Chapter 66

So Lin Xiao did a little research.

If ordinary people don't believe in gods, but put their faith in official positions, the army, and the country
Then these official positions, armies, and countries can exert the ability equivalent to gods.

In other words, there is actually not much difference between this official position and the position of a god.

This kind of situation has actually existed for a long time, that is, Wenqi and evil spirit.

Wenqi is produced after the article is read for a long time, and evil spirit is produced when a large number of lives die.

It is also because of belief, but it is different from incense belief.

But Lin Xiao was a little afraid to release this method of making humane luck.

Too much involvement.

Once released, it will definitely affect the god system of the entire court.

The Shenting was established to gather the faith and luck of mortals. Once Lin Xiao releases this humane luck system, he is completely against the Shenting.

Although this system can make life easier for mortals who are being exploited now.

But it is bound to put Lin Xiao himself into a situation where there is no redemption.

Not only could it not be released, but the research process and all information had to be erased.

However, as soon as Lin Xiao started, he felt that the whole world in the pot had been deduced and tracked for a long time.

And this tracking was much stronger than the previous ones, breaking through Lin Xiao's prohibition defense in an instant.

There is a real fairy shot.

Lin Xiao reacted quickly, and instantly appeared in the valley where his body was hidden that he had long forgotten subconsciously.

The dilapidated body of the pot that was shallowly buried in the soil exploded in an instant, and a wave of space rippled across. The main body of the pot shattered a covered body, and was teleported to another unknown place.

And the next moment Lin Xiao disappeared with his body, a hand appeared on the spot and grabbed it, but it was empty.

Lin Xiao, who left, did not stop, but immediately shrunk the body pot to the size of a mustard seed, and then hid it in the space bubble the size of a thumb.

Immediately afterward, countless tiny space bubbles were simultaneously released, and they were teleported away together.

Countless densely packed space bubbles were transported away from one after another temporarily opened space channels, and one of the inconspicuous ones contained a body shrunk to the size of a mustard seed.

After all the space bubbles left the space channel, they triggered the built-in prohibition at the same time, and the 'wave' exploded.

Exploded a piece of space ripples.

Lin Xiao's body also quietly disappeared into the folds of space along with the ripples.

In the pot in the world, Lin Xiao kept changing the spatial position to prevent being deduced to specific coordinates.

On the one hand, he urgently rearranged the spells and formations for the defensive deduction.

The Huzhong Realm, which was originally still in the daytime, was urgently adjusted to night by Lin Xiao. Under the pressure of the deduction, the illusory stars in the sky quickly began to change positions and deduce the formation.

After several changes, the deduction for the world in the pot instantly weakened.

And there is no way to lock it directly.

Lin Xiao breathed a sigh of relief.

The current Huzhong Realm is different from before. It has the size of a county, and the rules are becoming more and more complicated.

There are more than 100 clam girls and maid servants in the whole pot in the world, and there are three pavilions and twelve pavilions on the fifth floor. The deduction is to deduce one side's power.

But even so, the protection of the realm in the pot was instantly broken.

It can be seen that the people behind must have come prepared.

Lin Xiao recruited the tree of luck. The tree of luck, which was originally normal, is now covered with a large gloomy atmosphere.

The large pieces of fine leaves on the tree of luck began to wither, and these leaves represented the believers of Lin Xiaohu Zhongxian.

It seems that it is aimed at the immortal god in Lin Xiaohu.

It should be that the previous panel was too arrogant, and coupled with the study of human luck, it was due to the hedging of luck.

No matter how arrogant Lin Xiao's Immortal in the Pot panel is, the location is only in a small area of ​​Yanzhou after all.

Even if they are targeted, there will be no more than ten primordial spirits united at most.

As long as Lin Xiao is not designed to fall into the trap, the ten primordial spirits will never be able to find Lin Xiao's position.

But this time, by coincidence, Lin Xiao researched the luck of humanity, which caused the counterattack of the luck of Shenting, and the superposition of the two phases affected Lin Xiao.

Lin Xia had no choice but to retreat into the void for refuge.

And now, every half an hour, Lin Xiao will manipulate the pot middle that has shrunk into a mustard seed hidden in the space bubble, and jumps randomly into space.

Lin Xiao didn't know whether the real fairy who was chasing him came on a whim or was entrusted by others.

I don't know what law the other party is cultivating and what means he has.

So I can only do my best and use the worst plan to hide myself.

Now it seems that my space maze tactic is still very effective, and it is the absolute first choice to guard against hunting.

There is no way to find a single true immortal deduction plus hunting.

When the volume of the pot in the back is bigger, and the cause and effect in it are more complicated, presumably the deduction will not be as easy as it is now.

Lin Xiao has been hiding like this for more than a year, until the result of the new Holy Pot War came out.

Two new Wishing Dao Fruits were refined and completed.

The two Dao Fruits this time are different from the previous ones, which are completely experiments. This time, Lin Xiao invested most of the incense that the panel has earned in the past few years.

And the panel caused a group of gods in the Mu country to unite against Lin Xiao, and its ability to gather incense can be imagined.

A large amount of incense and fire were invested, although in the end three Wishing Dao Fruits were produced.

But the quality of these three Wishing Dao Fruits is not the same.

This time, Lin Xiao immediately turned into physical stars for the two pieces, dotted in the starry sky of Huzhong Realm.

The energy contained in the Dao Fruit this time is far greater than before. Although there are only two of them, they have turned into more than a dozen physical stars.

As soon as the physical stars appeared, they immediately began to rotate, forming an array.

As soon as the formation appeared, Lin Xiao immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

With the obstruction of the deduction by the star array, at least for a short time, Lin Xiao can breathe a little bit of relief.

For more than a year, the biggest challenge for Lin Xiao is not to constantly change coordinates.

It's the opponent's deduction from time to time.

After a long time, Lin Xiao discovered that this real fairy is obviously a real fairy who is very good at deduction.

From the very beginning, it was directly deduced to the position where Lin Xiao's body is not shitting.

Later, Lin Xiao changed his position several times, but he was still occasionally deduced.

After this year, Lin Xiao could feel that the other party was no longer simply helping to deduce himself.

Instead, I really became interested in myself, and gradually became more serious than before.

I was originally invited to do a favor, but I lost face.

He directly used all his strength and still failed to catch it, so he began to face up to his opponent.

And there's that, "You've got my attention" feeling.

Lin Xiao, who was forced to attract the other party's attention, only felt that he was in bad luck.

From time to time, this person would try his best to deduce a wave, and would use all kinds of scheming.

Originally, the two of them tacitly came every two days, and they cycled like this more than a dozen times, when Lin Xiao thought they had reached a tacit understanding.

He made a surprise attack, deduced in advance and caught Lin Xiao by surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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