Chapter 11 Triple? 3 times?
At 55:[-], the other five interviewees arrived one after another.

Cui Xueli wears a pair of plain glasses and plays the role of an assistant perfectly.

After seeing off Park Shengxiu, she led a girl with long hair into the room, and then sat down directly next to Han Zidong.

After the girl finished introducing herself, Han Zidong asked aloud, "The monthly salary is only 80, can you accept it?"

"80?" The female interviewer's pupils trembled.

The average income of 80 is 30 days, that is, only 2.6 a day.This amount of money is definitely enough for a day's meal expenses, but it is only enough for meal expenses. At most, I can drink a glass of iced Americano, too much.

Adding in expenses such as phone calls, commuting, daily chemicals, and rent, this is not working, it is clearly working on a loan.

Although she had heard that the job of a writer's assistant was less money and more work, she really didn't expect it to be so little.

"What about working overtime?"

"There is overtime pay."

Han Zidong replied with a smile, he is not really a pickpocket, and he will not deliberately withhold the money that should be given.

"Does the working time have to be more than three months?"

"Yes, this requires signing a contract. After all, we also need to consider the input and output. What we need is a partner who can grow together, not an apprentice who comes to experience comic creation training."

The long-haired girl had an ugly expression. She hesitated for a moment and asked aloud, "Can I think about it for a few minutes?"

"Of course, please help call the next interviewer to come in for an interview when you go out."

Seeing the long-haired girl disappear at the door, Cui Xueli moved closer and said, "Ouba, I feel that this assistant's job is so cruel. You can see that she really wants to get this job, but she can't persuade herself to accept it for a while." This salary."

"Compared with trainees, which one do you think is more cruel?" Han Zidong gathered the documents on the table and asked casually.

Cui Xueli tilted her head and thought for a while: "That's even more cruel for the trainees, especially those trainees who didn't make their debut in the end."

"It's not easy for newcomers from all walks of life. Didn't you work hard back then?"

"Hey, haven't I already made my debut?"

Seeing the new interviewer walk into the room, Han Zidong smiled, put away his thoughts and continued with the interview.

Except for Park Sung-soo, who was a bit embarrassed, the other interviewers were generally unable to accept a monthly salary of 80, and even one of them seemed hesitant.

There was even a boy who was a bit more courageous and took the initiative to ask Han Zidong about the monthly salary of 80 to 100 million in the job advertisement, but it was only 80 when it came to the interview.

In this regard, Han Zidong's explanation is the cost of training. If the candidate has relevant work experience and can share the manpower after taking up the job, then the other party will naturally get a monthly salary of 100 million or even more.

As for these interviewees who have no work experience, he will spend at least half a month, or even a month to train them, and he must also take these intangible costs into consideration.

Only three of the last five interviewees accepted the salary, and the other two directly refused.

After sending off all the interviewees, Cui Xueli couldn't wait to tear off her mask: "It's not easy for everyone!"

Cui Xueli is aware of Han Zidong's financial situation, and she understands that Han Zidong's monthly salary of only 80 is for the survival of the studio, but when she sees those young faces who are extremely entangled, she feels that this society is really cruel.

"Since the big boss has spoken, I have to work hard to generate income, and strive to raise the salaries of the assistants who are on the job as soon as possible." Han Zidong left with a smile and walked towards his room.

The treatment he received as a manga assistant here in the peninsula in his last life was much worse than the treatment he is giving now.

It was 2017, and his salary at that time was only 85 yuan, and he didn't even think about overtime pay. He persisted in such days for more than two years.

This is not to say that he has to let all the newcomers go through his ordeal after being exposed to the rain himself, but that he is really short of money.

The labor cost here on the peninsula is still too high, which is why he is more willing to recruit new people, otherwise, the salaries of the two assistants alone will consume a lot of his budget.

It seems that we still have to find a way to make some quick money.

After a while, he walked into the living room holding two contracts, and handed one of them to Cui Xueli.

"This is a loan contract. You can confirm that there is no problem, and then sign your name."

"It doesn't have to be so formal."

"My repayment method is a bit unique, you'd better read it."

Cui Xueli then flipped through the contract, and soon she saw the part of the repayment method.

"Party A will repay 30.00% of the electronic and physical manuscript fee of "You Who Came from the Star" in the next year. If the repayment method cannot pay off the arrears, the principal and interest will be charged at three times the benchmark interest rate of the year repay……"

30% is 3000 million, so the implication is that the annual manuscript fee for "You Who Came from the Star" is at least 1 million yuan. On average, within 12 months, the monthly manuscript fee is at least 833 million.

Cui Xueli frowned slightly, not understanding why Han Zidong did this: "Can't your crowdfunding project on Tumblbug be successfully completed?"

Han Zidong shook his head: "Although the daily progress varies, the crowdfunding should be completed before the deadline. Even if it is short, the difference is at most one million and one hundred thousand. I can make up for it myself."

"Then why do you use this method of repayment? If you are short of money, the money will be used for you first, and I'm not in a hurry to get it back."

"There is definitely a lack of money, but it's not because of this reason. In fact, I want to cancel the original crowdfunding project and replace it with a comic website project."

Han Zidong brought a notebook from the table, opened a document, and showed it to Cui Xueli: "I thought that instead of sending traffic to people on Naver and Daum and earning a little advertising fee, it would be better to build a website by myself and use the charging model.

This website needs to be operated, and the author needs to be signed. The investment is not several hundred million, which is totally untenable. This money can only be raised from the Internet, and you must not think about it. "

Cui Xueli didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Ouba, you think too highly of me, and I've only just become financially independent, even if you want me to pay this money, I can't afford it."

"Originally, I wanted to use both, but the customer service said that a person can only initiate one project at a time.

I thought about it again and again, and I can only cancel the previous one, so the money I borrowed from you can only extend the repayment period. "

"Then don't pay back the interest, pay it three times, you think I'm a loan-lending society!"

Of course Han Zidong disagreed, and asked jokingly, "So you think I can't even earn [-] million in royalties for a year?"

Cui Xueli:? ? ?

"A draft fee of [-] million yuan a year, in your group of cartoonists, what level is this?"

"It's similar to Girls' Generation in your girl group."

When Girls' Generation was mentioned again, Cui Xueli choked: "Let's talk about the interest, let's calculate it based on the regular interest for one year."

"No, no, you are doubting my ability." Han Zidong continued to make jokes.

"It's not like that," Cui Xueli paused, and then thought of another possibility: "Perhaps you think you can sell the film and television adaptation rights of this comic within a year? I can recommend it to Teacher Li Xiuman for you."

Han Zidong shook his head: "The manuscript fee does not include merchandise, film and television copyright income, only pure subscriptions, rewards, and e-book revenue. Yes, it also includes royalties from physical books."

Not to mention 56.56 million (approximately 13), it is [-] billion, as long as he is given [-] months, he can change it, which is why he wanted to go back to China and go home in the first place.

Because even if he doesn't make any fuss, as long as he puts some of his money into domestic exchanges, at the end of 2013, there will be a wave of quick money beckoning him with hundreds of times the income.

The reason why he chose this gorgeous repayment method is that he hopes to put some pressure on himself. Now that the big talk has been released, he will have to work hard to manage you in the next few days.

Whether Cui Xueli placed strange emotions in Xingyou, or she believed in herself very much, the sum of 3000 million yuan was a good memory in his life, and he wanted to add a gorgeous decoration to this memory. end.

 One of the comments said that the protagonist is self-righteous. I really didn't expect him to get a lot of likes.

  You have to watch the scene of the conversation between the two. The atmosphere is relatively relaxed when two people talk in private.
  Secondly, the protagonist also wants to persuade Cui Xueli to accept this contract. He himself has no confidence, how can he persuade Cui Xueli.

  In the end, if I can make so much money, I will directly show the data

  After the broadcast of the drama version of "Misheng", word-of-mouth has exploded, which not only aroused the enthusiasm of office workers to watch the drama, but also drove the sales of the original comics. The sales volume of "Misaeng" comics jumped from 90 copies before it was broadcast to 200 million copies, making it the best-selling book in South Korea in 2014.


  When I have time, I will review this plot to see if my foreshadowing is not in place
(End of this chapter)

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