Longevity Pot Immortal

Chapter 38 Jade Pot Ceremony: Singing and Singing in the Pot

Chapter 38 Jade Pot Ceremony: Singing and Singing in the Pot

Xu Wen is a poor scholar.

On weekdays, he makes a living by selling characters and writing letters for others.

A few days ago, I suddenly picked up a jade pot the size of a thumb. This jade pot is very delicate and lovely.

But Xu Wen didn't want to sell it for his own money, but waited in place for several days.

But tonight, the jade pot suddenly glowed.

Xu Wen's eyes darkened, and he came to a fairy house pavilion.

The pavilion is shrouded in clouds and mist, supported by tower pillars flying around with cranes, and covered by misty gauze.

Sapphire's futon, Qinan's incense case.

There are also a group of people with blurred faces, or wearing flowing robes, or other strangely dressed people... and cats?

And their topics are unheard of and unseen.

From this, Xu Wen can conclude that he was taken to a fairy cave by the jade pot.

In the past, Xu Wen also heard the rumors of entering some spiritual realm by mistake and seeing the spectacle of monsters trading, but now he was lucky enough to be one of them.

The appearance of Xu Wen also caught Lin Xiao's attention.

Although Lin Xiao had expected when the random jade pots were released, they might be picked up by mortals.

But when he saw it, Lin Xiao couldn't help but take a second look.

Since he didn't consider being a platform with long-term users, Lin Xiao added a facial blurring spell to everyone who came to the ceremony.

Of course, Lin Xiao didn't add it himself.

So the red fox in the crowd recognized Lin Xiao immediately.

However, Lin Xiao didn't go up to recognize each other, but began to control the entire process of the puja after making eye contact.


Lin Xiao made a sound to signal some panicked people who hadn't figured out the situation to be quiet.

"Poverty Dao Xiao Yunzi, I like banquets on weekdays, so I specially opened such a jade pot puja to invite people who are destined to be in the world. It's because of my Taoism that I rashly photographed you here, but don't panic, everyone, the banquet is You can leave at any time."

This time, Lin Xiao didn't simply attract the divine thoughts, but used the Taoist signs to capture people's physical bodies.

This is a very dangerous move, so Lin Xiao recruited Red Fox, a person inside the court, to be a supervisor and witness.

However, Lin Xiao's dharma meeting can be said to be a pure benefit, there is no place to deceive people, and he is not afraid of people from the court entering.

In fact, in addition to the red fox, Lin Xiao also recruited several other non-staff members of Shenting.

For example, Wen Renyi, and two other monks who belonged to the Doubu non-staff sword cultivators like him.

Among these people, only the red raccoon is in the primordial spirit state, and the other highest is the golden core, which Lin Xiao can completely control.

Lin Xiao released the coercion of the Yuanshen stage, and this coercion is more oppressive than that of the Yuanshen stage under the blessing of Huzhongjie's home court.

Even the red raccoon was slightly taken aback.

However, after releasing the coercion, those monks who looked uncertain, calmed down a lot.

This is the monk's logic—"He is so much higher than me, if he wanted to kill me, he would have killed me long ago, so why bother." '

"For this Dharma meeting, first of all, there will be delicacies of spiritual fruits."

Lin Xiao clapped his hands while talking, and a group of beauties came in with plates.

The above are the spirit fruits cultivated by the spirit ginseng boys in recent years, and the varieties are very common.

However, Lin Xiao bought a batch of pretty good ones, and mixed them together to fill the scene.

"And good wine."

The group of clam girls put down the spiritual fruit on the plate, and then another group of clam girls walked in with graceful steps, holding jugs and wine glasses.

At this time, Xu Wenzai was fascinated by the beauty of the mussel girls. The skin of these mussel girls was as smooth as fat, even if they looked closely, they were smooth and tender.

Coupled with the close-fitting mermaid skirt, the picturesque beauty, not to mention descending like a fairy, is at least a rare beauty in the world of practice.

These clam girls were enlightened by the beautiful shellfish purchased by Lin Xiao later. Although the shellfish were bred by scorpions, they did not grow up so fast that they could be enlightened.

In order to accommodate these clam girls, Lin Xiao used the method of building a small spirit realm learned from Wushangcai to open up a water palace at the bottom of the spirit lake in Huzhongjie.

Let them and possible future dragons live in it.

"Everyone, please take a seat. Of course, if you don't want to stay, you can directly activate the Yuhu Beacon, and you can leave immediately."

Those who can become monks are not lacking in courage, so most of them chose to stay, and only one or two who were wary left directly.

Most of the remaining ones thought in their hearts, at least drink the spirit fruit spirit wine, it is a good thing, and can improve their cultivation base.

Lin Xiao did not disappoint them either. In order to support the scene, he purchased some good spirit wine and food.

In fact, even the spiritual fruit cultivated by Lin Xiaohu Zhongjie himself is very good.

It's just that in the eyes of Lin Xiao, who is pampered and has a very tricky mouth, it's a bit worse.

After the clam girls arranged for everyone to be seated, they stood quietly behind everyone, waiting for orders at any time.

And Lin Xiao also began to guide the Fahui to develop in the direction he expected.

The first is the auction, but the current auction does not have so many magic weapon materials as a warm-up.

There is only one thing, and that is the flat peach as the core competitiveness!
"The poor Taoist has been cultivating the Tao for many years, and has accumulated some wealth. Among them is a flat peach spiritual root, which can increase life expectancy by 50 years. Today, I took out one for auction."

This is to reap those old customers. These old customers came prepared when they got the letter from last time.

Lin Xiao couldn't just keep his word.

This time, the one who held the tray was the previous enlightenment, named Jiangzhen Shixiang Boy.

A huge peach, placed on a silver tray.

The peaches exuded abundant vitality and aura, and as soon as they were served, everyone in Yinxian Pavilion asked a burst of refreshing and salivating sweetness of peaches.

These new recruits, in order to ensure that they have development prospects and facilitate the suppression, are all selected at a young age and low level.

I don't have much money in my hand, and I haven't seen much of the world.

Seeing how extraordinary this flat peach was, a discussion erupted for a while.

Looking at their longing eyes, Lin Xiao smiled, and suddenly felt much better.

"This flat peach was plucked from the tree after it was released. It needs to be eaten as soon as possible, but it can be kept fresh for three to five years if it is sealed in a jade box. The starting price is 500 silver for two days."

After Lin Xiao finished speaking, the clam girl behind them stepped forward and explained how to conduct the auction.

But this is just a formality, these people are of high level, how can they have money to auction.

When Lin Xiao announced the starting price of 500 taels, there was a burst of exclamation in the underground.

For these fledgling newcomers, five hundred days of silver is already a lot of money.

But for those old customers who had already prepared, this was a tough battle.

Lin Xiao sat on the cloud bed above, and the auction was conducted by Jiang Zhen.

As soon as the auction started, a slightly old voice called out the price of 1000 taels.

"One thousand five hundred taels!"

"One thousand five hundred taels!"

The sound of the auction one after another still stunned everyone, except Xu Wen.

Although Xu Wen was also surprised, he was not from the world of cultivating immortals after all, so he had no concept of the value of Tianyin.

And now he is intoxicated by the delicacy of these spiritual foods and fruits, and he can't think about the auction that has nothing to do with him for a while.

The auction didn't last long and stopped soon.

(End of this chapter)

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