Chapter 67
Since Ji You became a real immortal, he has never encountered such an interesting challenge.

First, I was asked to help analyze a thing called a panel. Without a physical record, I can only deduce that this thing is composed of something similar to yin and yang.

One yin and one yang are the foundations of numerology, forming a prohibition to run deduction in a magic weapon.

This is a magic weapon for deduction and calculation.

Originally, there was no substantive result, and it was enough to directly contact and deal with it in the name of Shenting and ask the other party to hand over the refining method.

However, after a group of Yanzhou's second-generation gods operated, this part of the process was directly omitted, and the specific location of the Immortal in the Pot had to be deduced directly.

And Ji Yu was a little curious about this Pot Immortal because he had deduced his Pot Immortal panel before.

So directly bypassing the junior in the primordial spirit stage who was originally going to perform the deduction, he started to deduce it himself.

It went smoothly at first, but when Ji You went to catch it, he was actually run away by this little new soul.

Then Ji Yu saw that the results of his fortune-telling began to be strange.

It appeared in Youzhou for a while, Qiongzhou for a while, and Fenglin Prefecture for a while.

Several times I used divination to find the exact location, but when I checked, there was nothing.

This made Ji You couldn't help but began to doubt whether the result of his calculation was true or false.

Was he blocked from deduction, or did he really arrive, but he ran too fast?
But one thing that is certain is that there is indeed something in this Immortal Pot.

Ji You was thinking about whether to find a few friends to jointly deduce it, but felt that it was too low-quality.

Originally, a real fairy deduced a primordial spirit by himself, and he was already bullying the small with the big, although it could barely be said in a business-like manner.

But this is a business, and there is no formal process.

It was just a coincidence that he had some interest in this Immortal Pot, so he made the move himself.

As a result, I haven't succeeded yet, and it seems a bit embarrassing to let others know.

Although he thought that he would lose his temper with the younger generation, Ji You didn't stop.

Instead, he changed more than a dozen new side-door divination methods, and finally cast a curse based on the results of the divination.

Starting from being uncertain whether the result of the calculation is true or not, Ji You would casually throw a curse after calculating the result.

Judging from the current results, so far, the results of my own calculations are all false.

At least not under the curse.

This made Ji You a little uncomfortable, although Ji You was not a true immortal who was purely based on Yi Dao and divination.

But the way of the four images is second only to the way of gossip, which is good at divination.

Of course Lin Xiao on the other side didn't know Ji Yu's brooding, Lin Xiao was always facing the enemy.

It can be regarded as suffering too much.

Lin Xiao didn't know how much of his information had been exposed, but he knew that he could never go back to the days of wanton escape.

Now Lin Xiao, even the Jade Pot Puja has been deliberated and decided to cancel it.

I really dare not.

Although on the surface Lin Xiao avoided the divination of that real fairy like walking a dog.

But Ji You can fail countless times, and Lin Xiao will definitely die without a place to die if he fails once.

So it was the first time that Lin Xiao, who had said that he wanted to be a dog and wanted to be safe, was really safe for the first time.

After sending a message to the little apprentice, he hid in the pot in the world with peace of mind.

From time to time, he will change to a void, and occasionally make a few fake moves to confuse the line of sight.

Inside Huzhongjie, because today's Huzhongjie already has a county, and there are hundreds of people in all kinds of mussel maids, Xiangtongzi.

So Lin Xiao is not so boring.

Due to too much free time, there is no chance to do anything.

Lin Xiao picked up the alchemy that he had always wanted to learn, and began to explore.

For alchemy, Lin Xiao's attainments are not very high.

But it can't be said that there are none at all, after all, I have practiced a Nine-Turn Golden Pill in my stomach.

This golden pill is still hanging in the sky.

There is also the brewing that I said before, and Lin Xiao has already prepared the brewing materials.

And this time there is no way to hold the jade pot puja, the saved flat peaches can just be used for wine making.

So in the end, the boy Jiangzhen Shenmu and the maids such as Jinzhuhuhuan in the realm of the pot.

Just saw it - fully automatic alchemy furnace.

It is said that the alchemy furnace is actually a comprehensive appliance.

There are input ports on it, and the corresponding elixir essence needs to be input.

And because Lin Xiao didn't improve too many formulas, this fully automatic alchemy furnace can only refine a few kinds of pills.

Being able to achieve this effect has nothing to do with refining technology, it is entirely because Lin Xiao improved the formula of the elixir.

Refining all kinds of elixir into essence first, and then taking the essence of elixir as the standard.

Accurate the elixir essence needed in each elixir to the nearest millimetre, then stabilize the heat, and put in the corresponding elixir essence on time to automatically refine it.

Although it completely violated Lin Xiao's original intention of learning alchemy, at least Lin Xiao had completely mastered those improved elixir formulas.

"However... this magic weapon seems a bit too bloated."

Lin Xiao looked at the big and ugly automatic alchemy furnace in front of him.

Although it is a casually forged item, Lin Xiao is a bit of a burden as a master craftsman after all.

But judging from the current technology, it is actually very difficult to achieve automatic alchemy.

It's not that the technology doesn't support it. In fact, it is completely possible to enter the formula of the elixir, and then automatically add materials according to the formula, control the heat, and the like.

But just like automatic cooking is difficult to succeed, automatic alchemy has the same barriers.

That is, the set prohibition program has no way to understand what is called heat and what is called a little amount.

Because the medicinal properties of each elixir are different.

Although Lin Xiao thought of a tricky way, first refine the essence of the elixir, and then use the essence of the elixir as the benchmark.

But let's not say that many pills contain not only herbal medicines, but also ore medicines and even some medicines that use gas as medicine.

But it is said that the essence of the elixir has been extracted, and alchemy is not just a matter of convenience.

The step of extracting the essence of the elixir is often performed in the alchemy furnace.

It's as if all the vegetables have been fried and the seasonings are ready, all that's left is to turn on the fire and stir fry for a while before it's out of the pot.

But he chose to turn on the automatic cooking machine with artificial mental retardation, put things into the automatic cooking machine and let the machine fry.

After frying, it is necessary to wash such a large machine.

Kind of stupid.

There are still solutions.

For example, refine a spiritual weapon spirit and let him learn to become a master of alchemy.

(End of this chapter)

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