Chapter 31

The Spiritual Realm of the Town God of Shemin County.

Inside the City God's Mansion, the lights were brightly lit.

One person, one cat, one stone table, one jug of wine.

The two originally wanted to drink in the restaurant in the spiritual realm.

As a result, the two of them dealt with the case in the past two days, and their reputation was too heavy, and after all, they were two great monks of the primordial spirit.

Everyone else in the tavern was a little trembling, and it was always uncomfortable for the two of them to stand out from each other.

So I ordered spirit wine and ordered delivery.

Back to drinking in the Chenghuang Linggong.

Chili raised his glass and sighed as he looked at this majestic City God's Spirit Palace.

"There is a city god's temple in Yangjian, and a group of palaces in the spiritual realm. These gods are already majestic enough in the spiritual realm, why would they violate the laws of the gods?"

Lin Xiao couldn't help laughing as he watched the red raccoon drinking from the cup with its cat's claws.

"You cat is more decent than many people."

Red Fox snorted softly.

"I have been an official since Li Nu Kingdom, and I have been an official for more than 400 years. I have always had a clear conscience and a clear conscience."

Lin Xiao raised his eyebrows, pulled a handful of cat hair from the red raccoon, and said narrowly.

"Then I want to see today, is your cat really that decent."

"Meow!!" The red raccoon covered his body with his paws, and said angrily, "Meow, you can talk as soon as you say, what kind of cat hair are you pulling!"

Lin Xiao took out some mirage shell powder from the refiner, mixed it with cat hair, put it near his mouth, and blew lightly.

Following the gust of wind, mirage powder and Maomao turned into a group of dancing girls in wide robes and sleeves.

When these dancers first appeared, they all covered their faces with wide sleeves.

The red raccoon glanced at it, rubbing his sore spot while saying disdainfully.

"Although this illusion is not bad, but this dancing girl is far behind the heavenly fairy."


Lin Xiao smiled, stretched out his hands and patted.

Immediately, the Shengge sounded, and as the music appeared, the dancers also started to move.

The moment the long sleeves of the toga were removed from his face, the red fox who was still disdainful suddenly forgot to drink and rubbed his sore spots.

Just because those dancers who are dancing all have a pair of cat ears.

While the dancing steps are swaying, there is also a cat tail swaying behind her.

There is a bell tied to the tail, and the bell rings with the dancing steps and the swing of the tail.

As the tune changed, the dancers flicked their wide sleeves and wrapped them around their arms.

The wide-sleeved gown suddenly turned into tighter clothing, and some covered areas were exposed a little more with the dance.

And the dance steps also started to become more catlike.

"Meow hoo~"

The red raccoon stretched out its paws and rubbed its face, its eyes were still fixed on the dancers.

"How is it, Master Shaoqing?"

Lin Xiao had also seen the world in his previous life.

If some girl troupe dances are deleted and modified, it may not be liked by the monks of this era, but it will definitely be liked by cat demons.

The red raccoon coughed lightly and rubbed its paws.

"Immorality, I have to criticize and criticize."

"Hahahahahahahaha. Do you now know why those gods violated the laws of God?"

The red raccoon froze and waved its paws.

"Don't talk about it, watch the dance, watch the dance."


A few days later, Chu Xiangming arrived at Shemin County.

Red Fox and Lin Xiao came to greet him.

"The two of you are quite comfortable these days."

"My official and Fellow Daoist Lin have been investigating cases these past few days, and they are acting as City God, but they have worked hard and made great achievements. How can we say that we are at ease?"

The red raccoon claimed the credit confidently.

Mentioning the City God, Chu Xiangming frowned.

"Most of the gods in Yuzhou are dead. I'm afraid many gods will be vacated this time."

The red raccoon muttered softly when he heard the words.

"It's not just right, whoever looks at it can just grab it when it can't be robbed, and save money to buy it."

What he was talking about was the incident of the Supreme God of Wealth, and the things that were found out these days were really unsightly.

Some Gods of Gamblers and Gods of Dionysus joined forces with mortal gambling houses and brothels to extract gold and silver from mortals.

After they owe money and loans, they are induced to buy and sell their organs, beliefs, and life spans.

What's more, even sold out his own flesh and soul.

And these beliefs, lifespan, flesh and blood and soul are used to win over other gods and demon cultivators in the spiritual realm.

After establishing a good relationship with the local city gods, they reversely bought and sold the gods of the city gods and other gods.

At first, there were some judge documents, wandering the streets, and then step by step, it became bigger and bigger.

Until now, the dragon clan has paid a lot of money to buy the god of authority, even the god of authority with natural gods.

It was only after this matter that affected the two realms of immortality and mortal world that it was revealed.

The business of the Supreme God of Wealth is not only in the world of cultivating immortals, but also in the mortal world.

He also harvested a lot of faith with the help of the voice of the mortal world.

It is worth mentioning that the gang of thieves who chased and killed Xiaonu's parents came from the mortal business of the Supreme God of Wealth.

Although it was only a small episode, it also made Lin Xiao vigilant.

Here Chu Xiangming was distressed when he heard the red raccoon's yin and yang, and couldn't help pinching his brows.

"Let's leave this as a headache for the master master. Have you collected information about the God of Sheshan and the Dragon King of Heishuihe?"

The red raccoon's two cat ears instantly stood up when he heard this.

"How do you say meow? Do you want to do something to these two long worms?!"

Chu Xiangming glanced at the red fox strangely.

"These two have violated the laws of the gods. Don't kill them now and save them until the next dynasty God Emperor personally kills them?"

Hearing this, the red raccoon jumped up violently, and quickly took out a jade slip.

"Yes, yes, meow sorted it out earlier!"

Although the cat said that the Dragon Clan was powerful, all related work was done privately.

It seems that there is no idea at all.

Chu Xiangming took the jade slip and inspected it, then said.

"Don't worry, God-slaying Magical Artifact is a bit urgent recently, and we still have to wait for a few days."

As a true immortal, Chu Xiangming must have the ability to forcibly kill a god, but forcibly killing a god always makes him feel ashamed.

"By the way, has Fellow Daoist Lin ever been to Shenting Zangshu Pavilion these days?"

"Not yet."

Mainly, Lin Xiao was thinking about which type of Taoist spells to choose.

"This time you have made a lot of contributions by following the red fox. Originally, I wanted to sell you a favor, but now I owe you a favor."

Chu Xiangming smiled.

"I don't know what else you want?"

Lin Xiao thought for a moment.

"If you can kill the Heishui River God this time, Lin wants his body."

Chu Xiangming nodded.

"Okay, the left and right are just a dragon corpse in the Yuanshen realm."

"The official wants the long worm's body." The red fox said viciously, "I want to chew and eat him to vent my hatred."

"Pfft." Chu Xiangming couldn't help laughing out, "You two, it's as if I would let those two sinners go for personal gain, and want their dead bodies."

Chili wanted the corpse of Sheshan God purely to vent his anger, but Lin Xiao wanted it for his newly refined magic weapon, Longmen.

Previously, Hei Jiao, the son of the Black Water Dragon King, refined two semi-finished magic weapons.

Now there is an opportunity, of course, to reunite their father and son.

(End of this chapter)

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