Longevity Pot Immortal

Chapter 291 After the mantis catches the cicada oriole

Chapter 291 After the mantis catches the cicada oriole

When Xuanxu was a little bit complacent, one of the group of gods and immortals suddenly jumped up, and directly reached out to grab the string of power and authority pearls.

Xuanxu was startled, and immediately used his mana to cover the string of star beads, and at the same time shouted in a cold voice: "What do you want to do?"

The real immortal looked at Xuanxu indifferently, and replied without flinching: "I just think this Taobao is more suitable for me." At the same time, an astonishing force came out, instantly flicking Xuanxu's hand away.

Xuanxu's heart sank, and he found that the real fairy was holding a string of stars and beads and wanted to escape.He immediately summoned all his strength, and his mana turned into a ray of light. He stretched out his hand and caught the beads.

"Want to run? It's not that easy!" Xuanxu shouted loudly, the mana in his hand was constantly increasing.

This real fairy has been acting well-behaved and inconspicuous among the crowd just now, and his mysterious thoughts have been put on Daobao and Lin Xiao, so he didn't notice anything unusual about him at all.

As soon as he fought against him at this moment, Xuanxu immediately felt a trace of familiarity.

"Chang Qingjing, you dare to come and join in the fun?!" Xuanxu said coldly, "If you don't know how to let go, I will let you suffer on your own."

Although Chang Qingjing is also an ancient immortal, but because he cultivates the way of life and death, which is not tolerated by the way of heaven, he never dared to use power beyond that of ordinary true immortals, so Xuanxu didn't take Chang Qingjing seriously at all. Inside.

Chang Qingjing didn't answer, but continued to pull towards the beads without fear.

At this moment, Xuanxu also put away his lightheartedness earlier, and urged the mana snatching with all his strength, so even though Chang Qingjing had been pulling vigorously with his hands, he was still able to firmly grasp the position of the bead string.

However, Chang Qingjing is also an ancient immortal after all, his power is extremely powerful, although he dare not do it with all his strength, it is enough to make Xuanxu feel pressured.

Finally, the moment the two of them pulled hard, the bead string suddenly broke into two pieces, one piece was held tightly by Xuan Xu, and the other piece was taken away by Chang Qingjing.

It turns out that the string of power, treasure, star and star beads is not threaded by a solid thread, but is connected by the gravitational force between each other. Under the strong pull of the two top true immortals, Xuan Xu and Chang Qingjing, it naturally becomes two pieces. .

Seeing that most of the stars and beads had been obtained, Chang Qingjing turned into a rainbow and flew away without any hesitation.Seeing that half of the Daobao in his hand was taken away, Xuanxu couldn't help roaring, but he calmed down again in an instant.

"Chang Qing's practice of the true spirit of life and death has always been tolerated by the heaven and the earth. If he uses this power and treasure to refine the stars in the sky, he can use all the stars as his own incarnation, and he will be free in the world like the stars of the sky. ” Xuan Xu’s thoughts suddenly changed, and he figured out Chang Qingjing’s purpose of snatching the star string.

Xuanxu winked at the few remaining true immortals in Shenting, except for the two who stayed behind to intercept the injured Lin Xiao, the rest followed Xuanxu and chased in the direction where Chang Qingjing was escaping.

"Time waits for no one, I must quickly control the Xinghai Great Formation in my hands, otherwise there may be a delay." Xuan Xu thought to himself while speeding up the mana mobilization.

As soon as he thought of this, Xuanxu's powerful mana exploded in an instant, and when he raised his palm, a series of complicated rune patterns appeared in an instant, causing layers of fluctuations in the sea of ​​stars.

Soon, Xuanxu sensed Chang Qingjing's aura and knew that he was flying towards the edge of the star sea formation.Xuanxu hastily led several true immortals in Shenting, and immediately chased after Chang Qingjing.

Although Chang Qingjing is one of the great ancient immortals, he is scruples about the influence of heaven, so he can't use all his mana at all. Now that he has the star string in his hand, he can't even use the best method of feigning death to escape. The speed of the real fairy flies forward rapidly.

And Chang Qingjing and the few real immortals he led were top experts in Shenting. With all their magic power, they stopped Chang Qingjing very quickly.

Xuanxu's figure appeared in front of Chang Qingjing, with a contemptuous smile on his face: "Chang Laogui, you didn't hide in the human world, and you want to swim in this muddy water, it seems that you really think you have lived too long gone."

"Xuanxu, you know the importance of this bead string to me, don't hinder me!" Chang Qingjing said to Xuanxu with a livid face.

"For us Shenting, it is equally important." Xuanxu said lightly.

Chang Qingjing's eyes showed a hint of viciousness, he knew that he had to take the string of Tao beads, otherwise he would never be able to get rid of the shackles of the Tao of Heaven.

Seeing that Chang Qingjing's figure suddenly became illusory, Xuanxu and several true immortals of Shenting immediately shot to block it.

"Boom~~" The two sides shot extremely fast, and they had already fought several times in an instant, and there were bursts of ear-piercing loud noises in the void.

Xuanxu and the others cast spells in turn, besieging Chang Qingjing in the center. Although Chang Qingjing has a high level of cultivation, it is difficult to resist in such a large number of people, with more and more wounds on her body.

Suddenly, with a wave of Xuanxu's big hand, he transformed into a giant energy hand, which directly pierced through the air and grabbed Chang Qingjing.

Seeing that Chang Qingjing's figure froze, those real immortals also reacted quickly, and they struck Chang Qingjing with several spells at the same time.I saw him flying upside down, falling to the ground and not moving.

Xuanxu and the others were overjoyed, and hurried forward to get the half of the Dao pearl string.

However, when Xuanxu picked up the bead string, he found something was wrong. Only one of the Dao treasure bead string was a real star bead, and the other beads were all fake.

"Not good! This is just his incarnation, we have been fooled!" Xuanxu reacted instantly, and his face suddenly became grim.

Somewhere in the star sea formation, an old cicada "lived" with its wings fluttering.It was about to flap its wings and fly in the direction opposite to Xuanxu, but found a figure in green shirt appeared in front of it.

"Senior Chang, why are you leaving in such a hurry?" Lin Xiao said calmly.

The old cicada paused, but in the end he still didn't leave, and directly manifested a pale old man with a bitter face.

"Lin Xiao, are you going to make things difficult for me too?" Chang Qingjing looked calm, but the light in his eyes showed that he had already planned to do something.

Suddenly, a dark gaze seemed to be projected on Chang Qingjing's body, which made him shrink his neck involuntarily, and almost subconsciously used the technique of life and death to escape to another incarnation.

"What do you want?" Knowing that Lin Xiao used the power of the heavenly law to intensify the supervision on himself, Chang Qingjing had to hold back even though she was annoyed.

"Senior Chang, do you know that before Tian Xingzi transcended, he had already given the status of Xinghai to Doumu Yuanjun, the incarnation of the Earth Immortal Realm. Even if you hold this star string, there is no way to refine Xinghai." Lin Xiao directly He poured a ladle of cold water on Chang Qingjing's head.

After hearing this, Chang Qingjing's complexion changed drastically. He was tired by his own skills, and died more than lived, so he didn't know many things. It was only when he saw Tian Xingzi's detachment that he decided to catch this once-in-a-lifetime Chance.

(End of this chapter)

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