Chapter 276

Early the next morning, Fuman and Feike bid farewell to Hu Xier.

"Sister Hu Xier, we are leaving now. It has been a long time since we descended to the earth, and we must return to the heaven." Fuman said.

"Yes, sister Xi'er, thank you for your hospitality, we really should leave." Fei Ke also said.

Hu Xi'er took a deep look at Fuman and Feike, not knowing the farewell today and when they will meet again.She smiled and said, "Thank you for coming, and thank you again for your help."

"This is what we should do," Fuman said with a smile, "and we just made soy sauce, but we didn't actually do anything."

"Yes, next time we have a mission here, we will come back to see you, sister. I believe that my sister's Qingqiu Fox Kingdom will definitely develop stronger by then." Fei Ke also said.

Hu Xi'er nodded. She also knew that their identities were different now, so she didn't want to keep them anymore: "Okay, I won't keep you guys anymore. I wish you all the best."

Fuman and Feike bowed to Hu Xier, and then found Dayi to say goodbye to him.

"Young man Dayi, we are leaving. I hope that when we see you again, you will already be a great hero." Fei Ke patted Dayi on the shoulder and said with a smile.

"I'm just an archer from an ordinary tribe, but thank you for your compliments." Dayi said shyly.

"Haha, we have to go, goodbye!" Fuman and Feike waved to Dayi, and then disappeared into the mist in the distance.

Dayi looked at their backs, and his heart was filled with emotion. He never thought that he would meet such a high-ranking immortal, and he didn't know when he would meet them again.He lowered his head and stared at the bow in his hand, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Da Yi boy, what's the matter?" Hu Xier walked to his side and asked with a smile.

"Ah, it's nothing, I just think the immortal is really powerful, and I still have a long way to go." Dayi bowed his head and said.

"Yes, they have practiced for a long time before they can achieve what they are today. But our Dayi is much better than them." Hu Xier said with a smile. "

After Fuman and Feike returned to the Heavenly Court, they immediately went to Fang Sanbao's palace to report their experience of going down to earth.The Blessing Emperor listened to their report with a smile and was very satisfied with their performance.Afterwards, they began to assist Emperor Tianguan to deal with various memorials again.

While dealing with the memorial, Fuman and Feike shared their experience of going down to earth.Fuman kept saying with emotion: "It's really a rare experience for us to go down to earth this time! Qingqiu Fox Country is a magical place, Sister Xi'er is really amazing, she guards the Fox Clan with her wisdom and courage, it's really amazing. admire."

Fei Ke also nodded: "Yes, and the monster Gale we met this time is also a powerful character. If it weren't for Dayi's superb archery skills, we might have lost our lives."

Fuman smiled: "Yes, Dayi's archery skills are really amazing. However, I think his leadership ability is worth learning from his archery skills."

Fei Ke nodded and said: "Yes, this battle can be won, thanks to Dayi's command."

Their communication was going on while processing the memorial, and they had always maintained a focused and serious attitude towards the tasks assigned to them by the Heavenly Official Blessing Emperor.Days like this passed day by day, and Fuman and Feike gradually adapted to work and life in Tianting.

Lin Xiao stood on top of the astral rune formation, looking at the thousands of star warriors who were about to mature, with a gloomy look in his eyes.

These Starlight Warlords were cultivated by him alone, and now it's finally time for them to mature.However, Lin Xiao also knew in his heart that these warriors had a fatal problem - premature maturity.

Lin Xiao walked up to a Starlight Warrior who had just conceived and matured, with a little regret in his eyes.This Starlight Warrior seems to be quite healthy, but his mind is not bright, and his strength is much lower than what Doumu Yuanjun said, only the cultivation level of Yinshen in the early stage.

This is also the result that Lin Xiao had already expected. Originally, Starlight Warlords could only breed a thousand at most at a time, but Lin Xiao was too impatient, and he cultivated tens of thousands at a time.

Moreover, during the cultivation process, those thousand special starlight warriors needed too much starlight energy, so that other starlight warriors could not get enough starlight energy at all, so they were forced to mature prematurely.

"We can only let them go to the heavenly court to act as guards and patrols first, and then we can find a way to let them improve their strength." Lin Xiao thought for a while, and finally stretched out his hand helplessly. A golden light descended from the sky, killing these starlight warriors. All sent to heaven.

Immediately, Lin Xiao came to Emperor Ziwei's Zhongtian Palace and told him about the early birth of thousands of Starlight Warriors. At the same time, he also wanted to see if Emperor Ziwei, the eldest son of Doumu Yuanjun, could improve the strength of these Starlight Warriors .

Emperor Ziwei pondered for a while, and then said: "The precocity of these starlight warriors is indeed a problem we have never encountered before. We can neither be too hasty, nor let it go. After all, these little guys are born by the Emperor of Heaven and our Star Court. from."

The Wenchang Emperor Lu Yuan next to him said respectfully: "I think those who have the command ability can be used to train them. They can lead these Starlight Warriors to do some simple training, so as to improve their strength and mind."

Emperor Ziwei nodded, "That's a good idea. Who do you think can take on this task?"

At this time, Fang Sanbao suddenly remembered the experience of his subordinates Fu Xing and Hongluan Xing, so he smiled and said, "Heavenly Emperor, Great Emperor, when my immortal officials were in the human world some time ago, they met a very powerful young man." , His archery skills are very superb, and he is very good at commanding battles, I think he is very suitable to be the commander of Starlight Warlord."

Emperor Ziwei couldn't help frowning when he heard this, "Emperor Tianguan, are you sure that a young man has the ability to command these precocious starlight warriors? He is just an ordinary human being, can he still compare to my heavenly officials?"

The smile on Fang Sanbao's face deepened, "This young man is called Dayi, and he comes from a tribe called Xiayi, and he once killed a monster, so he has very combat experience."

Lin Xiao's eyes lit up, and he asked, "Fang Sanbao, the boy you're talking about is Dayi, and he's also good at archery?"

Fang Sanbao nodded immediately, "That's right, that's what my priest said!"

Lin Xiao's eyes narrowed involuntarily, "Hehe, maybe we can really give it a try and let this big Yi be the commander-in-chief of Starlight Warlord."

(End of this chapter)

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