Chapter 30

She Min County.

Sunset West Mountain.

Red Fox finally concluded his investigation of Yanchuan County.

Lin Xiao rushed here with him non-stop.

It is easy to tell whether a crime is committed, but it is difficult to register it.

And judge on a case-by-case basis.

The Divine Law of the Court of God is not a one-size-fits-all strict law.

So it took some time to go through the cases one by one.

"The County City God is a second-rank Yang God, and there is a spirit formation in the county city. It will not be easy for me to suppress it."

The red raccoon is also in the Yuanshen realm, if he wants to defeat the gods of the entire county, it is not impossible.

But if you want to suppress everyone with a strong momentum, it will be a bit difficult.

"Pindao followed the adults to earn credit, and of course he got some strength."

Although I don't know why Chu Xiangming wins him over, he owes too much favor, so he should do more.

Red Fox waved his hand and said nonchalantly.

"My credit is already enough. Immortal discs are also eligible to be exchanged. It's just that I don't want to be promoted, so this credit is not necessary for me."

Lin Xiao frowned, it was the first time Lin Xiao heard what Xiandie said.

This is the difficulty of casual cultivators, especially in this era where power and resources are highly concentrated and the world is ruled by God.

"I see."

"Meow, I don't know which faction the Qingyun Temple of the fellow Taoist belongs to? Is there a place for immortal discs in the sect?"

Lin Xiao paused, and said with some embarrassment.

"Qingyun Temple was just established by Pindao a few days ago, and there are only Pindao and a newly recruited disciple in the temple."

Red Fox showed a dazed expression.

"No wonder Chu Duguan wants to win you over. Presumably, he wants you to be assigned to the Inspection Department. You are a casual cultivator and you don't know the inside story of the heavens. But this time, you should be able to enter the Shenting Library, which has relevant records."

The two chatted for a while, and immediately started to deal with Shemin County City.

It was still Lin Xiao who first picked the Little Spirit Realm attached to the Spirit Realm, and then the two joined forces to suppress the entire county.

But this time in Xiaoling's territory, all relevant information records have been disposed of.

It is much more difficult to actually find out who bought the contraband.

However, under the legalist spell, it is not impossible to find out.

It's just that there is less evidence and it's more troublesome.

Lin Xiao shot to separate the space, and then the red raccoon showed its original shape.

The two teamed up, and the French Open soon enveloped the entire Shemin County Mansion.


Five days later.

In the past few days, the red raccoon has been reviewing and judging the case day and night.

And Lin Xiao was in charge of suppressing other counties in Shemin County.And sent the case to the county government for investigation.

The two of them worked tirelessly, and finally figured out the problems of the entire She Min County.

But the people behind the scenes, as well as a few big fish, are a bit tricky.

One is the God of Sheshan, and the other is the Dragon King of Heishuihe.

The personality of the human gods is limited by the size of the city and the amount of incense, while the authority and gods are limited by the terrain.

The gods of big rivers are higher than the gods of shallow creeks.

Sheshan is the highest mountain in Shemin County, and Heishui River is a big river. Although it is not in Shemin County, there is a direct current in Shemin County.

And the river god of that tributary is the black dragon that fell a few days ago.

This black dragon is a heir of the Dragon King of Heishuihe, and he is regarded as the agent of the Dragon King of Heishuihe in Shemin County.

And She Shanshen is the director behind the scenes, and part of She Min County's income will be handed over to Hei Jiao for him to bring to the Black Water Dragon King.

The county town god of Shemin County is only on the surface.

It's easy to talk about the county town god, who has already been detained in prison.

It's just that the Sheshan God and the Black Water Dragon King are both first-rank Yang gods, and they are both great gods equivalent to the Yuanshen realm.

If it's just the strength, it's okay to say, Lin Xiao and the red raccoon are two to suppress one, and the red raccoon's god can suppress the gods in the court.

There is no reason to lose.

But these two are different from the human gods who are completely controlled by the court.

Once the deity of authority falls, the killer will be entangled in karma and bad luck.

Moreover, the turmoil in the law caused by the death of God is also a problem.

Lin Xiao and Chili looked at each other and said.

"Let's report it to Chu Du."

The red raccoon paw slapped the desk, and said harshly.

"There is no shortage of ways to destroy temples and destroy gods. The difficulty is that the relationship between these two gods and the dragon clan is inextricably linked. The dragon clan is very powerful in the gods. This time, I am afraid that they will be lifted up and put down gently."

Lin Xiao was not as aggrieved as Chili.

One thing Lin Xiao didn't cultivate was the method of the Legalists. After practicing the Tao of Earth Immortal, Lin Xiao gradually began to understand the Tao of Heaven's Heart, and he was very indifferent to such things.

Second, for this situation, Lin Xiao had expected it a long time ago. There are partialities and preferences in the family, let alone a huge court.

When a rule starts to become popular, there will be more rules like drilling.

Within the rules, use various means to strive to use the rules, control the rules, and influence the rules to achieve your own goals.

Ordinary people call this politics.

The monks call this enlightenment.

Rules and laws are the way of humanity, mountains and rivers rising from land and land are the way of authenticity, and the rising sun and moon setting are the way of heaven.

It's all the same comprehension and control, but the current Shenting is a fairy palm Shinto.

The way of immortality is to comprehend the way of heaven, and the way of god is to control the way of humanity.

With the Immortal Palm Divine Dao, it is naturally not as clever as those who have been immersed in it for many years.

Especially the dragon clan, who have controlled the water veins since ancient times.

Among them, the ancient dragon clan who practiced the divine way probably existed at the beginning of the era.

At the beginning of the establishment of the Shenting, it was helped by the dragon clan, so now the water department of the Shenting is almost all the dragon clan.

It has become a trend that cannot be lost.

But this is something that those god emperors should worry about.

"Let's report it to Chu Du. This matter is beyond the two of us to handle."

Lin Xiao is not stunned, so he doesn't want to get involved in the dispute between the gods and the dragons.

"Oh, that's all I can do, meow."

Red Fox took out a stick of incense and lit it, and explained to Chu Xiangming what happened in Shemin County.

Chu Xiangming didn't say anything, only said that he would come in person in a few days.

Red Fox sighed lightly.

Lin Xiao also felt a little hazy in his heart, although he knew it would end like this.

But when the real nakedness is in front of me, I still feel a little uncomfortable in my heart.

Lin Xiao's mentality has always been like a modern person who has traveled to ancient times.

I despise the decadent feudal system, and I always knew that the feudal system would collapse.

But when it really shows a decline, it can't help but sigh, after all, only the common people suffer from the change of dynasty.

Feeling unhappy, the red raccoon cat seemed a little sluggish.

Lin Xiao had no choice but to pat the red fox.

"Now that Shemin County has completed the investigation, it is time to reopen the spirit realm. Why don't we go to the city god's spirit territory and find a place to drink."

After all, the red raccoon is a monk in the Yuanshen realm, and he will adjust it in a while.

"That's okay, it will take a few more days for Chu Duguan to come here, and I can just take a break from my busy schedule. These few days have exhausted me."

(End of this chapter)

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