Longevity Pot Immortal

Chapter 85 Food chain step by step construction

Chapter 85 Food chain step by step construction
It takes about several months for Qingfeng to build the output chain.

This is only a preliminary construction, and it must stand the baptism of time in order to run smoothly.

During this period, various facilities need to be maintained from time to time.

For example, the flow of water scouring the magic circle, and the four seasons and six wind arrays covering the prisoner dragon lake.

They are all magic circles used to help adjust natural conditions such as weather, and they don't have much lethality.

But it is something necessary for the cultivation of earth immortals.

While Qingfeng completed the construction of three output chains.

Lin Xiao also bought the same thing from Tongtian Lingjing, and then threw it in a suitable place in the pot.

Now that the same time has passed, Lin Xiao did not take care of those spiritual plants.

But their growth condition is better than those in Prison Dragon Lake, which were carefully cared for by Qingfeng.

It's just because these spiritual plants are placed in a suitable environment, the same place as their natural growth environment.

Coupled with the wind and rain transformed by the breath of wood qi blown by the spirit ginseng boy from time to time, the growth of these spirit materials is very gratifying.

Among them, due to the previous dragon blood rain, many of them evolved into dragon fish algae without deliberately cultivating them.

The realm in the pot is already a hole in the sky, and its laws are much more perfect than the blessed land generated by the breeze dividing the land of Kyushu.

The place is also much larger, and there are many suitable places for these spiritual plants to grow.

So even if there is no one to take care of it, it can still crush the meticulous care in the territory of Fudiling.

This is for sure, Lin Xiao doesn't care about it.

Because Lin Xiao has never put his main business in these low-end spiritual material industry chains.

It's just that the apprentice needs to be cultivated, and it just happens that he will randomly throw some away as a control group.

Lin Xiao really wanted to cultivate, and he had to choose carefully and carefully.

are bugs.

The plants in Huzhong Realm have been growing for decades, and a large number of branches and leaves have accumulated on the ground and have not completely decomposed into soil.

So what Lin Xiao needs to do next is not to cultivate some earth-shattering immortal roots.

Instead, slowly climb up the food chain.

From the very first plants to the present bugs.

Lin Xiao's pace is very steady. After all, once many creatures flood, they can cause disasters and catastrophes.

After making sure that there is enough space and half-rotted branches and leaves for some scavenging insects to survive.

Lin Xiao began to select suitable spirit insects in Tongtian Lingjing.

In Kyushu, there are niche professions that specialize in cultivating spirit insects.

Among them, beekeepers who specialize in cultivating spirit bees to collect honey have also been subdivided.

And the spirit earthworm is also a popular spirit insect. After all, many sects now have their own output in the spirit territory.

No matter what the output is, as long as it needs soil, then the spirit earthworm has its own use.

There are many suitable scavenging insects in Kyushu, not only spirit earthworms.

But Lin Xiao doesn't plan to introduce too many Kyushu creatures.

At most three or four species can be placed in each ecological niche, and other creatures will slowly evolve to fill the vacant position.

In addition to spirit earthworms, Lin Xiao also introduced spirit bees and spirit butterflies, as well as a group of birds.

However, for these birds, Lin Xiao was temporarily detained in Yunhai Yaochi.

I plan to wait until the insect swarms in the lower realm have multiplied before releasing it.

Lin Xiao's first criterion for choosing this group of birds and insects is to look good.

After entering the realm of the pot, under the irradiation of the golden core sun, it will still evolve towards a beautiful appearance anyway.

It's better to choose the good-looking ones directly, and save some effort, so that they can quickly evolve and multiply to supplement the ecological niche.

Insects are easy to spread and cause disasters, so Lin Xiao didn't pick too many.

The first few were symbiotic with plants, and some edible and parasitic plants were suppressed later.

There is no other choice.

However, Lin Xiao chose a lot of birds, not only white pheasants, peacocks, cranes, and swans with a little Phoenix blood.

There are also many larks and orioles with nice voices.

Now these birds are temporarily placed in a palace in Yaochi. This originally unnamed palace has now been renamed the Department of Birds and Beasts.

The Department of Birds and Beasts assigned a few boys and girls to take care of them, and then Lin Xiao began to closely monitor the situation of various insects in the pot.

Time passed little by little, about three years later.

These bugs began to spread all over the whole pot in the world.

And their size also began to gradually shrink, and began to become suitable for the size of the pot.

Among them, the spirit butterflies and spirit bees were the first to change.

I don't know if it is because of the need for metamorphosis, these spirit butterflies and spirit bees first began to evolve.

Differentiated new races.

Then there are several plants that have not changed in the world of the pot for a long time.

Since the lack of pollinating insects was considered in the early stages of the several plants in the pot, all of them were aneolian plants.

After the spirit bees and butterflies came in, the nectar produced by these wind-pollinated plants was completely not enough for food.

So some spirit bees focused on the spirit earthworms who were honestly eating soil underground, and the spirit butterfly larvae next door.

Many spirit bees are actually omnivorous, and Lin Xiao doesn't know if the species he bought has omnivorous blood.

But since then, some spirit bees have become omnivorous and carnivorous.

The body shape is also different from the original bee colony, and even began to hunt the original bee colony.

Then came the spirit butterflies, and some of the spirit butterflies changed their strategies.

No longer choose to eat nectar, but choose to accumulate a lot of energy in the larval stage, and reduce the frequency of feeding after the butterfly is turned into a butterfly.

Fast mating and fast death, spending more time in the larval stage.

And in order to be able to match quickly, the colors of these spirit butterflies also began to become beautiful repeatedly.

Lin Xiao couldn't help but find a few of the beautiful designs and colors among them, and made them into specimen collections.

And then it was the anemophilous plants that changed.

With a large number of insects helping to pollinate, these wind-pollinated plants have gradually changed from wind-pollinated to insect-pollinated.

Just the action between a few plants and a few insects produced several new varieties.

Lin Xiao also began to look forward to what kind of creatures could be born in his pot in the world.

However, the speed of change of these plants seems to be a bit behind the evolution speed of spirit butterflies and spirit bees.

And the best period for the evolution of these spirit butterflies and spirit bees is to start adapting to the process from the law of Kyushu to the law of the realm in the pot.

In this process, due to the drastic changes in the law, and the influence of the unique dimension reduction and shrinking law of the pot in the world on the body shape of the creature.

Therefore, this process is the best period for organisms to adapt to evolution.

And it is because of this adaptation period that these new species of spirit bees and butterflies change so quickly.

And those plants that switch from wind borne to insect borne.

Just a little change in the flowers took a long time.

This likely means that these types of plants that now occupy most of the space in the pot world may be eliminated in a short time.

That's how life is, it's either you die or I die.

There will never be anyone waiting for anyone, we have evolved together with Hemeimei.

(End of this chapter)

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