Chapter 86

Wen Renyi is a member of Shenting Doubu.

The Doubu's main job is to fight, and the target is some recalcitrant forces in Outer Kyushu.

This part of the forces is supported by the Yaozu in Fenglin Prefecture and some demon cultivators who are doing things.

Everyone in Shenting knows, Fenglinzhou also knows that Shenting knows, and Shenting also knows that Fenglinzhou knows that Shenting knows.

But the endless local battles still exist.

Wen Renyi didn't think about this matter.

Because this is the basis for the survival of a poor sword cultivator like him.

Kill demons, kill demons, kill all the monks who don't respect the court.

The Shenting will pay the salary, and the good deeds obtained can also be exchanged for resources for cultivation.

But these days, the butcher's knife began to point at the Dragon Clan that violated the laws of the gods in the court.

This was originally not under the control of Doubu, it should be the responsibility of the Inspection Department.

But inexplicably, this mission appeared in Doubu.

And Wen Renyi also took it.

It's just unavoidable that sometimes, he would think of the argument with Xiao Yunzi.

If new enemies continue to appear like this, can Kyushu still be able to Haiyan Heqing?

The director of Doubu is a middle-aged sword fairy named Wen Yueming who is upright and majestic.

Xu Shi saw the doubts of the people in the Doubu, and Wen Yueming stood up to appease and encourage them.

"We are all members of Shenting, and we all have the right to supervise the interior of Shenting. This is for the development of Shenting and the peace of Kyushu."

"Dragon Clan Sulai is famous for its wealth, but they don't know that this wealth is all ill-gotten wealth."

"To get rid of such cancers for the court of God, the merit is in the present, and the benefit will be in the future."

"Everyone, now is the time when God's court needs you all. We are the sharp blade for scraping bones and healing wounds, gouging out flesh and removing poison!"

"The God Court will not take back the corpses of any sinful dragons killed, and the sinful dragon's ill-gotten gains will be shared between the God Court and the Lord."

"This time, I will lead the inspection department, and those who have done a good job can then apply for the Tongtian mirror first."

"The funds seized by the inspectors also need a place to be consumed, and the territory of Tongtianling is just right."

As he said that, Wen Yueming took out a Tongtian mirror, and placed all kinds of goods in Tongtianling territory in front of everyone.

Everyone was dazzled by the rare treasures, elixirs, and magical instruments.

Wen Renyi also had a hint of joy in his heart.

Shenting's move was to eliminate the cancer, and he invited a solitary swordsman like Doubu who did not form a party to make a knife.

This move can be described as a great kindness!

And this is just as beneficial to the stability of the divine court as cleaning up chaos and demon cultivators and maintaining stability.

Wen Renyi's eyes were no longer confused, but became firm.

The sword in his hand also became sharp and shiny as if it had been polished and maintained.


Ao Han is a dragon.

Like other Jiaolongs, he gave himself a name with the word Ao.

Then he reported to the group to arrange seniority, recognized an uncle from the dragon clan, and asked for an errand from He Bo.

With incense offerings and a piece of water and spiritual land, Ao Han began to no longer lack money.

There are so many fish, shrimps and crab monsters in the waters, killing some and selling them is enough for eating, drinking and chewing.

Not to mention that Ao Han also learned from the seniors of the Dragon Clan how to squeeze the little demons under his command, how to breed fish and shrimps, spiritual herbs, and pearls.

Tianyin Shenjin earned more and more money, but his greed became more and more unsatisfactory.

If you have incense, you want more incense, if you have territory, you want bigger territory, and if you have treasure, you want more treasure.

Naturally, Ao Han, along with the seniors of the Dragon Clan, dabbled in some businesses that were not allowed by the God Court.

Such a business is very profitable.

Ao Han got deeper and deeper, but also more and more daring.

Because the seniors of the dragon clan said that the ancestors of the dragon clan are more powerful than many god emperors.

The elders of the Dragon Clan also said that the Dragon Clan is spread all over the landscape of Kyushu, and when united, even Shenting would be afraid.

Later, the dragon senior was slaughtered by Shenting, and it was heard that the body was given to an unknown monk.

Ao Han was silent for a while, and a golden toad found Ao Han again.

That business is really lucrative.


Later, Wen Renyi came outside the Mengli River Water Mansion.

Ao Han stood in the river, standing on the waves, behind him were [-] Taoist soldiers of the Water Mansion.

Shrimp Soldiers, Crab Generals, Ao Lishi, Snake Eel Scholars, and Turtle Prime Ministers.

Wen Renyi was standing by the river, on the bank, alone.

A sword pill hangs in his hand.

Ao Han held two maces in his hand, pointing at Wen Renyi.

"Taoist Wuna, where did you come from, why did you come to my water mansion to call the door?!"

Wen Renyi unfolded the scroll to confirm.

"Poverty, Wen Renyi, come to kill you."

Ao Han laughed out loud.

"I am a member of the Dragon Clan. You are a god in the court. How dare you, a tattered and poor Taoist priest, stroke your grandfather's dragon's beard?!"

Wen Renyi was not angry, but said lightly.

"You have violated the laws of the court of God, and you should be executed according to the laws."

Ao Han was startled and said angrily.

"Grandpa, what divine law did I violate?! Even if I violated the divine law, the Divine Court Inspection Division will come to find me. Why do you dare to come to grandpa to be presumptuous?!"

Wen Renyi remembered Wen Yueming's instructions from the supervisor, but did not explain.

Instead, he urged the sword pill in his hand, and the sword pill turned around, and quickly flew towards the group of shrimp soldiers and crab generals.

Jian Wan swept a sword light in the air.

One sword light turns into two, two turns into three, and turns into thousands of sword lights.

The fine sword light turned into strands of sword energy, and thousands of sword energy interweaved into a web of sword energy.

He directly covered the [-] Taoist soldiers behind Ao Han.

It's not that Wen Renyi doesn't want to kill Ao Han.

But to kill such righteous gods, one must first report to heaven and earth, burn incense and pray and submit a document.

Explain the fault in detail before killing.

Even if the merits and demerits balance out, other methods are needed.

And those shrimp soldiers and crab generals didn't take it into account, Wen Renyi moved his sword light around in the battle formation of shrimp soldiers and crab generals.

After a few back and forth, a large area was killed.

A large number of shrimp soldiers and crabs will die, and they will fall on the waves and fall into the turbulent river.

Finally, it was washed away by the river.

Ao Han was furious, he picked up his mace and smashed it at Wen Renyi.

"Thief Daoist! Die!!"

Wen Renyi calmly took out a paper order.

"Order: Aohan, the God of Mengli River, capture him without a fight! Make no mistake!!"

In an instant, the god on Ao Han's body seemed to be immobilized.

He was firmly suppressed.

But it happened that Ao Han was a god who got it later, and he still had his strength at the first cultivation level.

The whole flood dragon seemed to be tied up and bound by something.

It was pulled violently, as if the god was about to separate from the body and be pulled out.

Wen Renyi didn't care about Ao Han's struggle, and started to slaughter Meng Lihe's Taoist soldiers again.

If these Taoist soldiers escaped, they could easily become water demons that caused disaster on both sides of the strait.

And that Aohan just won a god position bestowed by the court.

This kind of god is different from the god of authority that he communicates with nature, so how could he not have the support of Shenting.

Ao Han can also choose to abandon the god position on his body, but once he abandons the god position.

The one placed in front of Wen Renyi was a dragon spirit.

Just don't worry about it at all, just kill it directly.

 I made a group, and the number is in the introduction.

(End of this chapter)

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