Chapter 48

She Min County.

At night, the moon is bright and the stars are sparse.

Qingfeng pulled Yan Pingting to a safe place.

Yan Pingting panted heavily, clasped her fists and said.

"I'm Yan Ting, thank you for saving me, young master."

Qingfeng pulled off the scarf and smiled at Yan Pingting.

"It's me!"

However, Yan Pingting did not recognize Qingfeng in front of her eyes, and looked at Qingfeng with some doubts.

Qingfeng took out the worn-out sachet and put it in front of Yan Pingting.

"Do you remember now? I was that little beggar six years ago!"

Speaking of Qingfeng, he squeezed his face, the difference between his skinny appearance now and before was too great.

Yan Pingting looked at the sachet, then at Qingfeng winking.

He couldn't help smiling, his eyes lit up and said in surprise.

"It's you! That little beggar brother!"

Qingfeng scratched his head in embarrassment.

"My name is Qingfeng now, and I practice with my master on the mountain. Our Taoist temple is called Qingyun Temple. My master is a very powerful person. I..."

Yan Pingting waved her hand with a smile, interrupting Qingfeng's words.

"Okay, okay, I'm not a clerk in the yamen, so I won't check your birthplace."

Qingfeng smiled, and stuffed the sachet into Yan Pingting's hand.

"I'll return this to you. It's left to you by your mother. It's a bit old with me."

Yan Pingting stared at the faded and smelly sachet in her hand, and was taken aback for a moment.

Then stroked the embroidery on the sachet and murmured.

"Father, mother, daughter avenged you."

Seeing that Yan Pingting was lost in remembrance, Qingfeng opened his mouth to comfort him, but he didn't know how to open his mouth after many years of cultivation on the mountain.

Fortunately, Yan Pingting only had a moment of feeling, and immediately got out of her emotions.

Seeing the tense and helpless Qingfeng in front of him, his mood immediately improved a lot.

Just when he wanted to make a joke, he thought of something, and said with a slightly red face.

" turn around first."

Qingfeng didn't know what Yan Pingting was going to do, but she turned around anyway.

Seeing that Qingfeng had already turned around, Yan Pingting also turned her back to Qingfeng.

With a reddish complexion, he opened his collar, took out a stone pendant, and took it off his neck.

Qingfeng's keen five senses could only hear the rustling sound, and then a pendant with residual warmth was clapped in his hand.

And Yan Pingting patted the pendant in Qingfeng's hand, lowered her head, turned around and left the place quickly.

For the past six years, she had always worn this pendant close to her body, and she didn't even think about it before.

But now that their age is at the beginning of love, Yan Pingting doesn't know whether she is ashamed or annoyed, she just wants to leave quickly.

Qingfeng stared blankly at the smooth pendant in his hand, then chased after him and said in surprise.

"You still have this pendant."

As Qingfeng walked, he put away the pendant like a baby.

Seeing Qingfeng's actions, Yan Pingting's face became hotter, and she just walked away without answering.

Qingfeng said as if he didn't know it.

"This is my treasure. I saw that the owner of the tofu shop in the alley next door bought a jade one for his son. He said it was for safety, so I ground one myself. It took me a long time to grind it! Let me tell you..."

Seeing that Qingfeng didn't know it, Yan Pingting cursed secretly as 'idiot', and then asked, pretending to be calm.

"What are your plans for the future?"

Qingfeng thought for a while and said honestly.

"I went down the mountain because of you. Now that the matter is over, I should go back, but the master said that I can't go back to the mountain for at least five years, and I don't know where to go."

When Yan Pingting heard Qingfeng's first words, the corners of her mouth couldn't help but slightly raised.

Afterwards, Qingfeng said that he didn't know where to go, so he played with Jiansui, lowered his head and said something irrelevant.

"I have been living in Yandu all these years."

Qingfeng said directly with a hammer.

"Then let's go to Yandu!"

Yan Pingting tried her best to suppress the corners of her mouth, pretending to speak casually.

"Don't force yourself."

Qingfeng waved his hand.

"It's okay, after escorting you back to Yandu, if Yandu isn't fun, I'll travel to other places."

Yan Pingting snorted softly, stomped her feet, and quickened her pace.

And Qingfeng didn't feel Yan Pingting's emotional change at all.

I thought to myself, "Escort personally, such a gentleman's demeanor, it should be regarded as the end of cause and effect." '

But... what is cause and effect.


Cause and effect are deterministic.

And the biggest definite number in this world is—Shen Ting.

Five years later.

Lin Xiao sat on Lun Dao Cliff, with a pot of aged wine beside him.

This jug of wine was kept by Lin Xiao a hundred years ago, and he didn't know how to make wine at that time.

But I thought I should do something to commemorate it, so I saved a jug of wine.

Waiting for the next hundred years.

Originally, this hundred years should be ten years later, but obviously, it is ahead of schedule.

The sky gradually turned white, and a slight red light overflowed from the east.

A stream of red light flew from a distance and landed beside Lin Xiao, turning into a cat in official uniform.

Lin Xiao glanced at the red fox, and his tone was calm.

"It seems that you are in charge here."

Red Fox no longer had the usual look on his face, he nodded coldly and said.

"It's a consolation, but I don't want you to participate."

Lin Xiao ignored it, but said.

"I'm not a magician, I know the rules."

Red Fox closed his eyes, his beard trembling slightly.

"This is no child's play!"

Lin Xiao opened the eye of luck, and in an instant the world in his eyes turned into a forest.

Now, most of the trees in this forest have decayed to a certain extent, but they bloom strangely.

The flowers are incompatible with the trees.

As the flowers bloom, the rot on the tree becomes more severe.

Lin Xiao had a feeling that he was not the only one looking at this flowering forest.

There are other people, many, many people watching.

It may not be the woods, or the herd, or the river in their eyes.

However, without exception, there were sudden changes.

After flowering comes fruit.

The flowers of those trees of luck gradually turned into fruits, and slowly turned into fruits with the sunrise.

The cyan fruits hang on the decayed trees one by one, how weird and weird the situation is.

Then came the dawn crowing of a rooster.

The thousands of fruits on the thousands of trees are all flying against the wind to the sky.

Thousands of fruits converged into a countercurrent river in the sky, and gradually turned into a retrograde sky.

As for the trees that had finished bearing fruit, some became more decayed, and some collapsed directly.

There are also some who are only slightly shocked, and there is no big problem.

The rising sun hit his face, and it was cold.

"The helpless calamity has begun. I am going to maintain the original law of God. You, please do it yourself."

Lin Xiao smiled.

"It's just leftovers."

(End of this chapter)

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