Chapter 277

Lin Xiao looked at Fang Sanbao and chuckled: "Fang Sanbao, I have to bother your immortal officials with this matter, and ask them to take me to meet this young archer."

Fang Sanbao was startled, he didn't expect that Heavenly Emperor Lin Xiao would go to meet this boy Dayi in person.Fang Sanbao has a deep understanding of this person's lazy nature. In the past, he was appointed as a fairy official, but he was directly dumped on Emperor Ziwei, Lu Yuan and himself.

Seeing Lin Xiao attaching so much importance to it, Fang Sanbao suddenly felt a little uneasy. After all, he had never seen this big Yi before, but there was no turning back at this moment, so he could only bite the bullet and say, "Uh, this candidate is a gift from my subordinates." When Fu Tianguan and Yuelao met, I immediately went to call these two immortal officials over."

When they heard that they were going to see the Emperor of Heaven, both Fuman and Feike couldn't help but feel very panic, for fear that they would offend the big boss by misbehaving later and end up being demoted to the mortal world.

Seeing the appearance of the two, Fang Sanbao naturally knew what they were thinking, so he said: "Don't worry, His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven is easy-going and informal, so you don't need to be too nervous, just be polite."

Fuman and Feike were still apprehensive after hearing this, and followed Fang Sanbao into a magnificent palace in a panic.

Lin Xiao and Emperor Ziwei had already been waiting for them inside.

Emperor Ziwei stood up and greeted with a smile: "Welcome to Heaven, Fu Xing and Hong Luan Xing." These two are also the talents he discovered when he was preaching in the Taiyin Star King Mingyue Donghai, and they will be his team in the future, so he took the initiative to get close to them. point.

Lin Xiao smiled and nodded when he saw it, and said to Fuman and Feike: "You are not only the lucky star and the red luan star, but also the blessed heavenly official and Yuelao of my heavenly court. Don't be too nervous and restrained. Come, come and sit down." Come down."

Fuman and Feike hurriedly saluted, still feeling very nervous.Lin Xiao pointed to the chair next to him and said, "Please sit down, please sit down."

Fuman and Feike sat down quickly, and Lin Xiao and Emperor Ziwei also sat down immediately.

Lin Xiao asked with a smile, "Are you still used to being in Heaven?"

Fuman and Feike quickly replied: "Reporting to Your Majesty, the environment of Tiangong is not much different from our previous environment, so we are very used to it."

Lin Xiao nodded, and continued: "Now there is one thing, I need your help."

Curious expressions suddenly appeared on the faces of Fuman and Feike.

Seeing that both of them showed puzzled expressions, Lin Xiao smiled and said, "Can you tell me in detail about your experience in the human world and how you met Dayi?"

Fuman and Feike quickly replied respectfully in their hearts: "Yes, Your Majesty. The thing is like this... Finally, we got to know Dayi. Defeated the fierce beast Gale."

Lin Xiao nodded and said with a smile: "I heard from you that although Dayi is just an ordinary human being, his archery skills have reached the level of the gods. So, do you think Dayi has the ability to train my precocious Tianting? What about Starlight Troopers?"

Fuman and Fei Ke quickly replied: "Your Majesty, we don't know much about Starlight Warlords, but we think Dayi should be able to train these Starlight Warlords. He not only has superb archery skills and wisdom, but also has excellent commanding skills." , let us admire it very much.”

Lin Xiao nodded in satisfaction, then asked, "So, do you think Dayi would be willing to come to Heaven to help us?"

Fuman and Feike bowed and replied: "Your Majesty, we believe that Dayi will be willing. According to our contact with him, he has a very strong interest and enthusiasm for heaven and immortals, and he also has a desire to work for the people's welfare." The heart of a child.”

Lin Xiao nodded slightly, and said to Fuman and Feike: "Okay, then I will trouble you to take me to meet this big Yi. If he is as you said, I will arrange an official position for him and let him Train these Starlight Warriors."

Fuman and Feike bowed and saluted, and replied respectfully: "Yes, Your Majesty."

After arriving at Wanjie Mountain, under the guidance of Fuman and Feike, Lin Xiao headed towards the location of the Xiayi tribe.

Flying over rolling hills and dense forests, the three of them came to a wide plain.In the distance of the plain, a huge stone mountain can be seen, and the Xiayi tribe is near this stone mountain.

"This should be the Xiayi tribe." Fuman pointed to Lin Xiao in the direction ahead.

Lin Xiao looked around, and saw that the environment here was completely different from the heaven, everywhere was green, and there were no clouds with strong aura in the sky, only a few birds were flying.

Suddenly, there was a burst of noisy voices from the direction of the Xiayi tribe. It turned out that the person in charge of the tribe's guard and sentry found Lin Xiao and the three of them in the sky, and immediately blew the horn.

Seeing the arrival of Lin Xiao and others, the people in the tribe were very surprised.They had never seen such a miraculous scene before, and they did not expect the immortals from the sky to come to the world.

When Dayi heard the commotion from the tribe, he quickly put down what he was doing, picked up his bow and arrow, and walked out of the house.Seeing that all the clansmen were looking at the sky, Dayi thought to himself, what happened? Did another fierce beast and bird come to the Xiayi tribe?

When Dayi saw clearly the three people standing in the sky, he discovered that two of them were actually Fuman and Feike who killed the fierce beast Gale last time.This surprised and delighted him. When Fuman and Feike killed the fierce beast Gale together with him, he deeply felt their courage and kindness, which also made him very admired.

Dayi stepped forward, greeted Fuman and Feike, thanked them for helping the Xiayi tribe kill the fierce beast Gale last time, and asked them what they were doing when they came to the Xiayi tribe this time.

Lin Xiao looked at this tribal boy and found that he should only be in the [-]th or [-]th grade, but he is more than ten feet tall, with a handsome face and piercing eyes.

"That's him?" Lin Xiao asked Fuman next to him.

Fuman nodded and replied, "It's him. This is Dayi, who is skilled in archery and commanding."

Lin Xiao looked at Dayi, smiled slightly, and exclaimed: "Not bad, not bad, it really is a dragon and a phoenix among people."

Dayi was very surprised when he heard Lin Xiao's praise, and the tension and worry on his face began to ease, and he said happily: "The last time we parted, I was still wondering if I would have a chance to see the two immortals again in the future. You came to the Xiayi Tribe today, what is the matter?"

Fei Ke quickly introduced to Dayi: "Da Yi, this is His Majesty the Heavenly Emperor of our Heavenly Court, hurry up and salute."

When Dayi heard that he was the Emperor of Heaven, although he wondered how such a big man as the Emperor of Heaven would come to his small tribe, but he was accompanied by Fuman and Feike, so he did not doubt that it was fake, so he hurriedly saluted Lin Xiao and others, and then Said to Lin Xiao: "I don't know it's His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven, but I hope you will forgive me."

Lin Xiao smiled slightly, waved his hand and said, "Don't be too polite. I heard that you are good at conducting when I came to visit this time. I have one thing I want to discuss with you."

Upon hearing this, Dayi clasped his fists and said, "I will do my best to do what His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven wants to do."

(End of this chapter)

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