Chapter 39

The final auction price was 5000 taels.

This price is not very out of the ordinary, even a little low.

After all, not many people participated in the auction here.

After the auction of this one, Jiang Zhen sent the flat peach to the old customer who was auctioned off.

And this old customer also paid Tianyin directly and happily.

Then, under the coveted eyes of a group of people, he ate the flat peach on the spot.

The alluring peach scent made everyone on the field swallow their mouths involuntarily.

The speed of gnawing the spirit fruit has been accelerated.

As for the regular customer who ate the flat peach, although his face was covered by the smoke, his loose white hair instantly turned partly black.

The hand holding the peach also gradually eliminated wrinkles.

What is the purpose of cultivating immortals?Isn't it just to become an immortal and enjoy infinite life? !

The sight in front of them greatly stimulated everyone present.

Many people started to discuss involuntarily.

"One flat peach lasts 50 years, eating ten of them is comparable to inner life, and fifteen of them is the golden elixir."

"Hiss~ If you grow a few varieties, can you live forever without becoming a fairy?"

"That peach pit!"

It wasn't that the presence of the people who were present guessed that there should be some restrictions on the flat peach, but under the pressure of the atmosphere, everyone became interested in this flat peach.

Even if it might be somewhat restrictive.

Seeing the fiery eyes of everyone next, Lin Xiao directly explained the restrictions of Pantao.

"This flat peach can only prolong the life of the physical body. Human life is limited to five years. It is facing the five decays of heaven and man. Even real immortals have five decays. How can one fruit be able to live forever?"

Everyone in the audience heard the mystery of the five declines of the real fairyland for the first time, and at the same time they were puzzled.

Everyone has heard the name of the five declines, but what the five declines are, the people below, except the red fox, probably don't know very well.

Lin Xiao didn't explain either, but said instead.

"Because this flat peach is aimed at the physical body, it also has a slight effect on the decline of the real immortal's physical body."

After Lin Xiao clapped his hands in fear, Jiang Zhen who had just gone down brought up another flat peach.

"I once said that there should be three flat peaches in this puja, and the second one will not receive sky silver, but the five elements spirit extract, but this one should be placed on the stage in a secret auction, and wait for the puja It will be revealed at the end."

As soon as the words fell, the clam girl behind them began to explain what dark beat was.

The secret auction is simple. Jiang just doesn't call out the price loudly. He doesn't know what price other people offer, and only offers a price that he thinks is suitable.

When the secret auction ends, the highest bidder wins.

The reason for doing this, of course, is to raise the price as much as possible and improve the quality.

When shooting in the dark, because there is no horizontal comparison, you can only compare with yourself.

Want to win this flat peach?
Ask yourself first, how much can you pay for this flat peach... oh no, for your 50 years of life.

And after Lin Xiao let go of the restriction on leaving, he also let go of the restriction on communicating with the outside world.

They even assisted with road signs to prevent them from being unable to communicate with the outside world.

The purpose is to make it easier for them to exchange resources and collect enough spiritual essence.

After the clam girls explained the secret shooting mode, several people also made their first bids.

Lin Xiao then released the third flat peach.

"This third one, considering that the people present are all juniors, let's use it as a lottery. If anyone intends to inject mana into the Kunlun Palace Lantern on the table, the first prize in the competition will be this flat peach. "

Then Lin Xiao clapped his hands again, and three clam girls came up with trays.

On it are a spiritual pot, a magic weapon, a secret technique, and several rare spiritual materials.

The spirit weapon with the magic ban can be used up to the Jindan stage, which is a big incentive for these fledgling little guys.

This secret technique is a heart lamp secret technique, which can increase the speed of enlightenment, and it is a secret technique that can be used at least in the golden core stage.

Although a few spiritual materials are rare, they are inferior to spiritual weapons and secret techniques.

A flat peach, a spiritual tool, a secret technique, and several spiritual materials divided into two.

A total of five rewards.

And the palace lantern that requires mana injection is a magic weapon specially refined by Lin Xiao in order to detect the qualifications of these little guys.

You can collect the opponent's qualifications, the general direction of the exercises, and finally generate a clone.

The level of these avatars is the lowest among the two sides in the war, and the spells and secrets carried by the avatars are also decided by the players themselves whether to upload or not.

These one hundred and eight magical instruments are a complete set of magical weapons, and there is a subject named Kunlun behind it, who is responsible for sorting out the record information of all contestants.

This piece called Kunlun magic weapon will simply analyze and compare, and then give the players a score for each item and the overall score.

After these final scores, Lin Xiao added the last item of luck to generate a Kunlun list.

After the Fa Conference is over, this Kunlun list will be promulgated, and finally the right ones will be selected for investment.

Money touches people's hearts, and as soon as the flat peaches, spiritual weapons, and secret techniques are released, some people who originally planned to stay and watch the fun also start to think about it.

Not long after, the Kunlun Palace lanterns in front of most of the people were lit up.

The cover of the palace lantern is densely packed with spell runes, and inside the cover is a small man sitting cross-legged.

"Jia Chen Xue Cheng, Bing Shen Xu Tao."

Jiang Zhen next to Lin Xiao began to roll his name. Kunlun analyzed these two people with similar strengths.

Both of these people are out-of-body cultivation bases, they have gone through the stage of refining Qi and Qi, and are currently refining their spirits.

After the soul comes out of the body, it resonates with the heaven and the earth. According to the different methods of practice, there are already several small supernatural powers.

Hearing Jiang Zhen's roll call, the two people who were called sat cross-legged and closed their eyes, and a stream of light shot out from the palace lantern in front of them.

The streamer fell in the middle of the field and turned into two blurred figures.

Both of them got used to the incarnation a little bit, and then began to fight after Jiang Zhen gave an order.

At the same time, the space where the two were located was also expanded by Lin Xiao's spell.

Visually, both of them are moving around in the middle of the field, but no matter how they run, they will not affect the people watching the game next to them.

The cultivation bases of these two people are almost the same, and the levels of skills are also the same.

What Xue Cheng practiced was a method of controlling the wind with six qi, and he practiced it to the level of the soul leaving the body.

The soul resonates with the heaven and earth to produce the small supernatural powers, one is the scorching wind art that is transformed from the fierce wind at noon, and the other is the small breeze art that is transformed from the fresh wind in the morning.

The small supernatural powers can be casted instantly, and the consumption is extremely low, so this Xue Cheng has been using the small breeze technique to move around, and then harassed with the burning wind formula and the occasional one or two wind blades.

And the other Xu Tao, as his name suggests, practiced a sea tide coagulation formula.

This skill is not much different from Xue Cheng's skill level, but this skill has its own method of condensing the spirit of water from the tide.

Xu Tao's little supernatural power is only one ice spring condensate, and what he summons is a stream of cold water.

For a while, the scorching wind and cold water turned into bursts of water vapor and smoke.

(End of this chapter)

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