Chapter 47

Yanzhou, Mu State.

Today's Zhu Xiaoba would secretly hide outside the private school to attend classes whenever he had free time.

I usually practice calligraphy with twigs and sand. In the past five years, I have been studying frequently, and I have already mastered daily calligraphy. At least it is not difficult to write letters and read books by myself.

Today's Zhu Xiaoba is already the one among Lin Xiao's 'roots' who has the closest entanglement with Lin Xiao.

Although he is not a disciple, he can still be named.

If it weren't for the fact that Zhu Xiaoba is still just a beggar, a branch might grow at the root of the tree of luck.

That night.

Zhu Xiaoba prayed to the fairy in the pot as usual.

But now Zhu Xiaoba's pot is already a good clay pot.

Over the past few years, Zhu Xiaoba, a gang of beggars, has seen more and more beggars.

The more people you have under your command, the more money you get.

So Zhu Xiaoba bought a clay pot as a memorial tablet.

Lin Xiao used Zhu Xiaoba as a guide to predict the fate of the Mu country.

The Mu country belongs to a country whose system has collapsed to a certain extent. This time I am afraid that the royal family will change a round.

A hundred years is not a long time for aristocratic families and royal families, so the matter of fairy monsters is roughly known to royal families and aristocratic families in various countries.

But I don't know that much in detail, I only know that there are monsters and immortals, and I know that these monsters and immortals will appear once every 100 years.

But I don't know where it is, and it's even more impossible to know anything about the court.

So it is impossible for them to know the policy of Shenting towards the mortal royal family.

That is the system that judges the entire country on the eve of its inability to doom. If it is too bad, the royal family of this country will be replaced.

Of course, on the bright side, he must have been forced to rebel, and the rebels were everywhere, and then all the way to the imperial city.

But in fact, there are monks from all walks of life playing games behind it.

There are still 15 years before it can be robbed, but the political situation in Mu country has already begun to rot.

You can give it a push.

After thinking about it, Lin Xiao began to prepare.

And Zhu Xiaoba over here was still chattering, only to hear a 'dingling' from the clay pot in front of him.

Zhu Xiaoba tentatively opened the clay pot, and there were several pieces of broken silver inside.

Seeing that the Immortal in the Pot appeared again, Zhu Xiaoba hurriedly knelt down and poured out the broken silver.

But just as Zhu Xiaoba poured it out, there was another "dinglang" sound from the pot.

Open it again, and there are a few pieces of silver inside.

Now Zhu Xiaoba hurriedly stuffed the clay pot into his arms with a flustered expression.

Holding the pieces of silver in his hand, he began to thank the Immortal in the Pot non-stop.

At this time, Lin Xiao was three feet above his head, hiding in the void.

Opening the eye of seeing luck, the Mu country in Lin Xiao's eyes suddenly turned into a rotten tree.

Insects that eat the trees, withered branches and leaves, and the black air that envelops the trees.

This tree is a tree with many branches, and the branches on the tree are constantly changing, and the branches and leaves are constantly changing.

Lin Xiao quickly found the inconspicuous little leaf that belonged to Zhu Xiaoba among the dense leaves.

Then Lin Xiao used the leaves as a guide to open another tree of luck for Zhu Xiaoba.

There are only a few dozen thin leaves on the weak tree of luck, representing the few beggar brothers who share his heart with him.

All that is left is the topmost leaf of the Immortal in the Pot belonging to Lin Xiao, which nourishes the whole tree with wisps of clear light.

The roots of the tree below are extremely shallow, with only a little literary energy as support.

Lin Xiao picked a faint Buddha light from the densely packed branches of Mu Guo, and stretched out his hand to connect Zhu Xiaoba's fate with this branch.

Then he called out his tree of luck, and connected the fate of Bushenglian with this branch.

At first Lin Xiao only regarded Zhu Xiaoba as an ordinary believer, but his name and occupation, coupled with the situation in Mu country.

It made Lin Xiao think a little bit, but this Zhu Xiaoba is far worse than that Zhu Chongba.

That Zhu Chongba came from a humble background, but he had a lot of courage, he had a hometown, he was concerned about him, and he had great love.

Zhu Xiaoba is different, he has always been a little beggar, he can eat enough for one person and the whole family is not hungry.

It doesn't matter who is the emperor and where the disaster happened, it has nothing to do with him.

It's not that he wasn't forced to a certain level, but that he lacked some empathy and faith in heaven.

He doesn't think he is a citizen of the Mu country. After all, he has no household registration and has no sense of identity with the country, so he has no sense of responsibility for the country.

So even if the situation is more pressing, Zhu Xiaoba's actions are likely to be to flee to another country, rather than to stand up and resist.

He has no roots in the country of Mu.

What Lin Xiao has to do is to find him a root in the Mu country, so that he can have some sense of identity with the Mu country.

Later, it will be easy to shoulder the responsibility of the Mu country.

Lin Xiao didn't think he could cultivate an eternal emperor.

But with some responsibilities, even if you are recruited later, you can still be a good official.

After dealing with the matter here, Lin Xiao checked the top three at the ceremony.

Bu Shenglian, as he said, cut flesh and blood in Yuzhou and mixed it with medicinal soup to treat mortals.

Zong Weiran was in his own sect, Lin Xiao didn't investigate carefully.

And Ye Feng, running for his life...

This Ye Feng is actually from Qiongzhou, one of the three outer states. Qiongzhou is close to the sea, and many water monsters come ashore.

This Ye Feng didn't know how he provoked a big monster near the sea, and he was being hunted down.

The three outer states are more or less bordered by the sea, which has always been difficult for Shenting to fully control.

According to the dragon clan, there are too many monsters in the sea, and the dragon clan can't take care of everything, so this situation has been created.

But coincidentally, all the water gods in the outer three states are dragons.

None of the innate deities were born.

The big monster who chased and killed Ye Feng was also a dragon, and he was a rare dragon.

Longluozi is also a seahorse, and it is also a water spirit monster that is relatively easy to transform into a dragon.

The one chasing and killing Ye Feng seemed to be the pregnant Long Luozi with her big belly.

Seeing that Ye Feng was about to be caught, Lin Xiao shot directly from the air and moved Ye Feng a certain distance.

This is the leek that can provide Lin Xiao with good luck. The first crop has not been cut yet, so he can't just die like this.

Ye Feng was suddenly teleported, and his spirit was extremely tense.

Seeing that no one was chasing him, he shook his sleeves and asked loudly.

"I don't know which senior helped me, but Ye Feng thanked me here."

But Lin Xiao had no intention of meeting him, so he didn't respond.

Ye Feng saw that no one responded, only that the senior had already left.

After running thousands of miles, he stopped in a deserted place.

Lin Xiao still has some curiosity about how this guy was hunted down, so he paid attention to it with a little distraction.

In the end, I heard Ye Feng muttering to himself.

"Didn't you just call me auntie, as for chasing me for thousands of miles? You're still so irritable while pregnant."

Hearing this, Lin Xiao couldn't help laughing.

If I remember correctly, seahorses seem to be males that conceive and give birth.

(End of this chapter)

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