Longevity Pot Immortal

Chapter 37 God Emperor's Imperial Decree: Changing Patterns of the World

Chapter 37 God Emperor's Imperial Decree: Changing Patterns of the World
Huzhongjie five years.

It was the fifth year when Lin Xiao refined himself into a weapon spirit.

Just when Lin Xiao was about to attract some newcomers to participate in the Yuhu Puja.

The divine court issued a decree.

"Respect the emperor's imperial order to separate the Daoist Academy and the Inspectorate in the territory of Kyushu. The Daoist Academy accepts the issuance of Taoist certificates from the masters and immortals. The Inspectorate is in charge of all matters involving immortals and monsters, and has the responsibility of supervising and prosecuting the Shinto. Reduce the number of departments. The Yin soldiers under the command of the City God.

From now until the next god emperor ascends the throne, he will begin to inspect the suitable immortal disciples of the Taoist monastery and join the inspector department. "

This decree also includes some details, such as the sect recommendation system, the relaxation of the examination and transfer of the ultimatum, and so on.

In general, there are two main messages.

First, the responsibilities of Shinto have been greatly reduced. From then on, the right to record the degree in the hands of Shinto has been returned to the self-government of Immortal Dao. The inspector was given the responsibility of inspecting tools.

Second, it gave the Immortal Dao room to breathe and rise. After the examination of the degree certificate is relaxed, the Immortal Dao does not need to go to the Shenting to register everything, and the Taoist Academy has great responsibilities and rights. It can register the degree certificate, train students, and supervise the supervisor. manage.

However, the Taoist Academy is only available in the spiritual realm above the county level. In a county spiritual realm, there will be three separate departments monitoring each other.

In addition to sorting out the popularity of the city and taking charge of yin and yang, the city god will also take up the post of vice president of the Taoist temple, and has the duty of clearing the ethos of the Taoist temple.

The Daoist Academy itself is the place where the inspector's talents are provided, and it also has the authority to review the inspector's duties, which is a deterrent to the inspector.

The Metropolitan Procuratorate has taken away the responsibility of guarding the territory of Shinto, and at the same time has the responsibility of inspecting and reporting.

The separation of powers is indeed much better than the previous system.

But there are also many disadvantages in doing so.

First of all, the relaxation of the ultimatum is indeed convenient for the development of Immortal Dao, but it will also lose part of the absolute power of the gods.

Before that, all Extraordinary people, no matter whether they are immortals, demons, or demons, should have a ultimatum, and they should be checked frequently.

That's why those thorny sword cultivators had to raise pigs, and those bloodthirsty demon cultivators became butchers.

Although letting go of this part of the restriction has brought living water to the isolated world of cultivating immortals.

But it also breeds some darkness.

In fact, the previous Shenting system, in Lin Xiao's opinion, is a bit like a fairy tale called Harry Potter that I read in my previous life.

All the gods and monsters are imprisoned in the spirit realm. For example, demons and demon cultivators are not allowed to enter the mortal city because of their appearance and skills.

Different from Harry Potter's worldview, the Department of Magic is weak, and the court of Kyushu overwhelms the whole world, so this kind of situation can happen.

Although the world of cultivating immortals has been isolated, in fact, the influence of the world of cultivating immortals on mortals has not disappeared.

For example, during the Dragon Flood Fight in Yanchuan County, someone witnessed the Falling Dragon, but they were erased later and their memories were erased.

But the heavy rain still fell on the boundary of Yanchuan.

Not to mention the Supreme Fortune incident, a disaster that spread across a state.

Moreover, every 100 years of unstoppable catastrophe can't help showing the holy, so there are endless legends about immortals among mortals, and there are many theories about the appearance of various great gods.

But how much of this is true, and how much of it is driven by God behind the scenes is unknown.

Shinto needs incense, and so many rights of Shinto have been reduced. Shenting has released some restrictions, which can be regarded as giving Shinto a breathing space.

"But it's fun to watch."

In the past, under the coercive pressure of the divine court, there was actually a quota for incense.

The God of Mao cannot have shrines and temples, but only tablets and signs, the God of Wandering can have shrines, and the God of Yin can have temples.

Moreover, there are fixed rules on the size, specification and location of temples.

The purpose is to prevent Shinto from competing for incense, which will cause bad consequences.

In the first 800 years, Shenting used strong pressure to create a relatively safe living environment for mortals.

In fact, if there is a census, the population of Kyushu has grown rapidly over the past 800 years.

For example, Guangdu, although it was the first to break out the incident of supreme wealth, the population of Guangdu is extremely large, and most of them can guarantee food and clothing.

Supreme Cai still needs to cooperate with gods like the God of Gamblers to force mortals to buy and sell beliefs.

From the perspective of ordinary people, what the gods did in the first 800 years was extremely just and effective.

But for Xiandao, many small sects were forced to cut off their inheritance.

Jianxiu went to raise pigs, and Moxiu went to butcher pigs.

Many demon spirits need to sell their branches, leaves and fur to afford their cultivation needs.

Each spiritual realm is like a cage, trapping this group of dangerous creatures.

But now, a gap has quietly opened in this cage.

But none of these had much impact on Lin Xiao.

After all, Lin Xiao is a fisherman, and he is not on the same track as other monks.

"But this is an opportunity."

Because of this divine decree, the spiritual realms that have been stable recently are now a little restless.

Lin Xiao decided to add fire.

Of the ten or so regular customers of the last Jade Pot Ceremony, there are only five or six left under the severe crackdown by Shenting.

So Lin Xiao intends to use this shareholder wind to attract some more attention to the world in the pot.

So Lin Xiao immediately went to the refining room and rubbed one hundred and eight jade pots the size of thumbs.

These instruments are one-time vouchers and beacons, as long as you get it, you will understand what it is, and then you will travel to the realm of the pot when the ceremony starts.

Lin Xiao planned to give some of these [-] jade pot markers, and then throw some out at random.

After deducing the Luck Tree Secret Art, Lin Xiao began to face up to luck and karma.

Therefore, this part of the random jade pot beacon will be distributed to those who are destined.

Those who can get it are not necessarily powerful or rich, but they must be lucky enough.

The remaining part Lin Xiao intends to distribute in person, this part is distributed to some existences that Lin Xiao is optimistic about, or needs to be drawn in.

Finally, the structure of the entire Yuhu Puja has been changed.

At the beginning, Lin Xiao planned to build an auction platform, a platform integrating buying and selling.

But after deducing the Luck Tree secret technique and discovering Zhu Xiaoba.

Lin Xiao intends to make the Jade Pot Ceremony into a copy for newcomers in the world of cultivating immortals.

The Jade Pot Ceremony, developed at random time, gathers a group of children of luck, and then sends out some angel investment according to their conditions.

When they really develop, Lin Xiao, as a sponsor, can also get a considerable amount of luck.

From selling handmade products (magic treasure) to opening a platform (jade pot puja)

Invest now.

Lin Xiao felt that he was getting closer and closer to the street light.

(End of this chapter)

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