Chapter 10 At least once in a lifetime

In addition to the friendship between Cui Xueli and Jiang Seulqi when they were trainees, the two are still classmates at Seoul Performing Arts High School, but the former majored in performing arts, and the latter majored in practical dance.

Both of these are relationships that are on the surface. There are many people who know about it, and the parties involved can talk about it.

But few people know that Jiang Seulgi was once a reserve member of f(x), but in the end, Jiang Seulgi was not able to debut with Cui Xueli because of the similar positioning of Jiang Seulgi and the members of the team, and her personal image was not prominent enough.

After Cui Xueli debuted, the contact between the two has gradually decreased.

No one thought that the two of them would sleep together one day.

In the dark room, Jiang Seulqi suddenly asked: "Shirley, is the floor too hard, why don't you go to bed?"

"How can I be so delicate, and besides, Auntie has already put on two mattresses, so it won't be so hard." Cui Xueli turned sideways: "But Ernie, you were dragged down by me today, and you still have to sleep on the floor when you return to your own home .”

"It's me who should thank you."

In the darkness, Jiang Seulqi's eyes were deep: "Do you still remember Xiuli?"

"Sulli Oni?"

Jiang Seulqi nodded emphatically: "She left the company in August and planned to go back to her hometown to find a job..."

She didn't finish her words, but Cui Xueli understood what she meant.

In the SM company, another mutual acquaintance of the two of them left.

Debuting as an idol is like a big gamble. Trainees gamble their youth to win the one in ten thousand chance to debut.

The world only sees the scenery on the idol stage, but very few people pay attention to the cruel youth of the entire group of trainees.

For trainees, the strict weekly test and screening system is not the most difficult thing. The most frustrating thing is the long-awaited debut plan.

If it is better, after three or five years of practice, you can get his own answer from the company whether a trainee can make his debut.

If he was unlucky, he would have practiced for five or seven years, or even until the moment he was finally dismissed from the club, before he would completely die of his desire to debut.

Therefore, on the road of chasing dreams, how many people like Li Xiuli gave up their dreams halfway because they could not see the hope of debut, and years of practice and hard work fell short.

"Unnie, you..."

Before Cui Xueli could organize her words, she heard Jiang Seulqi's tone change: "Don't worry, I will persevere. If it really doesn't work, I will join Writer Han."

To be honest, after Lee Soo Ri left, Jiang Seul Gi also considered whether to give up her dream of debuting as an artist.

But today, she was taken to a private party by Cui Xueli. After chatting with Han Zidong, Cui Xueli, and Jin Minxiu all night, her previous depressed mood was swept away.

Not only that, but she also got a rare recognition from Han Zidong, so she has the motivation to persevere again.

Listening to Jiang Se's words, a broad shoulder appeared in Cui Xueli's mind, and she remembered a joke, and she replied angrily: "Okay, okay, I'll order takeaway for you later."

The two laughed together.



"You and Writer Han, are you two having an affair?"

Cui Xueli sat up immediately: "How is it possible, we have only known each other for a short time!"

"is it?"

Jiang Seqi believed the second half of the sentence, after thinking about it, she warned: "In the future, you should pay more attention to the disguise when you go out, don't be secretly photographed by the paparazzi, and create a scandal."


On October 10st, the golden autumn is rustling.

With the return of returning citizens, the city of Seoul has gradually regained its vitality.

As an old resident of Yushui Cave, Han Zidong has a lot of houses in tower houses, and he can even directly contact the homeowners to see the houses. He circled a few places on the map and plans to finalize the future dens in the next few days.

In addition to the roof house, if the budget allows, he also contacted a real estate agency and took the one-bedroom as an option.

The owner of Zhonghua Pavilion returned to Seoul in the afternoon, and immediately began to recruit new delivery riders.

The takeout volume of Chinese restaurants is high, so the wages of takeaway workers are naturally not low, and there is no need to worry about finding someone to replace them.

However, considering that it would take three to five days for the delivery staff to familiarize themselves with the road conditions, Li Guanghai wanted Han Zidong to stay for a few more days to help share the manpower.

After delivering the food for a week, Han Zidong took the time to complete the storyboard design of the first two episodes.

The content of the first two episodes mainly focuses on the meeting, acquaintance, acquaintance and farewell of Xu Yihua and Dou Minjun. Although Xu Yihua's appearance is only these two short episodes, she caused a lot of tears.

The rough draft drawn by Han Zidong added some main lines in addition to the faceless characters. Although the readability of the draft of more than ten pages is not good, the story is generally complete, and the tragic ending of Xu Yihua made enough money tears of a female reader.

On this day, Han Zidong was riding his bicycle to the agreed place to look at the house. A call made him make a big circle in the direction of the East Lake Bridge.

On the way back, there was a suspicious girl in his back seat.

The girl has a black knit hat on her head, big sunglasses on the bridge of her nose, and she is wearing a black mask, which covers 90.00% of her face. If it weren't for her outstanding stature, it would be hard for Han Zidong to recognize her .

From time to time, he broke the rearview mirror and took a look. The more he looked at it, the happier he said: "What kind of shape is this? It's very unique."

"Don't laugh, it's all because of you."

Han Zidong felt that he had lived an unusually submissive life recently, and he didn't intentionally provoke Cui Xueli, so it was because of him.

Cui Xueli paused for a while, and was strangely silent for a while, before explaining: "It's because you wrote Xu Yihua to death, yes, it's because you wrote Xu Yihua to death that my eyes are swollen from crying.

Is Xu Yihua really dead?Is Cheon Song Yi in the back her reincarnation? "

You are so into the show, miss!

Han Zidong coughed lightly: "There are a thousand Hamlets for a thousand people. When the comic is over, you will have your own answer."

Cui Xueli's behavior was a little strange, and she didn't say anything.

The two remained silent all the way until they arrived at the agreed viewing location.

There are also many male and female protagonists in Korean dramas who live in tower houses, but the real roof houses are much worse than the roof houses in Korean dramas, that is, on the peninsula. If this kind of house is placed in China, it is a real violation. establish.

This roof tower house is relatively large, with a full 23 square meters. There are two rooms, one can be used as a bedroom, and the other can be used as a workshop.

Similarly, the disadvantages are also obvious. First of all, there are relatively few household appliances, only a washing machine, a microwave oven, and no air conditioner to keep people alive. It is not difficult to imagine the future cold winter and hot summer.

Secondly, the washroom is less than 1 square meter, the space is very cramped, and the functional areas of hygiene and bathing are completely superimposed together.

As the meal approached, the two of them visited the house and went directly to a Samgyetang restaurant where they met Jin Minxiu.

While waiting for the meal, Jin Minxiu looked at Han Zidong and asked, "Boss, do we have enough funds? Will we not last until the New Year's Eve?"

Han Zidong glared at Jin Minxiu, and replied, "Anyway, it's enough for me to support two of you for half a year. By the way, did you receive your resume today?"

Jin Minxiu shook her head, just as she was about to reply, Han Zidong's phone rang.

After hanging up the phone, Han Zidong's expression was neither happy nor sad, and he spread his hands: "Yes, I have no choice. The option B I reserved has just been rented out."

Jin Minxiu hurriedly asked, "Is option A the one you watched today?"


After getting an affirmative answer, Jin Minxiu asked Cui Xueli softly: "Sulli, you also went there, what do you think of the suite?"

Cui Xueli put her right hand into her trouser pocket, squeezed the card inside, and slowly made up her mind.

She thought about her words, and said seemingly unintentionally: "I think it's okay, but the security is poor. If your equipment is more expensive..."

"Boss, you have to take this into consideration.

The privacy of the roof room is too poor. If there is an emergency, it is a trivial matter if the equipment is lost. If our drawings are lost, the progress of making comics will definitely be delayed. "

Jin Minxiu's worry is very reasonable, but it's not that there is no solution, not to mention that he is not financially well off.

Just as Han Zidong was about to explain his arrangement, another call came in.

What's the situation, there seem to be too many calls today!
Hanging up the phone again, this time he couldn't help but be sad or happy, because his option A was also rented out by the agency just now, and the housing supply will be tight this season.

What a bad luck!

I thought that he had a part of the house, so he could contact the owner directly and save an agency fee. In the end, the agency taught him how to behave.

Hearing this news, Cui Xueli couldn't hide her intention anymore, she took out a bank card: "The card contains the salary I just settled, you need to make a turnaround first, and wait for your crowdfunding funds to arrive later , you pay me back.”

Jin Minxiu's slender eyes stared round, she looked at Han Zidong for a while, and then glanced at Cui Xueli for a while, she felt that she was a bit of an eyesore, at least she shouldn't be in the box now.

Han Zidong thought to himself that he had known Cui Xueli for less than a week, and the two had only met three times, how could he gain such trust from her.

"Are you not afraid that I will steal the money and run away?"

"Can you run?"

Han Zidong shook his head.

Cui Xueli nodded.

Kim Min Soo:? ? ?
What kind of reggae dialogue is this again, Kim Min-soo feels her world view is being reshaped.

Han Zidong winked at Jin Minxiu, and Jin Minxiu obediently left the box as if he had been pardoned.

Recalling the "joke" in Yingyuefeng Park that night, he asked with some confusion: "Sulli, can I ask why?"

"Because I like this story very much, I hope you can draw it completely, and I am also looking forward to it being filmed."

Cui Xueli took off her sunglasses, revealing her puffy eyes.

It is indeed like crying, just crying like this for a comic, as for?
It is said that Teacher Chen's female fans spent 2000 million soft sister coins just to co-produce a movie with Teacher Chen to satisfy their own fantasies.

So it seems reasonable for Cui Xueli to sponsor him 3000 million in order to see her favorite comics online.

Han Zidong asked again: "Does your family know?"

"I passed my coming-of-age ceremony in May this year, and I have the right to plan my own income." Cui Xueli put on her sunglasses again, and replied in a slightly deficient tone.

"What if the principal cannot be recovered in a short time?"

Cui Xueli clenched her fists tightly: "Don't worry, I will work hard to make money, and I will never urge you to repay the loan."

"Okay, I'll take it."

Han Zidong is no longer hypocritical. For Cui Xueli, the 3000 million may be a small part of the salary, but for him, it is a relief.

After all, if he had a choice, he really didn't want to live in a tower room, that kind of house was too cramped.

And with this money, he no longer has to prostitute Kim Min-soo for nothing, and even has more budget for recruiting another new assistant.

He called Jin Minxiu in, asked her to be a witness, and officially accepted the loan.

He will keep this kindness of borrowing money in his heart, and repay it thousands of times in the future, only a little more.

With an extra 3000 million in cash, Han Zidong had a lot more houses to choose from. He directly abandoned the tower house, contacted an intermediary to look at several houses, and finally chose a 35-square-meter two-bedroom house.

The deposit is 1500 million, including management fees, water and electricity fees, and the monthly rent is 60. If the deposit is 2000 million, the rent can be reduced by a certain amount, but considering that the working capital will be reduced by 500 million, this is not very cost-effective.

Once the house was settled, the rest of the chores would be easier to solve. The next day after renting the house, Han Zidong moved in.

In the morning, he went to Longshan Electronics Market to purchase three sets of computers, digital screens and other equipment. After half a day of tidying up, the comic studio's hardware was basically in place, so he sent someone.

The recruitment of manga assistants has been speeded up in an all-round way. He had previously posted job advertisements in several art high schools in Gyeonggi-do and Seoul, and asked Kim Min-soo to advertise among acquaintances. As of 10:5 noon on October 17th, he had received a total of [-] resumes.

In the matter of choosing another manga assistant, Cui Xueli showed more care than Han Zidong, as if she really valued the production of this manga.

"Ouba, how do we select interviewees?" Cui Xueli asked enthusiastically.

"First of all, consider the submitted works of the candidates. Although the level of the candidates varies, it is generally reasonable.

Secondly, consider the recent work situation of the candidate. If the candidate is a high school graduate who graduated this year and has been unemployed, it means that his employment attitude is relatively correct and he can be interviewed first. "

Han Zidong clicked on a resume file, pointed to the information on it, and said, "Look at this person, he is currently taking a break from his sophomore year. The purpose of his leave of absence is because the tuition fees have run out, which shows that he is more interested in making money when looking for a job. Compared with a manga assistant With his professional experience, he may pay more attention to monthly salary, so we can put him in the talent pool first.”

Cui Xueli nodded again and again: "That is to say, high school students give priority to their work status, and college students who are on leave give priority to the reasons for their leave."

Han Zidong nodded.

The two finally screened out a total of six resumes, and sent an email to notify the six people of the interview time and location.


In the evening, Park Sung-su dragged his exhausted body back to the examination hall.

He is a high school student who graduated in February this year. Since he came to Seoul, he has been in the examination institute for four months. The job is nowhere in sight, and the money he brought is almost spent.

If he still can't find a job within a week, he can only choose to go back to his hometown in Fuchuan first.

At this time, the dog and man next door were making out again...


Lying powerlessly on the bed, Park Shengxiu felt endlessly bored, and he didn't know whether he was cursing the damned soundproofing of the examination house, or his neighbor next door.

He hammered the surface of the bed twice, if it was normal, it would be fine, in line with the principle of doing things with kindness and wealth, he would bear it, now that he has left Seoul with one foot, he doesn't care so much.

With a rush of enthusiasm, Park Shengxiu sat down at the table, turned on the computer, and planned to fight real people with film and television.


Han Zidong's scheduled interview time was 08:30 am on Saturday, and Cui Xueli arrived downstairs at [-]:[-], walked up to the third floor, and just stepped into the corridor, she saw a boy with glasses standing outside the door.

"Are you here to interview the manga assistant?"

"Teacher, hello, my name is Park Sung-su!" Park Sung-su bowed to Cui Xueli.

His reserved appearance made Cui Xueli laugh: "Don't be nervous, I'll inform... the writer first, please wait a little longer."

"it is good!"

Cui Xueli entered the password and entered the room.

Putting breakfast in the living room, she walked all the way in: "Ouba, are you awake?"

The bathroom was opened a crack, and Han Zidong's voice came out: "Give me 5 minutes."

"An interviewer has arrived."

Han Zidong took out his phone and glanced at it: "Then tell him to wait in another room first, and I'll interview him after I wash up."

Five minutes later, Han Zidong finished eating a piece of bread, and walked into the room that served as a temporary interview room.

Cui Xueli sat aside wearing a mask, while Han Zidong took the paper resume without saying anything.

"Park Sung-soo?"


"Did you learn manga creation during school and be proficient in common drawing software?"


"What salary do you expect?"


The interview ended quickly, and Han Zidong said: "Park Shengxiu, we will notify you of the interview result within 48 hours. If you temporarily accept a new job offer, please notify us within 48 hours."

"Okay," Pu Shengxiu swallowed, "If there is a result of the interview, please notify me as soon as possible, otherwise I may have to leave Seoul."

"Why?" Cui Xueli couldn't help asking.

"I..." Park Shengxiu hesitated for a moment, and replied: "I made a mistake in the examination institute yesterday, and the administrator asked me to leave within 48 hours..."

(End of this chapter)

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