches, but Emperor Flowing Jelly... the treasures among them can also be exchanged with points!"

Diliuye, that is what is said to allow the demon cultivator to break through the shackles.

Who does not yearn for?

"We would like to join the Demon Court!"

Several Yaozu hurriedly opened their mouths.

The actions of the demon court are more in line with those demon cultivators.However, there are reasons to join the Heavenly Court, and no one stops them.

Emperor Ziwei just added a sentence: "If the monster clan wants to join the Heavenly Court, they must obey my Heavenly Court's dogma! You'd better not have any objections, otherwise the consequences will not be bearable by you!"

Emperor Ziwei continued to move forward, speaking calmly, but there was a murderous intent in his voice.

At this moment, Lin Xiao felt that Emperor Ziwei had a different aura from before, and felt that it was time for him to hand over the heaven to Emperor Ziwei.

After this little episode, Lin Xiao saw Emperor Ziwei give up his seat.

Lin Xiao approached slowly and sat on it.

"See the Emperor!"

Many gods around him bowed their heads towards him.Lin Xiao coughed twice and said, "Tao begets one, one begets two, two begets three, three begets all things..."

Another sermon!
In an instant, the entire banquet hall fell into silence.

The air is full of Dao Yun, and every demon cultivator is immersed in the "Tao" that Lin Xiao said.

The purpose of Lin Xiao's sermon this time is very simple, that is to integrate what he has learned and turn it into the truth of heaven and earth!

And this time, the way he talked about is the core of the Tao Te Ching, which is "everything changes!".

All Tao is Tao!
Although he is the Lord of the Earth Immortal Realm now, he still has many shortcomings. The Earth Immortal Realm is incomplete!So in this lecture, in addition to preaching, Lin Xiao is also using the wisdom of these demon cultivators to make up for his heavenly way in the fairy world.

Lin Xiao's talk lasted for a long time, and it didn't stop until night fell in seven or seven days.

Of course, after Lin Xiao finished speaking, the banquet hall was completely silent.

Because these demon cultivators are still in the mysterious mood just now.

They found that the Taoism taught by the Emperor of Heaven was extremely profound, which made them suddenly enlightened!

"Thank God!"

After a while, when I came back to my senses, all the demon cultivators spoke reverently.

There was fire in their eyes, even awe.

Heavenly Court, there is such a powerful Heavenly Emperor.No wonder it was possible to establish such a glorious heavenly palace, establish such a complete system of immortality and various dogmas.

Now, they finally understand.

"The Emperor of Heaven is merciful, please accept my worship!" After regaining consciousness, all the monsters began to bow down to Lin Xiao.

At this moment, You Yao suddenly raised his head and looked at Lin Xiao: "Emperor Heaven, may I be lucky enough to listen to your teaching next time?"

When the other demons heard this, they all came to their senses, raised their heads in unison, and looked at Lin Xiao.

Lin Xiao saw all the monsters like this, smiled all over his face, and said, "Of course there is no problem. But before that, let me make it clear that you are only my subordinates, but not my servants! While submitting to my heavenly court, you must also pay! And if something happens, you have to follow my orders! If you dare to disobey, I will punish you severely!"

Lin Xiaoyu warned them earnestly.

"Follow the will of the Emperor of Heaven!" The demons immediately stood up and saluted respectfully.

"Okay, get up. This is a list of conferred gods, it is necessary to enter the heavenly court! You can see if you want to enter the heavenly court or the demon court." Lin Xiao motioned for the demons to excuse themselves, then took out a scroll and threw it to All the monsters.

After the demons opened it and saw the contents clearly, all of them changed color.

The emperor of heaven took out such a method, obviously to let them be restrained and restricted by the heavenly court!

Soon, some of them made a choice. : "Don't worry, the Emperor of Heaven, our Tianma clan swears allegiance to the Emperor of Heaven, and will never betray the Heavenly Court!"

Tianma and Yinhe will need horse officials at that time!How about finding a monkey?

The remaining Xiangyao and Yiyao continued: "I'm going to the Demon Court, this list of gods is useless to me!"

"My Qilin clan, guard the Qilin Valley!"

"I'm from the Phoenix family, I don't want to..."

The big monsters present expressed their opinions, some joined immediately, and some did not want to join.

Lin Xiao doesn't force it, anyway, sooner or later, he will include Fenglinzhou as a whole in the Earth Immortal Realm!

(End of this chapter)

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