Longevity Pot Immortal

Chapter 278 Entering the Heavenly Court and Sealing the Stars

Chapter 278 Entering the Heavenly Court and Sealing the Stars
Lin Xiao observed Dayi and their clansmen, and thought: "The warriors of the Xiayi tribe are all mortals who have exercised their bodies and nourished their energy. Thinking that he was able to defeat even Fuman and Feike, two beasts that could not be dealt with in the realm of Yin God, it seems that he does have some talent in command."

"Da Yi, there is something I want to ask you for help." Lin Xiao said.

"Please speak, Your Majesty." After experiencing the initial panic, Dayi quickly recovered his composure, with a smile on his face and a calm demeanor.This made Lin Xiao couldn't help but have a higher opinion of him.

"I have thousands of warlords bred by starlight. Due to some special reasons, they were born prematurely, resulting in not being strong enough and not smart enough. I need someone with command ability to train them and help them Are you interested in quickly improving your strength?" Lin Xiao made a request to Dayi.

"Of course I'm interested!" A gleam of excitement flashed in Dayi's eyes. After meeting Fuman and Feike last time, he yearned to become a fairy. Of course, he couldn't wish for such an opportunity.But then he became a little hesitant again.

After pondering for a moment, Dayi asked hesitantly, "But if I leave here, what will my people do? There are often some ferocious beasts and birds here, and they may not be able to protect themselves well."

Although Dayi was very happy that he, an ordinary Xiayi tribe, had the opportunity to be favored by the Heavenly Emperor and become a member of the Heavenly Court, but after all, he grew up in the tribe and had a very deep affection for the tribe and the tribe. .

Seeing Dayi's hesitant expression, Fuman and Feike felt very nervous, for fear that Dayi would reject Lin Xiao's request and miss such a good opportunity.

Seeing that Dayi cared so much about his people, Lin Xiao couldn't help feeling a little more fond of him, so he chuckled and said, "It's easy, I can cast a spell to move your people to a position close to the human dynasty, and let them immediately You can hunt, and you can buy other supplies you need in human cities, and at the same time, I can also give them some exercises so that they will not be bullied casually."

After hearing this, Dayi suddenly felt refreshed. He thought of his people being able to live a better life and his long-cherished wish, so he couldn't help saying excitedly: "Great, I will definitely complete the task well, and Thank you Your Majesty for your gift."

Lin Xiao, Fuman, and Feike couldn't help but feel happy when Dayi finally agreed.

Fuman and Feike were even more relieved. They knew that this task was very important to the Heavenly Court. If Dayi refused, then Lin Xiao would need to find another suitable candidate. At the same time, Dayi might never have another candidate. Such a good opportunity.

After all, the experience of defeating the fierce beast Gale with Dayi gave them a tacit understanding and trust with each other. Now that Dayi can join the Heavenly Court, it is also a good thing.

"Brother Dayi, congratulations!" Fuman patted Dayi's shoulder with a smile.

"Thank you Immortal Fuman and Immortal Feike, you are the ones who gave me this opportunity, I am very grateful." Dayi's face showed joy.

Fuman and Feike also laughed, expressing a deep response to Dayi's gratitude.

Lin Xiao said to Dayi: "Okay then, let's take us to see your tribe first."

Dayi was very honored to lead Lin Xiao and others to the tribe, showed their way of life and production tools, and introduced the situation of the tribe to Lin Xiao and others in detail.

Lin Xiao, Fuman and Feike listened carefully.Lin Xiao said that he would try his best to meet the needs of Dayi and his people, and provide them with a more superior environment and suitable cultivation methods for them.

When Dayi and his tribe heard the good news, they were all grateful. Their doubts and worries gradually disappeared. At the same time, the tribe felt extremely proud and honored that a fairy was about to be born in their tribe.

Fuman and Feike were left behind to discuss the relocation of the ethnic group with the chief of the Xiayi tribe, while Lin Xiao took Dayi to an open place, waved his hand, and a bright starlight emerged, bringing the group together. The whole world was dyed with dazzling colors.

Lin Xiao took a deep breath and said to Dayi: "Da Yi, since you have decided to become a member of my Heavenly Court, I will make you the God of War in the Heavenly Court, and today I will teach you the method of shining in the nine heavens. The Way of the Stars I learned when I conceived Starlight Warlords with the Star Boundary and Starry Sky."

Seeing Dayi's expression, Lin Xiao continued: "The power of the stars is one of the most magical powers in the world. It can stimulate the potential energy in the human body and rapidly improve one's strength. And my method of shining stars in the nine heavens It can even arouse the originally peaceful power of the stars so that it can explode into a more powerful force."

Dayi was ecstatic in his heart, the cultivation of these tribes was summed up by the ancestors of the clan, the method of exercising muscles and bones, exhaling and contemplating.

So after hearing that Lin Xiao was about to teach him his method, Dayi felt extremely excited, and he was glad that he could finally get a path to become powerful.

Seeing his excited expression, Lin Xiao also nodded, and then told him: "If you want to master the power of stars and the law of Xingyao, you need to understand the essence of the law of Xingyao Nine Heavens. I will teach you this first. secret."

Lin Xiao began to explain to Dayi the essence of Xingyao Jiutian's method.He said: "This secret was obtained when I condensed the starlight with the star rune formation. Among them, the most important point is to understand the power of the stars. You need to use your own ideas to control these forces and use specific methods to stimulate them. Potential in your own body."

Dayi listened attentively, and he wanted to master this magical power as soon as possible.Lin Xiao continued: "To master the power of Xingyao, you need to practice diligently and constantly hone yourself. Only through continuous hard work and practice can you truly comprehend this secret."

Lin Xiao asked Dayi to close his eyes, and then stretched out a palm against Dayi's vest.He said: "Now, you need to integrate your soul with the power of the stars around you, and comprehend the mystery of it quietly."

Following Lin Xiao's guidance, Dayi devoted his heart and soul into this world full of the power of the stars.He could feel his thoughts slowly controlling the power of the stars, and at the same time feel the energy in his body was constantly improving.

Dayi was surprised to find that he seemed to be in the entire starry sky, endless stars were constantly swallowing the power of stars around him, and the energy in his body was also fluctuating from time to time with these swallowing.Following these ups and downs, a steady stream of star power poured into his body, and was continuously oppressed and condensed into more pure star light spots that merged into the flesh and blood.

Lin Xiao's hand on Dayi's back sensed every slight change in his body, and from time to time, he would release a bit of spiritual power to help him not go astray.

(End of this chapter)

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