Chapter 292

Jian Chang Qingjing's complexion kept changing, obviously thinking about how to deal with herself next.Lin Xiao decided to throw a blockbuster, "Senior Chang, do you know how Senior Tian Xingzi transcended?"

Chang Qingjing knew that there must be words behind him, so she shook her head.

Lin Xiao continued: "Senior Tian Xingzi is the incarnation of Doumu Yuanjun, who conceived the star god in my fairy world, and thus achieved detachment with the help of the star world in the fairy world."

With Chang Qingjing's knowledge, he naturally understood the key point after hearing it, but he immediately said: "What's the use of you telling me these things, are you willing to let me replace all the creatures in the earth fairy world with your own?" Avatar?"

"This, of course I can't." Lin Xiao said with a slight smile, "But I can let the incarnation of the senior establish the underworld in my fairy world, and then repeat the reincarnation, and use this method to transcend."

Chang Qingjing was taken aback for a moment, then shook her head, "It's really too difficult, too difficult to help me escape with the reincarnation status of the earth immortal!"

"Then what if we add the Kyushu Realm?" Lin Xiao followed suit.

"This..." Chang Qingjing's heart fluttered immediately, he would not pay attention to anyone else's words, but the lord on the opposite side was fit for the way of heaven.

"Then Senior Chang, follow me to the Immortal Realm first." Seeing that Chang Qingjing was moved, Lin Xiao struck while the iron was hot, pulling him and teleporting back to the Immortal Realm in an instant.

At this time, because nearly ten thousand real immortals manipulated the spiritual realm to block the entrance of the passage, the star array hanging outside the earth immortal realm suddenly moved towards the divine court.

Doumu Yuanjun in Ziweiyuan sensed the abnormal reaction of the star array, and couldn't help being surprised.

"Oops, the treasure of authority must have fallen into the hands of Shenting." Doumu Yuanjun was anxious, but he had no choice but to mobilize Xinghai's personality with all his strength to prevent the star array from being completely taken away by Shenting.

It turned out that Xuanxu saw that Chang Qingjing was lost after chasing him, and was afraid of long nights and dreams, so he used mana to move half of the star string in his hand, wanting to move the star array into the heavenly realm first, but Lord Doumu Yuan naturally wouldn't let him do so easily.

In the beginning, Doumu Yuanjun once had the upper hand in the competition for the Xinghai formation, and the Xinghai personality left by Tian Xingzi brought her a lot of advantages.

But Xuanxu is not easy to deal with, because the star bead string is the power treasure of the star sea formation, after Xuanxu gradually became familiar with the use of the star bead string, he gradually regained a lot of decline.

The two came and went, the fight was extremely fierce, and the real immortals beside Xuanxu were also very nervous. Although Shenting already had an alternative energy supply method, it was after all looking for an unknown universe in the chaotic space. , It is also good to be more prepared, so they are also extremely concerned about whether they can win the Xinghai formation.

With the passage of time, the power of Xuanxu and Doumu Yuanjun became closer and closer to balance, and the situation gradually reached a deadlock.Xuan Xu was anxious, he began to increase his strength, trying to break the deadlock, but it was impossible to achieve overwhelming results with only a small half-star bead string.

Doumu Yuanjun was also anxious when two figures suddenly appeared in Ziweiyuan.

"Brother Dao, why are you here?" Seeing Chang Qingjing next to Lin Xiao, Doumu Yuanjun was also quite surprised. After all, this guy has been playing hide and seek with Tiandao, and he can't find anyone at all.

Chang Qingjing handed half of the string of star beads in her hand to Doumu Yuanjun, and Doumuyuan Jun took it, and couldn't help showing joy on his face.

"This is the power treasure?! Thank you brother Dao, with this half string of star beads, my ability to control the star array will be greatly enhanced."

Chang Qingjing nodded with a smile, and said, "Although this half string of star beads is not many, it can be regarded as my contribution to the earth fairy world."

After hearing this, Doumu Yuanjun couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "It's really a great blessing to have such support from Brother Dao."

Doumu Yuanjun held half a string of star beads, felt the power of the stars continuously gathering in his body, and was immediately overjoyed. This is the treasure of authority derived from her main body, Tian Xingzi, after the transcendence, so it is very easy to control.

Hanging the beads in his hand in the air, Doumu Yuanjun had a thought, and the gravitational force between the stars and beads began to work, and the force pulling the Xinghai formation was suddenly stronger.

Feeling the sudden increase of traction force coming from the opposite side, Xuanxu also hastily mustered up his mana, using [-] points of strength to urge the string of stars in his hand, using Daobao's control ability, to resist Doumu Yuanjun's control force with all his strength .

But Xuanxu soon realized that his strength could not resist Doumu Yuanjun at all.In desperation, he had a flash of inspiration, and quickly ordered a few real immortals who protect the law to let them also pour their mana into himself to strengthen their own strength.

Several true immortals agreed to their orders one after another, and mana poured into Xuanxu's body continuously, which greatly increased his strength.

Doumu Yuanjun also felt the increased pressure, she put all her attention on the star beads, not daring to be distracted at all.She began to recite the heart mantra silently, gathering her mana together to resist Xuanxu's counterattack.The strength of the two became more and more intense, and the gravitational force between the star beads became more and more intense, and the scene was extremely tense.

In the end, the Xinghai Formation could not bear the traction of the powerful Daobao in the hands of the two of them, and with a "boom--", it shattered into countless star fragments.

The strong air waves of the stars scattered in all directions, immediately shaking the spirit realm flying boats blocking the entrance of the earth fairy world and flying them far away.

Seeing that there was no blockage in the passage of the Earth Immortal Realm, Doumu Yuanjun hurriedly activated the star beads, causing most of the fragments of the star sea array to be sucked into the star realm along the passage.

Doumu Yuanjun's body surged with mana, and her eyes were full of excitement and joy.Although the complete star sea array has not been obtained, with these fragments of the star sea array, the power of the stars in the star realm will be greatly improved. The new star sea formation is here.

And at this moment, Xuanxu also reacted, and hastily ordered those spirit realms to also start to act.

The real immortals manipulated this spiritual realm to search for the fragments of the Star Sea Formation in the Star Sea. Once they found one, they would immediately collect it and transport it back to the Divine Court.

This battle soon ended. Due to the double blessing of Xinghai Personality and Dao Orb String, Doumu Yuanjun obtained most of the Xinghai Great Formation fragments, and Xuanxu also collected some, but with Doumuyuan You are still far behind.

After obtaining most of the fragments of the star sea formation, the energy of the entire star world has changed a lot.The Star Realm originally had a Star Array similar to the Xinghai, and with the addition of these fragments, the power of the Star Array was several times stronger, and the ability to transform the power of the stars was also enhanced a lot.

The creatures of the Earth Immortal World, especially the Starlight Warrior, Starlight Bodhisattva, and Galaxy Arhat bred by the stars have made considerable progress.

(End of this chapter)

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